Japan Today

Nintendo worth more than Sony after Pokemon rally


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And I think NIntendo is kicking themselves for not doing this at least two years earlier....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

sell your shares now...because the more kids that get injured or worse will soon have a real adverse affect....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Honestly I think Nintendo has planned this for a long time now. It takes time to reskin an entire game like Ingress to be used as Pokemon go. They knew they would need more servers and upgrade the existing ones to handle the load of players. I think Nintendo was looking for the right time to release this game while all other companies were in a slump.

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0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nintendo didn't do anything. Niantic created the game. Nintendo's genius is simply having the characters which they can get others (like DeNA) to monetise for them. the comparison with SONY is spurious. Investors have made the same mistake pricing it as an ailing tech company. Nintendo have a stable of priceless brands. How much money would you need to create another Mario, Pikachu?

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