Japan Today

ANA, JAL see profits soar on travel recovery


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Passenger demand is rapidly recovering due to the easing of restrictions related to COVID-19 for domestic flights and the easing of entry restrictions in many countries for international flights," ANA said in a statement.

Good news.

So masks and what-knot didn't put travellers off from returning to Japan after all. As predicted.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Lower your ticket price it is too expensive to go anywhere

27 ( +30 / -3 )

Both companies were hit hard by restrictions in Japan and worldwide during the pandemic.

And were well-subsidized by the J. taxpayer to soften the blow, unlike the public.

Wonder why that is not mentioned.

So giving back to the public weal in 3...2...1....

9 ( +17 / -8 )

Not a surprise seeing how much the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb of the air price gouge. The most expensive carriers to use.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Folks shouldnt be fooled by these numbers here and think it's just income or profits from ANA and JAL alone. Comments about the tickets, while spot on, fail to take into account that both these carriers have low cost, close to LCC priced, regional carriers, that help the bottom line.

I would love to see what their profits were, broken down, including their regional carrier affiliations.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

And were well-subsidized by the J. taxpayer to soften the blow, unlike the public.

I am curious to know just what subsidizes you are talking about, preferably in detail and not just conjecture, in comparison to the "public".

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

In any case, the planes have been pretty full last few times I flew, so things are probably getting better for the tourism industry here.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I am curious to know just what subsidizes you are talking about, preferably in detail and not just conjecture, in comparison to the "public".

Curious as to why this response seems to get posted often and I post the same response.

Corporate welfare has become background noise and accepted while any public welfare is criticized.


This is not even taking into account the GoTo scheme corporate socialism for the rich.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

My December flight with ANA was $1,000 more than usual. Hopefully prices will come down as more routes are added back in.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Curious as to why this response seems to get posted often and I post the same response.

It's just easier to complain than to think.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This is not even taking into account the GoTo scheme corporate socialism for the rich.

Corporate socialism? I guess the little travel agency that benefited from this "scheme" is a corporate devil too.

Granted it was created to get people who have extra money to use it on travel and to stimulate spending by the public, yet you fail to realize that Japan is a SOCIAL-democracy, and, socialism as you use, like a dirty word, is a part of just about every democracy in the world. That social-security check someone gets, is "socialism" at work, just like the checks and money people received during the pandemic as well.

People complain about "socialism" as being some corporate evil, yet socialism and socialist policies permeate the entire society here, not just business!

Why do you think Japan is in such debt? Hence my previous reply in a separate post, easier to complain than think.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

What I don't get is why it is alot cheaper for people traveling direct from the UK to Japan than I pay to visit the UK.

It feels like I'm being used to offer tourist cheaper flights.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Of course the the profits soar when international tickets are 100% more expensive than before Covid. Again Japanese people are being ripped off big time. The same ticket costs at least 30% less if you buy if from eg Europe to Japan. Not even talking about the fantastic ANA mileage club where you can’t book an international flight whatsoever.

Oh but we have war and energy prices are up. Are they? Japan is still buying cheap energy from Russia so why are the prices up 100%?

I have no words for this greed and the contempt for normal people who can’t afford to get out of Japan after 3 years imprisonment. Shame on you!!!

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Will they still offer their cabin crews the choice of a 2-day week?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

If you want to book a flight, 2-3 months before your scheduled departure is typically the cheapest its going to get. I managed to snag a Malaysian Airlines return flight from Haneda to Phuket for about 80,000 Yen in December. That was cheapest I could find. No chance getting a Japanese carrier for that price. Now I'm looking for flights to YVR from Tokyo (all airports) for the summer. Haven't been home (Canada) since 2019 because of the 'vid'. Anyways, hoping to get something around 120,000 yen without having to fly to Hong Kong first.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

At the prices they charge, no surprises!

I always fly back to Europe with Singapore or Asiana; much cheaper. Plus you get to spend time in truly top notch airports like Incheon and Changi. Narita and Haneda are just awful airports.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

great now you can lower your prices and give back the money you took from the government when they bailed your failing business out

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I'm glad ANA and JAL are both recovering. Great airlines!!!

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Quick to raise prices. Very very slow to reduce prices.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Granted it was created to get people who have extra money to use it on travel and to stimulate spending by the public, yet you fail to realize that Japan is a SOCIAL-democracy, and, socialism as you use, like a dirty word, is a part of just about every democracy in the world. That social-security check someone gets, is "socialism" at work, just like the checks and money people received during the pandemic as well.

Japan is a SOCIAL-democracy,

JT is an unusual social news site and this is unusual.

There is nothing "socialist democracy" about the crony capitalist one party oligopoly of Japan.

ANA and JAL are invitees to the crony banquet and get subsidized.

There are no such benefits to the public put out by pandemic measures or job losses and companies fixing their bottom line by cutting staff in a health management disaster.

I am as socialist as it gets here, but the airlines bailouts are a textbook example of socialism for the rich, paid for by the working public least able to afford it, and benefiting the bottom line of corporate executives who dread a minuscule dip int their stock prices and dividends to stakeholders.

If you enjoy socialism for corporations good on you.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Of course the the profits soar when international tickets are 100% more expensive than before

Woah, which airline and what flight cost 100% more than pre-pandemic?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@yubaru: the greediest of them all ANA. Any flight to Europe now is twice as expensive- fact.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

There are no such benefits to the public put out by pandemic measures or job losses and companies fixing their bottom line by cutting staff in a health management disaster.

Where in Japan were health industry staff cut during the pandemic?

No benefits to the public you say? Hmmm.... 100,000 payouts to all residents, foreign and domestic. Free testing, free vaccinations, (ooppps paid for by the government/socialism) Subsidizes for businesses, small and large, that closed or adhered to strict guidelines, reimbursement for lost wages by individuals who worked PT jobs, in particular HS, and Uni aged. and others as well, not just to corporations, but small and medium businesses as well.

Far too many folks have convenient amnesia or really do not pay attention to actual Japanese news or their local municipalities and the information shared regarding the subsidizes and assistance available.

If one relies on English press alone here in Japan, they are only reading or getting 1/10 of 1% of the "news"

It's easier to complain than think!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

because they have ramped up prices to recoup losses from the shutdown.....despite receiving public money from the government....yet again, we the consumers, are getting shafted. Corporate socialism is perfectly fine, but Socialism for the people is a big no-no......sickening

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What I don't get is why it is alot cheaper for people traveling direct from the UK to Japan than I pay to visit the UK.

It feels like I'm being used to offer tourist cheaper flights.

Likely there is more demand on people wanting to leave Japan for the UK, than the opposite way. I have railed against this before and even emailed British Airways to ask why, their reply was basically "market forces" with a lot of flowery, vague language in between.....it's BS. But that's capitalism for you.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

reimbursement for lost wages by individuals who worked PT jobs,

Utterly false and the stark division between the pandemic response in NZ, France, Northern Europe, who did bailout out part time workers with payroll protection, the true socialist democracies and the crony capitalist socialism for the rich of LDP Japan who gave continuous subsidies to various businesses.

This absolutely did not happen in the Japanese or Western media and is some great historical revisionism for what purpose I know not.

ANA, JAL and Japan Inc. gorged at the public trough while workers were left to struggle through the pandemic

and have yet to recover.


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

ANAs 4 QTR earnings reports for 2022 pretty much confirms what everyone else is writing - long story short - they charged a whole LOT more for seats than they did in 2021. For ANA - they made 501% passenger profit from 2021 despite only having an actual passenger increased load factor of 47.5% from 2021:


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Utterly false 。。。。

Another one who only relies on English news!


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Not surprised ANA made such a profit, we always fly with them but they LOVE to rip off families. Whack their prices up In school holidays just to make sure they make every single yen out of families, like all airlines/hotels do….

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@yubaru: the greediest of them all ANA. Any flight to Europe now is twice as expensive- fact.

Please share what ANA flight to Europe is double in price now, compared to pre-covid. I am not asking for flight comparisons between ANA and a different carrier, just ANA flights.

I know flights are more expensive, but and as was with my initial comment, it's not a question about "Company A" v.s. ANA, it's a question about which flights, ANA vs ANA are twice as expensive!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Whilst the in-flight service on JAL is really good, it doesnt warrant the ridiculous prices. Asiana ftw.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Another one who only relies on English news!


Wrong and grossly misleading.

No idea what skin in the game you have here Yubaru in arguing that contract workers were subsidized and bailed out in Japan during coronavirus restrictions in the same way that Japanese businesses (like ANA and JAL) and workers in Western nations were .

But it did not happen in Japan and that is some major historical revisionism and did you read your own government provided source?


Particularly where entrepreneurs and business owners are compensated whereas part time shift workers without set hours are not?

In Japan, whether using abundant Japanese language sources or English sources corporations and businesses got government largess while workers were left with 100,000 one time or none.

Full stop.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Banking generous govt subsidies while using the pandemic as an excuse to price gouge is very profitable - and despicable.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Good if representative of the tourism industry as a whole.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Fare may be high but overall cost of travrl may have gone down drastically compared to when there were still testing and quarantine requirements

1 ( +1 / -0 )

 JAL revised down its net profit estimate to 25 billion yen from 45 billion yen, saying domestic business demand is recovering slowly

How about maybe introducing a re-introductory price?

Maybe for the first three months or on weekdays, make fares 30-50% off or something. Keep only weekend and peak times at their absurd prices.

Maybe then regular people will get out there and travel again.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

No idea what skin in the game you have here Yubaru in arguing that contract workers were subsidized and bailed out in Japan during coronavirus restrictions in the same way that Japanese businesses (like ANA and JAL) and workers in Western nations were .

Huh? Now you are attempting, rather poorly I might add, to put words into my mouth that I never stated.

Never made any comparisons to other countries, talking purely about Japan.

Try again.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

¥250,000 for a round trip to the UK and difficult finding a non-stop flight which is now 17 hours. I need to visit this year. Maybe I will do one or two hops?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I personally hate ANA. Don't ever want to use them again. I prefer JAL. Like most here though, wish the prices were lower.

Don't know if we will be travelling anytime in the near future.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

reimbursement for lost wages by individuals who worked PT jobs, in particular HS, and Uni aged. and others as well, not just to corporations, but small and medium businesses as well.

Quoting this once again as it is no backed up by the Japanese or English sources provided.

You are equivocating quite poorly that the part time labor force was compensated commensurate with lost wages by the Japanese government during the COVID-19 emergency.

This was not the case and no sources support this.

Airlines、large Corporations , many small businesses were subsidized disproportionately and I do not understand why you deny this .

Therefore, I made the comparison to other nations which did provide their labor force with regular stimulus during the pandemic.

Long story short, ANA and JAL are welfare queens and now making healthy profits

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Airlines have to be supported, lots of jobs and businesses that depend on it.

Where would we be now if airlines were allowed to keel over during the pandemic

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Go ANA, go JAL..


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Both companies had a critical role in the import and distribution of PPE and vaccines during the pandemic. They also used their idle passenger aircraft as cargo transportation enabling Japanese companies to maintain their supply chains even when the demand for air cargo far exceeded the ability of Cargo only airlines to meet.

Neither company involuntarily separated a single employee during the pandemic.

And no "hand outs" were given. Both companies recieved loans and loan guarantees which are being repaid with interest.

So, hardly the fat-cat give-aways that our resident anti-capitalist loves to blather about.

As for the prices, it is not gouging. It's called Supply, Demand, and the Market. I seem to recall a book called "the wealth of nations" written by one A. Smith written on that very subject.

And for all the belly-aching, I cannot help but notice all the flights are essentally full both domestic and internationally.

Oh those pesky facts.....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And no "hand outs" were given. Both companies recieved loans and loan guarantees which are being repaid with interest.

So, hardly the fat-cat give-aways that our resident anti-capitalist loves to blather about.

Oh, hello there and let me continue with my inconvenient blathering in face of a remarkable number of posters stepping up to defend corporate welfare.

Given that airlineslukr JAL and ANA serve a function and the particular companies did a fair to middling job passing along the publicly funded largesse to their key staff.

Still, similar arguments were used for 2008 banker bailouts.

Should the government be in the business of giving zero interest loans?

Especially if they are exclusively to crony corporations ?

It doesn't take too much effort to make a handsome profit and repay a billion dollar zero interest loan.

Unless you are a multiple bankrupt.

Study a bit more about Adam Smith and the euthanasia of the rentier while you are at it too

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Will there be any impact to the Japanese economy if these airlines were not bailed out?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Quoting this once again as it is no backed up by the Japanese or English sources provided.

Never stated a single thing about "English" sources, and only the intellectually bankrupt wouldnt be able to see the facts that the Japanese government, did in fact support those I referred to. I left the trail, go follow it.

You are equivocating quite poorly that the part time labor force was compensated commensurate with lost wages by the Japanese government during the COVID-19 emergency.

Nope you are assuming something I never wrote.

Airlines、large Corporations , many small businesses were subsidized disproportionately and I do not understand why you deny this .

Where exactly did I deny it? You should reread what I wrote and quit assuming something else.

Therefore, I made the comparison to other nations which did provide their labor force with regular stimulus during the pandemic.

Wrong, doesnt support anything, this isnt "gaikokuland", this is a discussion about Japan!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Still, similar arguments were used for 2008 banker bailouts.

The Troubled assets relief program as well as the loans to the auto industry saved not only hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs, not only saved modern capitalism upon which whether you approve or not, Western democracy is based, both loans were paid back with interest in other words the Federal government made moment on them. But by all means continue to blather.

Should the government be in the business of giving zero interest loans?

The loans were not zero interest according to publicly available information, the unsecured portion of the loans was neither backed by the government (e.g. you don’t have a single yen at risk), they were (are) being repaid at an annual interest rate of 4% which is far above the prime rate in Japan.

Especially if they are exclusively to crony corporations ?

It doesn't take too much effort to make a handsome profit and repay a billion dollar zero interest loan.

Again, you are mistaken. They were not zero interest loans.

Unless you are a multiple bankrupt.

Study a bit more about Adam Smith and the euthanasia of the rentier while you are at it too

As I have a graduate degree in Business and taught economics for about 10 years and you it seems did not, I’ll put my understanding of market economics in a macro environment against yours any day.

You might want to study up a bit yourself while you are at it.

A grasp of the actual facts would be a good place to start.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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