Furniture retailer IDC Otsuka on Tuesday raised prices on 4,500 items by an average of 4.8%. The retailer said the price hike was due to the effects of the weaker yen on furniture items imported from Europe.
IDC Otsuka stocks more than 20,000 items at its flagship store in Tokyo's Ariake.
© Japan Today
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Yet when the yen appreciated by 40% against the euro, IDC Otsuka didn't lower their prices by a single yen. I think I will shop somewhere else.
Now, according to Abenomics, that is supposed to encourage people to go to their banks, take out their dosh and hurriedly buy more furniture.
IDC is over-priced + inflated they are surviving..
Artificial inflation in place. Most likely people will just go shop in any of the other makers that are dropping the prices!
Jack Stern
My favorite store Costco is telling me that imported things will increase in cost somewhat because of the exchange rate but they are doing what they can to limit the increase in prices. If you are good at remembering prices, you'll see it.
But I'm sure they will be hiring more workers or increasing the the wages of their current workers, in line with Abenomics...
Surf O'Holic
" The retailer said the price hike was due to the effects of the weaker yen on furniture items imported from Europe."
Presto! Price inflation as a direct result of currency inflation(Abe-dumb-nomics).