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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Billionaire Blastoff: Rich riding own rockets into space
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Kobe White Bar Owner
Narcissists fighting for the spotlight. The orange one must be so jealous!
Richard Gallagher
What goes up, must come down. Two egomaniacs, flying high, to the edge of space, but not far enough. A one way trip to Mars with their fellow megalomaniac Musk, is hopefully offering in the future.
Mr Kipling
There was a crowd funding campaign in the UK to not let Richard Branson re-enter!
At least Musk actually has a vision and results to back it up. Musk has an erratic, arrogant personality but I would bet my money on him to actually change the world and beyond. Bezos and Branson are just attention seekers
Money and fools are soon parted.
My Granny constantly drilled that into me from childhood.
Branson’s flight will be longer, but Bezos’ will be higher.
Branson’s craft has more windows, but Bezos’ windows are bigger.
Both fail to full comprehend the reality's of life in the here and now on terra-firma, a devastating pandemic, a so called climate crisis, third world poverty.
Both want to wallow in an ego driven space race that has no logical meaning.
Branson is nothing more that a tax avoider.
Remember Toru Muranishi lost his everything when he focused too much to the satellite thing. That's what might happen to these guys.
But Branson is loved by majority of British public. They have been wanting the National Lottery to be controlled by him as well but Camelot will never give anyone the chance.
I have no issues at all with any of them doing whatever they please, but please, please tell us how the toilet situation works. It is hard enough to find a clean private toilet around the world yet these guys are confined to space suits.
I can tell you some good stories about umbrellas...
Mr Kipling
The crowd funding in the UK was British humor.
They should both try to get to Mars before Musk-keep on going!
Commodore Perry
Mr KiplingToday 01:37 pm JST
zichiToday 02:07 pm JST
So that means he is outside the UK, so he would be re-entering the UK on his next visit there.
Commodore Perry
Mr KiplingToday 01:37 pm JST
zichiToday 10:13 pm JST
Ok, but Branson would be re-entering the UK regardless of how long he would stay there, which is what me and Mr Kipling are discussing.
Commodore Perry
zichiToday 10:52 pm JST
No, we both are discussing re-entering. Mr K never wrote 'forever'.
And the tax exile comment is totally irrelevant to Branson re-entering the UK.
Commodore Perry
zichiToday 11:27 pm JST
Really? Because you say so?
How does the below response show an understanding of British humor?
zichiToday 02:07 pm JST
They are not going into space, they are going up high then floating back down.
It's an "I did it!" brag for the rich crowd.
I call this the Bill Gates effect, whereby rich person does something counter to what the other rich people do by actually trying to support humanity, and people call them the devil.
The greatest thing about the internet is that it gave everyone a voice. The worst thing about the internet is that it gave everyone a voice.
Commodore Perry
This is great that they are doing this.
Thank you Richard and Jeff!
Commodore Perry
The tax authorities in the US and UK would seize their assets if they really were not paying their share of taxes.
Commodore Perry
zichiToday 09:07 am JST
If they did something illegal, they should pay. Otherwise, let's be thankful for the thousands of jobs they created, and taxpayers that derive from that.
Ahh yes. Amazon workers who are paid below-poverty wages and wear diapers because they don’t get bathroom breaks. And even if they did, the bathrooms can be more than half a mile away, depending on where in the warehouse you work.
3 ego maniacs with extortionate wealth and a longing to go into space.
Please stay there.
Commodore Perry
These two heroes must be grateful to Donald Trump for making this happen.
"There was grass growing in the cracks of the runway. There were all broken-up runaways. There was grass growing through those cracks. And it's now a vibrant, incredible place," Trump said of NASA, adding: "That was a closed, dead field, and I'm very, very proud of the Space Force."
How much CO2 are these idiots dumping into the atmosphere for their joy rides?
Boku Dayo
And it's not just them. It's your average Joe too in his Tesla too. There is no shortage of hypocrites in this world.