Japan Today

Japan to take steps to address forex volatility: finance chief


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Missing out on the long gone threshold will be very difficult to tackle. Certain things in life pass by very quickly but takes a whole lot of effort, time, and money to reverse its consequences.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

most of this will settle when the fed cut rates by 0.25. 

Since the Fed cut rates by 0.5% last month the dollar has gone up versus the yen, so I’m not sure about that part.

expert opinion is worth more than non-expert opinion

The so-called experts get it wrong most of the time too, and there is often a diverse range of opinions among them anyway.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Periodic reminder to the comment section that expert opinion is worth more than non-expert opinion, especially when it comes to complex topics like Forex and central bank policy.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

You want inflation but you don’t want the price of imports increasing. Kind of double speak! Instead of currency manipulation you could use the very same money, and give it rip The families.

most of this will settle when the fed cut rates by 0.25. And yet I remember Japanese companies complaining when a dollar was only getting 110 yen. Making exports more expensive but imports cheaper. Now it’s imports more expensive and exports cheaper and the dollar repatriated to yen gets a boom. Or to mention how you’re saying the travel industry is having a bumper time. Be careful what you wish for.spending reserves to manipulate the currency won’t really help the average Suzuki or Honda. And if they invest in IDECo or NISA your gonna hit their investment values.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

How? Market intervention? Last time it cost Japan few hundreds billion from tax payer money.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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