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© KYODOToyota decides not to air Olympics-related TV ads in Japan
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It would be nice if the government was as responsive to the concerns of the people as a car company is.
Bjorn Tomention
Toyota now realizes how bad these games are starting to look to the Japanese people and dont want to promote the tarnished spectacle any further, at least they can see how unpopular they are becoming.
This speak volumes !!
Now if only they stopped their cars being used so the entitled ones all had to walk and catch trains like the rest of us.
Bjorn Tomention
Bridgestone Corp heavily connected to that other former PM Hashimoto, the stupid one , family business , can you see the corruption now or not yet?
Being a sponsor of these organised robbery games should require swinging a bell. Like lepers used to do in medieval times. Just to warn people they are near.
Thomas Tank
Good move.
Good call. Well done, Toyota
very good decision by Toyota, washing their hands of this whole mess.
jiji Xx
rats...... ship......
It's probably because Toyota needs to protect an image that reflects in sales and the LDP may afford to have one more stain and still win the next elections. We will confirm this in a few months.
I wonder if Toyota would have coughed up 24 billion if the games were canceled. Morover, I wonder if Toyota will have ads during the Winter Games in 2022 held in China. It will be interesting to see if they show they same idealism in one party ruled China as they are showing in Democratic Japan.
When a large corporation careS more about its people then the government itself... clear sign some things must change as soon as possible.
Great example of leadership and showing what Japan is really about: respect and consideration for each other.
Token virtue-signalling to maintain their image in the hope that it does not affect future sales.
All their other support to the Games remains unchanged.
Oh, what (a) feeling!
You mean an responsive authoritarian government that is benevolent and guarantees civil liberties? Parties are more interested in attacking each other than getting things done in an inefficient oligarchy disguised as a democracy.
It's nice to see that among all the spiteful bickering here on JT, there's one issue that pretty much unites us all.
What CEO in his (it’s never a her in Japan but one can dream...) right mind would want the company brand tied to these COVID games?
a 5 second Google search can prove you wrong.
But I will let it slide because I agree with the rest of what you wrote, so close enough.
Wise call - contrarian and they will possibly lose all the sponsorship money. However the brand has more to lose than gain given current sentiments.
Seems smart. The Olympics are toxic.
Kick out suga and run the country for us
The Olympics brand will be tarnished and Toyota is doing the right thing by not fully participating with tarnishing their brand and agreeing with most of the citizens of japan think that the Olmpics should be cancelled.
Bjorn Tomention
The toxic games rebranded for 2021
They're still involved, just playing publicity games.
Toyota cars will be driving around your favorite athletes
Read the above CAREFULLY, toyota is only NOT airing in Japan, BUT they will air their commercials on tv etc OUTSIDE of Japan!!
Toyota is just being sneaky, they KNOW airing in Japan WILL hurt them so they are putting on the breaks for CMs ONLY in Japan!
Surely other companies will now cut ties with the Olympics? Toyota is the biggest and other brands will follow their lead.
I still hold out hope that the whole thing will be called off. It looks like a lot of team sports will be heavily impacted by covid.
What if the supposed 4000 positive cases in Tokyo over the past few days were asked where they had been and everybody who had been at those places was tested? Like other cities around the world do. And say 200,000 tests unveiled 20,000 more cases?
How many people in Tokyo will take covid back to their hometowns for Obon?