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Musk $55.8 bil Tesla pay deal again rejected by judge


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This will get fixed on appeal, Tesla now incorporated in Texas. Tesla shareholders reauthorized their support for Elon a second THIS YEAR with about 75% support.

A deal is a deal, the amount of $ is irrelevant as is the fact that he's already the richest person on the planet, the calc. never includes these shares in dispute FYI.

Shares based upon Elon's performance for shareholders about 9% of Tesla total shares - approx. $100B.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

This man is a big fraud like Trump. Good on the judge I hope she holds her ground.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

The Delaware Court of Chancery has been a pillar of U.S. capitalism for more than a century and is the jurisdiction where roughly two-thirds of American Fortune 500 companies are registered.

Because it is a tax-dodging Cayman Islands/Bermuda in the US.

A politician who takes this on is really against the 'elites' and fighting for the people.

Of course there has been only one, Bernie Sanders , and the establishment moved everything to block him.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

He shouldn't get 56 million let alone 56 Billion. A ridiculous pay package. How about putting that money into the hands of those who do the actual work so they and their families have a better life.

Musk should be banned from making any more money except interest on the hundreds of billions he already has. No wonder people live in poverty and struggle to put food on the table. When was the last time Musk had to go a couple of days without food? Never! Musk is sickening, as are his supporters willing to pay him obscene amounts of money. Enough!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Shareholders LOVE Musk, he's earned it, met all stipulations in contractual agreement, they voted their approval TWICE etc.

This will get tossed ASAP in Texas, Maryland's incorporation market just became far riskier with radical left wingers in the courts.

Many more Corps. will follow Musk and Tesla to Texas for their state of incorporation, SpaceX has already has!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

He could own all the money in the world and he'd still be an insufferable twat.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Give the man his money. It's his.

Then sell him MSNBC so he can walk in there with a sink.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Elon doesn't want money, just the shares. Elon's doing it the right way, creating great companies that solve great problems, not the usual financial engineering grifter con artists simply looking to goose their quarterly EPS.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

So is this good or bad for Tesla?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Tesla has a weak Board full of yes-men, unable to stand up to the insufferable CFO.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Tesla Boycott

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What is so special about Tesla? BYD is beating them in sales but not allowed in the US market yet (they are in Japan though). Does Tesla really have a (great) future? People here who defend Musk- do you have one or plan to buy one? 99% no. Tesla does have real garbage like their Cyber truck and Tesla semi which is a real scam. Tesla 100% self driving is a scam too.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Total fanclub behaviour from a supine board of directors.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He shouldn't get 56 million let alone 56 Billion. A ridiculous pay package. How about putting that money into the hands of those who do the actual work so they and their families have a better life.

so you’re suggesting that we take something that belongs to one person and we give it to other people. Did I get that right?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Exactly right, it's theft plain and simple and will never stand up on appeal. This radical leftist judge is killing Maryland's Corp. goodwill, many corps will leave.

Overwhelming shareholder support originally and this year again, proof Elon earned it, the right way, building a world class company involved in far more than cars, AI, robotics, autonomy/software, energy, etc. Reinvesting and job creation vs. Wall Street Grifters and their zero-sum games that create no societal value or productivity.

That's why Trump loves him - He's a MAKER not a Taker.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I'd say if shareholders want to dilute their shares and hand them to Elon. Let them, they just dont get to cry about it later. they crying comes in the form of class action suits. They will come later when they feel they don't like they got conned by a con, but were willing to support his con ways.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He's a MAKER not a Taker.

He didn't found Tesla and came later...and what is special about it anyway? There is indication that even EM had never been born we would currently be in about the same situation with EVs anyway (Tesla, BYD, Nissan Leaf, and/or other brands/models). Tesla does not really stand out now.

Nothing special about SpaceX with regards to technology. All that stuff they are using was invented decades ago. They just repackaged it

What is happening with EM's other scams like Boring company and HyperLoop?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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