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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012.Ford asks steep price for Japan to join TPP talks
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I will certainly buy a Ford now. Great words about Japan's car market. To buy a car in Japan you must have a parking space, Then the taxes are many fold with a wallet busting MOT test which entices buyers to change their car.
From the country that spent billions bailing out failed automotive corporations and still, to this day, spends millions to keep them solvent.
Boo Hoo, Ford crying because GM outsells them. Ford supports Canada and Mexico because they make their new cars there. Japan makes a lot of their cars in USA thereby giving work to Americans. Ford gives work to Canadians and Mexicans. There are no real barriers for Ford to sell their vehicles in Japan. It is just that some Japanese people prefer European cars.
The only real test would be to remove all tariffs, in all countries. Then let the people with the cash in their pockets decides which cars they want to buy, ford, toyota, bmw, or whatever.
A free trade agreement with only the right partners? Ford must be worried that their cars are not up to standard and having owned a few fords I can see their concern. Can't compete so they want to just sink the opposition. Agree with a previous poster, let the people with the money decide.
has nailed it, all day long you hear nippon this, nippon that, nippon ichi........
It is hammered into their brains 24/7, tough to beat that one.
Which is why j-rice shud get ZIP/ZERO protection, Japan shud be forced to open the markets that are protected by more than the usual brain washing OTHERWISE the other industries dont get to play.
Thats the approach thats needed with Japan
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
From a maintenance perspective, I prefer to buy a domestic car since parts are more readily available and less expensive. Ford does trucks well, but passenger cars(sedans) not so well. For reliability, owners have long chosen Japanese cars, and with very good reason;they are the most reliable!
This FORD big-wig is talking out his you-know-what. They just don't want real competition to play on an actually level playing field. The Japanese make much better cars due to attention to detail, from the engineering draftboards to the assembly line workers. It's about meticulously watching the details. The fact is that US car makers have the "good enough for government work" mentality, from the top down to the assembly line. Of course FORD supports Mexico and Canada joining TPP, they have no domestic auto brands! DUH!
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Where do old Japanese cars go? They're exported to developing nations, as they still have lots of utility left in them. Where do old US cars go? NOWHERE, because after ten years they really are junk. That wasn't always the case, though. US made good cars until the 70's. Cars made in the 50's and 60's were built to last. I still have my '65 Ford Galaxie(in storage). That car is a gem.
When Ford decides to build cars that are for the road conditions here and are reasonably priced I might look at them the next time I go to purchase a car. Until then I will stick with the domestic cars.
I would have to say though that even though Ford never came out and said it, due to the Japanese shaken, foreign built cars are prohibitively more expense to get through the inspection process if one needs parts.
Vic -- so what? That has nothing to do at all with TPP. TPP is about exports and imports, and free trade. And, Chip, Ford has not taken a penny of government money. And if folks don't think Japanese carmakers benefitted from years, actually decades, of currency manipulation by the J-government, you just are blind to reality. And that amounted to many billions as well.
I think that Ford is bringing to light a larger issue which is the Japanese government's neglect of the individual and the relatively more difficult life that the people put up with in order to maintain an export machine at any cost. I've had more people tell me that the Japanese will only buy Japanese cars as a matter for reasons that have nothing to do with the merits of the product and unfortunately, Ford's Lincoln brand can't compete in the high end market which is the only niche for foreign cars. At the end of the day though if Ford cannot formulate a similarly cozy relationship with the Obama administration that Toyota has in Japan then it may have a tough road ahead of it. That said, a really smart China strategy, along with a second term for President Obama and a redoubling of its commitment to making products like the Focus and Fusion could become a game changer no matter the Japanese government's dogmatic commitment to an archaic industrial policy of economic prosperity through continuous sacrifice and drive for exports.
Earth to William Duncan - the yen would be in the 70's (at least) if the government did not intervene.
Perhaps if Ford made decent cars, people would buy them? Indeed Japan has issues with protectionism (not like the US doesn't) but people don't want to buy Fords because they aren't great cars. Japanese cars, for all their recalls and problems, are still better than American cars.
Also, Toyota has more Americans working for them than Ford does... they might want to watch what they say and who they go crying to.
Japanese cars, for all their recalls and problems, are still better than American cars.
@tmarie - Are you saying that the Corolla is better than the Focus - really?? No doubt Toyota has some great cars like the Lexus and the hybrids but there is no way they employ more Americans. Certainly not at headquarters or any of their key R&D, design, manufacturing facilities or at their extensive network of suppliers in Aichi where all the value-added work is done. Get real or prove that there is anyone of consequence in Toyota City or within a 10 thousand mile radius that is not Japanese or male. In fact, judging by your name I would hazard the guess that they wouldn't even hire someone like you to serve their tea.
Roger Goetz
My last 3 vehicles have been Fords, and they certainly outweigh the Japanese vehicles that I have owned here.
The major topic here, is to actually open the market; In America, there are car dealers everywhere, giving poeple a choice. Where is the choice in Japan, nope, isn't one, either buy Japanese or die trying... The playing field isn't even, and that is where the conversation lies, get a level playing field like we have done for you in America.
Jared Norman
i had a mustang and it broke down on me twice in 6 months, i had an acura and it had 120k on it after 10 years and never broke down, i sold it because i wanted the mini cooper for the surf racks
Tiger, I don't think I gave any examples. Overall, Americans cars, the ones my family have owned and that I have driven, have been inferior to the Japanese cars they've owned and I've driven. I would never, never buy an American car based on all the things I've seen and heard about them with regards to quality, needing repairs and the money they cost.
When everything was happening a few years ago and American companies were looking for bailouts and hating Toyota, I read that Toyota has more American employees and job in the US than Ford. I believe I read that on JT. Also, there are numerous foreigners employed by Toyota in Japan. Perhaps you're the one that needs the reality check?
They probably wouldn't hire me as a tea maker but they'd hire me as in in house translator or training. You're making a fool of yourself by suggesting otherwise.
I think the Korean market is more restrictive than the Japanese one, yet the US and Korea have recently implemented a free trade agreement. What did Ford have to say about that?
A nice read...
Who does Biegun work for? Oh, I get it.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Japanese also love to buy imports; In my neighborhood there are countless Benz, BMWs, some Rovers, Jags, VW, Volvo, Peugeot, etc, but barely a handful of US models. Why? Probably because most are not very desirable. There ARE a couple Ford Explorers, Hummers, Jeeps, Escalades, one Navigator, and some older cars. Yes, it's an affluent neighborhood, so they can choose whatever they like. For middle income or less, domestic is usually the wiser choice anyway.
Ford is crying wolf here it seems to me.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Roger Goetz, not sure where you are talking about, but there are plenty of import dealerships around Kanagawa, Tokyo, and Saitama.
Elbuda Mexicano
FORD is full of CRAP! The Japanese bust their asses night and day to make GOOD cars that are acceptable to each country they sell their cars to, so just for starters, the Japanese put the steering wheel on the LEFT side so that American drivers will not get confused when driving on the right side of the road which is true for ALL OF THE AMERICAS, as far as I know from Argentina all the way up to Canada and everything in between people drive on the right side and have their steering wheels on the left side of their cars, what does shitty ass FORD do in Japan??? They try to keep selling their crappy cars here in Japan with the steering wheel ON THE WRONG SIDE FOR JAPAN! Japan is not an easy place to drive now keep making HUGE CARS with the steering wheel ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE and you get a recipe for many Japanese saying something like, sure EN DAKA DORU YASU so I will be a TOYOTA made in the USA and ready for export back to Japan, not some crap from FORD etc..that says, this is American, love it or leave it?? So many Japanese do leave FORD right there in the show room, too much of a hassle! If you ever have a problem with a Japanese car, the staff will bend over backwards to find the problem and FIX it, have a problem with a FORD?? You will PAY THROUGH THE NO$E!!!
Tmarie, no you didn't give any examples but he is right, a ford focus is better than a toyota corolla. A ford fiesta is better than a Mazda2. The truth of the matter is that today American brands are now just as good as Japanese brands when it comes to quality, repairs and price. Anyone who still repeats the old mantra that American car companies don't make quality cars that are equal to Japanese car companies is nothing more than ignorance and if they use that as a way to determine what cars to buy then they are fool.
I think Japan has offered an environment in which foreign makers can be flourish, and there aren't such big obstacles as they said. Then why do you think European makers like BMW, Mercedes, and Audi are so popular in Japan? Most Japanese consider having a car made by foreign maker especially European is a kind of a status symbol.
American makers not only Ford have already had bad image in Japan. I don't know well about recent Ford's cars, but their cars are regarded as fuel-consuming, too big, and not confortable. Also preference on cars is very different between Japanese and Americans. Japanese people don't like to have a sort of wild cars. If you seriously want to be flourish, how about thinking of creating new cars which suit for Japan's market, not just exporting their cars. Many Japanese makers have produced cars only for foreign markets to penetrate in the markets.
I have no idea how good American cars are these days but like others on this forum I have bad memories growing up where my parent's car constantly broke down. Its therefore not too surprising that people in their 20s - 40s who had similar experiences growing up would shy away from US cars (first impressions are important). Secondly.. take a look at ford's Japan web site to see what sort of selection of cars they offer in Japan. They only offer 4 models and 2 are SUVs. Which is consistent w/ their US strategy of many years back which went south when gas prices sky rocketed and people decided they can't afford big cars.
Ford should really focus on more compact cars and possibly even those qualifying as 軽車 which make up a significant percentage of car sales here.
This is not the smartest thing to do, American cars won't be sold in Japan , this is a waste of time and obviously a desperate attempt to make some money by selling crappy cars in the Japanese market.
Not even the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet would invest in Ford, this should be a warning to all Doge, Ford,Chev, Chrysler owners.
What cars of theirs are crappy iamgaijin? Go read some car magazine about the quality of today's world brands and you will find that they are all pretty much equal.
Well, I guess Ford cars' image and quality has come up alittle bit since they started building the Focus and Fusion in Mexico....but I don't see Ford in general as doing well in Japan or other Asian countries... Maybe Buick in China, but not Ford.
How many Hyundais do you see on Japan's roads? None. Japanese won't buy them because Japanese consumers are racist. That's despite the fact Hyundai is one of the world's successful and fastest-growing carmakers. That's basically the gist of Beigun's comments.
There's no place in a global free trade agreement for Japan, given the attitudes deliberately formed by its education system and media.
Kaketama, no one in my family owns any American cars. Japanese and Korean only so it seems I'm not out od date with with it all. Most of my friends own Japanese, Korean or German. No one wants an American car because they are gas guzzling, huge road beast that seem to need constant car. The only American car I will speak highly of it Saturn but the company was left to fend for itself because of male egos and power trips.
Jeff, Korean and Japanese are the same race. If you want to insult the locals, go for xenophobic. I would agree that there are issues with Japanese thinking Korean cars suck. In the past they have sucked but are great now considering their price. But considering the number of German cars out there, you'd have a hard time suggesting that Japanese don't like other makers. Korean cars are known for being reliable and cheap. German cars give an image of wealth. This is Japan. Image wins over practicality every time.
From what i have heard and seen in my JP videos.... JP people really like foreign cars..... European ones not American ones .... and certainly not Korean... Ford is just crying for nothing, the same way Ford was the biggest crybaby when Toyota was going to be entering NASCAR racing in the USA.... so what else is new
German cars? They were long a niche market, not a threat to the domestic makers, and were hence tolerated. Korean cars are a direct threat to Japan's automakers, and hence they will not be tolerated, no matter how good they are.
A country cannot hope to engage in "free trade" as long as those attitudes are prevalent.
JeffLeeMay. 07, 2012 - 06:31AM JST How many Hyundais do you see on Japan's roads? None. Japanese won't buy them because Japanese consumers are racist.
I have seen some Hyundais on the roads over here. Japanese people don't have to buy overseas brands of cars as they have so many choices in Japan. No one is stopping Ford from setting up their own dealership in Japan. If Japanese people like Fords, they will buy them. Saying Japanese are racist because they don't buy Korean cars is not very nice. Am I racist if I don't want to buy a Korean car ? How many Japanese cars can you find on Korean Roads ?
VicOsaka: Hyundai was forced to leave the Japanese market in 2009 after appalling sales. Funny how one of the world's most successful and competitive brands can't make it in Japan, eh?
Your argument is that as long as J consumers have domestic products to chose from, then they don't need foreign products? Well, as I stated before, if that's the attitude, then don't engage in a free-trade agreement. Stay at home and watch the rest of the world pass you by.
I am not a big fan of Ford myself. I prefer Chevy & Toyota personally but I don't think this really has much to do with Ford or the auto industry. All trade agreements suffer from the same fundamental flaw: They are not self-enforcing. Trade agreements depend upon vigorous enforcement, which requires official complaints be made when violations occur. In 2001, the US entered into a similar trade agreement with the country of Jordan. The agreement was heralded for its progressive labor standards. However more recently instances of foreign workers in Jordan forced into slave labor, stripped of their passports, denied their wages, and compelled to work for days without rest. These incidents have been occurring in Jordan because Jordanian labor laws preclude protections for foreign workers. Due to Japan's protectionist policies in retrospect. They are able to ship more than 200 cars to the U.S. for every one car the U.S. is able to export there. A one-sided free trade agreement with Japan will lock in an advantage that has already created a more than $40 billion U.S. auto-trade deficit. European and Asian auto makers also struggle to sell cars in Japan's which has an import penetration of less than 5% That is compared to an average of 40% among developed markets.
This imbalance is entirely due to non-tariff barriers such as Japan's aggressive, export-driven currency intervention, which gives its domestic companies an unfair advantage. The biggest U.S. trade accord in almost two decades is currently with South Korea. Which will cut about 80% of tariffs between US & South Korea. Although in Japan's case once there is no need for domestic labor in America for Japanese companies, they will close up shop. Tax revenue from Japanese imports will disappear and Japanese export revenues will balloon. The auto industry isn't the only ones skeptical of Japan's involvement in TPP trade talks. U.S, European & other international insurance groups have raised concerns that pending legislation to overhaul Japan Post could make it easier for the state-run firm to offer new insurance products, which could provide it with an advantage over foreign insurers that don't face the same regulatory requirements.
How is this going to benefit either side when neither is willing to meet in the middle. Why should there even be a trade agreement when Japan refuses to be an equal trading partner? In a since I can see what some people's reservations are in this. What is going to happen when exports start to dry up? It is already happening with Sony which is laying off thousands of mostly foreign workers, no surprise there. Sony is loosing it's market share to Samsung in the export market. Not to mention Korean products are extremely price competitive as where Japanese tend to be among the highest in the industry. I prefer Samsung myself as I can't afford Sony's overinflated prices. Not to mention in Japan that is all the worse. There is no easy answer when it comes to trade but it shouldn't be a one sided affair either. Although I don't see this changing anytime soon. At some point Japan is going to have to open up more if it wants to remain a legitimate player in the global marketplace. Otherwise people will just stop buying their products and look to their competitors. Good luck keeping enough domestic demand as US can't even do that on it's own. Whether we like it or not trade is the engine for the global economy. No one country can survive without it on it's own.
Nice blurb that one!
Yes Japan is indeed not so slowly but surely is eating itself alive. I dont think the rest of the world shud do Japan any favours UNLESS Japan is REALLY willing to do likewise.
Japan has had its cake & eaten it too, for a long long time, but the good ole days have VANISHED & arent likely to return.
Japan is going to have to learn to not only take BUT GIVE. Other wise other countries are just not going to put up with the BS any longer, the gig is up, time Japan relaizes it too.
Dennis Bauer
@Patrick Smash really? many foreign cars here in Kobe, Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Mini, Alfa, Peugot...etcetera but i see no Fords, how come? :p
but i see no Fords, how come?
Because Fords suck and the locals know it?
Elbuda Mexicano don't know where u are getting your facts from and slanting FORD... have you ever been to a FORD shop in Japan? I own a FORD and get the best service I ever had both in the US and Japan, I got free 5 year warranty service that included full under the hood car service checkups including oil changes for free. They also give you free gifts almost everytime you go in for a checkup and greet you with a smile. They also properly explain any repairs or tell you exactly what they checked and give you any heads up on any possible part replacement that might be needed. Never had a problem either, just had to swap out the tires in my 5 years of ownership(i drive everyday). Granted, Ford should bank more strategy on more fuel efficient/sporty cars, like the Ford Focus ST which unfortunately was not sold in North America, but still, the cars/trucks all have the steering wheel on the right side.
Japan's is an export-driven economy - it cannot survive on domestic consumption alone. That's why it's necessary that it protects its home turf at all costs. It needs domestic consumption, and then some. Look what's happening with computerized electronics - major J-companies have losses in the billions now, because they never had a grip on outside markets, while the domestic market is having a lot more competition. That's also gonna make it hard for Japan to join the TPP.
That's 3 years old. Here's a more updated take on the topic:
Free trade...??? Do you mean the way US government saved GM from bankruptcy in 2010 ? Lol !
Yubaru May. 06, 2012 - 12:03PM JST When Ford decides to build cars that are for the road conditions here and are reasonably priced I might look at them the next time I go to purchase a car. Until then I will stick with the domestic cars.
They have. Tell me why Mazda 3 sells 200,000+ per year in Japan, but Ford Focus sells less less than 100? They have same platform, same or close to identical engine & transmission, and same gas milage. Same reliability.
lostrune2 May. 07, 2012 - 07:17PM JST Japan's is an export-driven economy - it cannot survive on domestic consumption alone. That's why it's necessary that it protects its home turf at all costs. It needs domestic consumption, and then some.
Who cares? Annually, Japan exports around 1,500,000 manufactured cars to U.S., and U.S. exports less than 10,000 cars to Japan. Sounds like a balance in trade for Japan. There are many dealerships in U.S. carry multiple manufacturered cars for sale. Even in Europe, since 2003, the EU Block Exemption Regulation law made Europe the most liberal car market in the world. It allowed any EU dealer to sell any car, and allowed any workshop to perform warranty repairs on your car. The supermarkets selling cars had been successful offering big multibrand franchises. Many have 3 to 5 brands under one roof. This allowed dealers to put logos up, and they could sell and service the cars. If automaker can’t control dealers anymore, they will create their own distribution channels. And Japanese automakers, which have a financial interest in virtually all of the countrys auto dealerships, have until recently refused to offer American cars for sale. Of couse, it doesn't happen in Japan.
@JeffLee, Korean car makers have only recently upped their game to an internationally competent level.
Up to the past few years, Korean cars felt like copycat clones chiefly targeted at the American market: styling, fuel consumption and driver experience were all below par. This, I suspect, is what caused Hyundai's failure in the Japanese market, not prejudice.
I applaud what Kia in particular have achieved in Europe of late. These sort of products, with their identifiable Unique Selling Proposition and the right marketing, could attract a loyal following in Japan, just as the Samsung Galaxy has.
What I don't applaud is the thinly veiled prejudice I have seen in some posts, which achieves nothing.
@sfjp330, Ford's Japan website has four models offered - the Mustang, and 3 SUVs. Perhaps if it widened its target demographic to the rest of us, not just hairdressers, Mr Biegun would have grounds for complaint.
SenseNotSoCommonMay. 08, 2012 - 04:16PM JST. Up to the past few years, Korean cars felt like copycat clones chiefly targeted at the American market: styling, fuel consumption and driver experience were all below par. This, I suspect, is what caused Hyundai's failure in the Japanese market, not prejudice.
Koreans have not adjusted to Japanese market to have any impact? If that is the case, then make comparison with comparable Korean maker, Hyundai, which makes Sonata and many other good quality cars. Hyundai makes better car or comparable to quality of Mitsubishi, Mazda, Nissan and closing in quickly to level of Toyota and Honda. High end Equus is better than anything Japan produces other than Lexus LS460. What happened to Korean manufacturer when they try to sell in Japan? They manage to sell only 500 per year. At the same time, Japan exported 21,000 vehicles to Korea. Regardless of Hyundai making engineering changes for Japan market, the J-goverment and J-companies will not allow greater market share. The same tactics of established keiretsu system means that no foreign companies can penetrate. People talk about how successful BMW and Mercedes is, but in reality, it's a drop in the bucket when BMW sells slightly over 20,000 vehicles a year. If Hyundai cannot do it, who can?
U.S. auto companies have export problems to Japan and they have given up. In Japan, Keiretsu is a form of corporate structure in which a number of Japanese companies link together, usually by taking small stakes in each other and usually as a result of having a close business relationship, often as suppliers to each other. The structure, was a way to defuse the traditionally adversarial relationship between buyer and supplier. If you own a bit of your supplier, reinforced sometimes by your supplier owning a bit of you, the theory says that you are more likely to reach a way of working that is of mutual benefit to you both than if your relationship is at arm’s length. U.S. auto companies disliked Japan’s keiretsu because they saw them as a restraint of trade. keiretsu restrains trade because there is a very strong preference to do business only with someone in that Japanese family. In Japan the keiretsu were regulated by specific laws, and they were structured in such a way that cooperation between them was almost compulsory.
SenseNotSoCommonMay. 08, 2012 - 05:34PM JST. Ford's Japan website has four models offered - the Mustang, and 3 SUVs. Perhaps if it widened its target demographic to the rest of us, not just hairdressers, Mr Biegun would have grounds for complaint.
How many do Ford sel in Japanl? Drop in the bucket? Do you know why most people in Japan buy the 2.0 litre or smaller size engine cars? Because the annual J-goverment road tax for it is less than it would be for the 2.0L engine. The road tax is probably the biggest thing and that is the main deterrant that makes U.S. cars unattractive in Japan. Why don't J-goverment eliminate the road tax so that U.S. cars have better opportunity to sell? This is the main obstacle on why U.S. cars sell less. U.S. cars’ engines offer more displacement, but also require heavy tax to be paid. Anything over 3.0L ends up in punitive taxation. Problem for the U.S. cars is sha-ken (car maintenance inspection). You don't see many Japanese brands that are over 2.5 - 5.0 litre sold in Japan so it means heavy tax for almost the entire fleet of U.S. cars sold in Japan.
bajhista65 is competition.... make your products good if not best and Ford will be competitive. Why blame japanese if they prefer their own products. Ask americans to patronize US products. Is there a problem with that?
J-gov't system of taxation is punitive across the board for anyone who opts for the freedom of an automobile. Mix that in with the insularity and parochial attitude of guys in their 40's and 50's that can afford a car, the marketing, sales and product genius of Toyota, Honda and Nissan and you've got a potent cocktail of protectionism built in to the system unlike any G8 nation.
Anyway you cut it this has been a safe and protected market and the makers have been smart and diligent at beating the competition - Korea has done well copying the model. Ford and GM should do the same but also make China and India their home turf too along the journey.
The barrier that Ford management is saying is not real barrier since the tariff tax is almost zero and most of Japanese cars for US market are made in US. GIven the fact, this comment sounds too politics..that would be for the election. If US car makers want to sell more cars, they need to change the strategy by investigating on Japanese preferences on cars. For example, European car makers like BMW, VW, Renault...etc are selling a lot cars in Japan by importing them from oversea. In addition, their service dealers are so well-organized that Japanese has feel any barriers against buying european cars. Having analysis on how european makers sell cars in Japan market, Ford and other makers from US would find keys.
sasakamaMay. 13, 2012 - 08:42PM JST. most of Japanese cars for US market are made in US
Then I guess what your saying is Japan annually exports to U.S. 1,500,000 manfactured cars to U.S. is "only few" or a drop in bucket? U.S. really don't need Japanese cars made in Japan and U.S. has their manufacturers for their population. U.S. goverment should tax these vehicles by 25 percent each. By the way, your saying "BMW is selling alot of cars in Japan" well 20,000 cars? that is it! Drop in the bucket.
Regarding Japanese cars manufactured in the U.S. Where do you think the major components, such as engines, transmission, and other parts are made in? Let me guess, Japan?