Japan Today

Hedge fund boosts stake in Sony


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" hiving off" up to 20%

is that a typo or a new word I need to look up?

It's a new word taj, but no worries, no need to look it up -

hive something off chiefly Brit. (esp. in business) separate something from a larger group or organization, esp. from public to private ownership : the weekly magazine hived off by the BBC.

I've also heard it used in the sense of a person leaving the group and going off on his own - Where's he hiving off to, then?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

" hiving off" up to 20%

is that a typo or a new word I need to look up?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

that's good, in case of adverse business outcome, it would be easy for SONY to blame the Hedge Funds.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

US Capital Investment firm like "Cerberus" for Seibu and hedge fund manager like Loeb for Sony are looking for investment opportunity in Japan.

Once they take control over the organizations, they start spinning business assets piece by piece for profit and leave workers jobless and hungry. Their objective is only to make profit and they have no conscience for society. I believe the blame goes to a poor performance of Japanese managers for decades and now everything is backfired at them.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

another one that will bite the dust. Boone Pickens, Steel Partners, TCI ... now Loeb. They never learn.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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