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© 2024 AFP
Yen falls to 34-year low against dollar
By Mathias CENA TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Tho dollar always strengthens when global tensions worsen. Bad for my son, in Tokyo, but good for my daughter, in the US.
Not all doom and gloom.
This will be a big boost for tourism - as well as those companies that export.
I am screwed.
I’m glad I work in the tourism industry right now. Too bad I can’t afford to leave Japan for a vacation of my own…
I'm stuck in Japan...
While I was working I invested something respectively in UK pounds, and US and Australian dollars, and kept a balance in yen. They slosh up and down against each other in value and save me from going mental.
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket", to quote the old proverb.
Swings and roundabouts time again!
Good for dollars coming in. Bad for yen going out.
Let's accelerate the exports, plain and simple.
Thank goodness my daughter had her one year study abroad program 4 years ago when she went to UCLA from Waseda.
Of course, at that time we were concerned about Covid 19. But luckily everything worked out well.
If we had to do it now it would cost 50% more on top of the astronomical fees we had to endure, health insurance, etc.......
In our case because of the Waseda/UCLA connection we only had to pay 50% to 60% of the total cost which, even so, was a complete nightmare.
If we had to do it nowadays......well we couldn't.
I feel for Japanese parents of today's students.
Yeah sure while the locals and the rest of us here enjoy a currency which has become toilet paper. And for your information since you seem to be confused about the real benefits of exports for Japan, the Japan exports averaged from 1970 to 2022 have only represented 12.82% of its total GDP, with a minimum of 8.82% in 1995 and a maximum of 21.54% in 2022. Nothing to brag about since the world average in 2022 based on 149 countries is 47.96 percent.
Reliance on imports? Japan for years have over tariffed imports to protect local markets. Now imports are more so perhaps local needs to setup and discount domestic products instead of importing them. Salaries haven’t increased in 34 years. Prices are often the same but shrinkage is amazing. Only way to solve this is to reduce taxes especially reduce consumption tax and decrease domestic products. Sadly the subsidy of local artificially expensive products needs to come to an end.
There is no stopping it. Period. They can "intervene" and that might bump up the yen for a couple of days, but then the slide will continue, especially if other nations decide to "intervene" as well to keep the yen weak. They can act, but Japan can do nothing if they do. There is no big economic boom going on here, no workforce that's going to solve any problems, other nations are taking over car and electronics markets, so what's Japan ACTUALLY going to do to counter this? Nothing.
As people have been saying for a year now, if not longer, it'll be 200 yen to the dollar before long, and Japan will be the fifth economy before the end of the year, and likely not even in the top 10 by 2030.
Mr Kipling
Not only the dollar the pound was 191 yesterday, making my exceedingly generous trust fund even exceedingly gooder!
US record money printing started with Biden Admin in 2021, historic approx. 50% growth.
US inflation and high rates followed, destroying currencies (E.g. Yen) around world, driving further global inflation, along with continued massive US Govt. Deficits now running approx. $1T EVERY 100 Days (CNBC).
US inflation, super core services inflation, increased to 6.8% in February this year, along with continued high interest rates due to massive deficits.
Real rate of US inflation today using FBR's inflation methodology pre-1983? Between 7 and 8%. Any surprise US in Stagflation? Growth's slowing, inflation's rising. Thus, Yen remains dumpster fire, inflation picking up etc.
Smith speaks the truth!
Does Japan like approx. 50% poorer as result of Biden Admin strong $policies destroying Yen? If Biden re-elected, most global currencies to continue to suffer.
Approx. 50% increase in US money supply in 2021, root cause of global inflation, weak currencies, high US rates.
As Biden's insider unelected special interest Globalists LOVE Strong dollar, high rates and inflation. Continued historic deficit spending to continue. No surprise world's busy joining BRICS & their De-dollarization Policy!
forex Trading is a fools errand and is just gambling. The yen was 140 to the dollar in December because of BOJ offhand remarks that they were ready to exit negative rates. Now they did and the dollar surges. Thanks BOJ. Just made 3 million in two weeks after converting my dollars back into yen. But I lost 3 million in December so in the end I made no money and am feeling lucky I finally broke even!
Probably going to 160.
Hang on to your bamboo hats. Could rip even higher. Who knows?
All my cash is in yen so not what I want to happen but.....
150 is where it should be forever.
don't know why but it just seems to be the Magic Number
The money manipulators just make fools out of all of us!
Big difference between Yen fundamentals and market structure so influenced by BOJ, FRB, etc. Japan's swimming in debt, servicing debt even with low interest rates very difficult, with de-population and aging.
Biden Admin policy of high inflation, high deficits, hard for US interest rates to drop. Real US inflation for typical consumer, adjusting for high interest rates, remains between 7 and 8%. Stagflation in US & Japan is real.
Question remains how much will BOJ be willing to burn up defending the Yen? In Oct/Nov 2022, estimated BOJ losses were b/w 50 and 100 billion USD$.
Mouthful above! If one likes elevated global inflation and currency destruction, like Yen, Biden Admin's $strong policies, Gov. deficits, high interest rates, etc. are for you!
In other words, no change.
Just in time for the ol' yearly Griswold family trip to Japan next week!
(though combined with how hard I took it while holding my ankles buying the plane tickets, it'll cost pretty much the same as any year... JAL doesn't even use lube anymore)
We know US CPI inflation was 1.4% in Jan 2021 when Biden took office and US interest rates were very low, average mortgage about 3% vs.+7% today.
Elevated global inflation and currency destruction, like Yen under Biden Admin's $strong policies = proven. US Govt. deficits, high inflation, interest rates, etc. Thus, Yen approx. 100 early Jan 2021, weakening steadily since.
If you like Japan Yen poorhouse, Biden Admin's for you!
David K Anderson
The weak yen is good for me (fixed USD income, living in Sapporo), but it's dropped so far that a lot of folks are suffering from the higher cost of imported goods on top of the price inflation in general. So I'm not really celebrating...that seems kinda selfish.
Good for you David, glad you're benefiting. Imagine, nearly entire world getting crushed by high inflation, far worse than Japan's +50% devaluation of the Yen just since Biden took office. Any wonder world in chaos?
Another happy camper, but too bad so many globally starving and suffering malnutrition due to Biden Admin's proven global inflation and strong dollar policies. No laughing matter in Japan's yen poorhouse either. thanks Joe!
Biden policies = the root cause of the inflation cancer, the global currency destruction, like the Yen, driving it!
Hervé L'Eisa
Keynesians taking a well
Hervé L'Eisa
Keynesians taking a well deserved beating. Ultra-loose monetary policy coming home to roost.
Right you are, nothing intergalactic about Biden's known historic money printing, deficit spending and inflation track record, causing US interest rates to skyrocket, destroying the Yen and most currencies along the way!
Biden Admin wars have also contributed greatly to US interest rate risk premiums, causing further Yen weakness!
The Biden global inflation, high interest rate, strong dollar and global currency destruction (e.g. Yen) is obvious, As are your attempts at division from the truth.
Japan Yen poorhouse is looking for truthful answers!
Maruno Nakanishi
I hope this strategy will work for the better.
We are seeing price stability or price cuts in Japan suggesting the demographic cliff deflation is coming back.
Pirate dollar who only hurts the world..
Like Pokemon Cards, the more you print, the less people want them. This is a result of 30 years of money printing.
The government printing money and giving most everybody another 100k doesn't help either.
Has the price of rent/home ownership gone up in Japan?
Calling it Biden inflation is very wrong as this inflation was predicted in 2020 as a direct result of the failed policies around the globe for the corona virus. Unneeded lockdowns, border closures, free money for keeping your store/shop closed, etc. None of it was useful, didn’t help in ending the pandemic (in fact, every lockdown made it longer), and so on.
For those who work and live in Japan, their salaries just lost 50% of value since a couple of years ago, when the USD was on 100JPY average... And yes, salaries are in the same level as 35 years ago.
This is good for foreigner visiting, but desasyrous for locals who are getting poorer and poorer by day, also by a galopant inflation as a result of the Yen crash.
The government is printing money, what do you expect?