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© Â 2015 AFPRussian businesses woo Japan despite Ukraine sanctions
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Don't fall for it, Japan! Russia has never proven a reliable business partner!
Jeff Huffman
At this point in Russia's spiral down the drain (Ukraine is a side show to distract the great unwashed masses of the Motherland) Japan would be better off doing joint ventures with N. Korea.
Unless there is a second Russian revolution, there really is no stopping the decline under Putin or anyone else like him.
Japan has lived far beyond its carrying capacity for decades, caused by earlier excessive population booms. It's the reason for the period of colonization, was behind the madness of WWII and has kept Japan mostly in step with the US (which offers a bread-basket and has the economic and military power to open and control global markets). This carrying capacity problem means Japan has shown little proclivity to get embroiled in ideological battles that might disrupt the flow of commodities (though this appears to be changing under Abe's regime) and a high proclivity to deal with anyone if it is good for business, unless the US doubly insist it not. Since Europe is also dependent on Russian energy supplies, sanctions can only go so far, so we should expect Japan to do business if supplies are needed and trading houses can turn a profit.
Dragon Lady
Very well summed up, warispeace. Japan doesn't have the luxury of choice any more ( not that it's choices were ever wholly independent ones.) It would be wise of Abe to be a little less vociferous about combating terrorism when he falls into the arms of an authoritarian currently proving more of a threat to global destabilisation than China. Trouble is, Abe isn't wise.
Japan should be careful of any talks with Russia at the moment. If they really sincere, they should first return the Kuril Islands, a.k.a. the Northern Territories, no strings attached. Effective Immediately.
Elephant in the room - when is Putin going to go?
Japan should take the advantage and deal for the northern islands.
@warspeace You'd be a lot more convincing as a pacifist if you weren't ready to turn a blind eye to the shameless Putin war mongering. The US may be turning a few nutters into craters in the desert, but Putin is edging toward starting WW3.
Divide and conquer. A simple tactic by a wise KGB officer.
25years in Japan
scipantheistFeb. 11, 2015 - 10:43AM JST @warspeace You'd be a lot more convincing as a pacifist if you weren't ready to turn a blind eye to the shameless Putin war mongering. The US may be turning a few nutters into craters in the desert, but Putin is edging toward starting WW3.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
I think you have things around the wrong way. You seem to be blind to see who is making all the trouble in the world.
And neither has the U.S.A. Do you have a point here? Business is "real politik" in action, it worries about the bottom line and not much else.
I agree. But don't bother trying to convince most U.S. citizens of this, they've been completely brainwashed. Even when their country is actively waging war in 3 countries they still can't admit that the U.S.A. is the warmonger. It really is mind-boggling how effective the U.S. propaganda system is.
Vladiwostok has a new bridge and the Russian far east is doing well these days.
Will it be the first neighbor to improve ties with? Probably only if you value the present more than history.
The only deal with the Southern Kuriles was two or nothing. I don't think anything will change.
It's quite normal to develops economical contacts - to improve living standarts in both countries : Russia and Japan.
If some very ambitious politician claim to world supremacy - it's another story .
Why carefully ? - Russia has not so a lot people on a Far East (unlike Japan) and lot of territory ( again unlike a Japan) and of course want to cooperate . Is it not intresting ?
Or Japan prefer a North Korea aproach to international affaires ?
Sorry you can't catch the idea of article - economical cooperation.
Japan lost Kuril Islands and other territories as a result of WW II
To receive it back Japan should start and win new war
Kungaa Mergen
Europe receive twice cheaper pipeline gas than LNG in Asia. China will receive huge amount of Russian gas. Price is classified, but seems like that will be similar to the price for Germany. Cheap energy will make chinese industry more competitive. Also Russia trying to get the opportunity to run railway transit through North Korea to South Korea, even there are a lot of political problems. This will allow access for korean industry to Trans-Siberian Railway.
Japan wastes a lot of time trying to tie territorial disputes with economical relations. And now trade between Russia and Japan similar with trade between South Korea and Russia, even economy of Japan 3 times bigger than korean economy. In most cases korean companies overtaken japanese in Russian market. If Japan thinks that it doing a favor, when trades with Russia, Japan risks losing its influence and competitiveness. So, it is better to separate territorial disputes from economical issues.
Brian Wheway
Get the Nuclear power stations turned back on then Japan won't be so reliable on gas on oil then this will elevate this problem of dealing with Russia
Russia is the biggest threat to world peace at this very minute. If Japan does business with Russia they should just throw some Yen North Koreas way while they're at it.
I was actually just describing what was going on and what I expected to transpire as analysis, and not trying to moralize. If I did that, then I would have to agree with several other comments above that find Putin's funding and weaponizing of separatists in Ukraine no different than what the US does on a regular basis (Libya, Syria, etc). Actually, Putin's Russia has not yet fully invaded and occupied Ukraine, as the US did illegally and on false pretenses in Iraq. Both of these nations should stay out of the affairs of other nations, but if wishes were horses then beggars would ride.
As for Japan, this country should drastically reduce energy consumption (as it did somewhat for a few months post 3.11) and move more quickly to green and safer alternatives as it lives beyond its carrying capacity, and we all must cooperate to leave 2/3s of fossil fuels in the ground or face a much warmer and unpredictable future. This means limiting imports of Russian, US and others' reserves.
Neigbors are difficult, but being next x door.. So what
And it is so - theoretically Japan is a best partner for Russia in the Far East : modern technologies, overpopulated, badly lack of natural resourses.
Who can the best partner for Japan in Far East than Russia who lacks population & financial resources
on Far East and has a uniquely huge resources
But practically we have endless useless discussion about " Nothern Territories" ..
Just waste o time, but I think it will be so 10 years after and 20 years....
Japanese politicians made a bad mistake entring in this catch 22
@warispeace - Love the comments, very interesting and I agree with you. You go beyond the surface of things, and you back it up with reasoned, intelligent comments. Keep it up.
With the sagging oil prices, Russia really does not have a strong hand especially when Japan is pushing forward to develop a hydrogen society making oil less relevant to national energy security. It may not happen now but neither will far east Siberian oil fields Moscow wishes Japan to invest in.
Hard to say if the reward is worth the risk. Afterall oil is cheap now so whether Japan buys it from Russia isn't the issue. If Japan does business with Russia, it better be prepared to deal with wrath of Washington. It'll fall hard and long on Japanese companies doing business in US.
Let us never forget it is the Russian that shamelessly stole the Northern Territories. And people want to do business with them? Preposterous.
@Frungy the way i see it, (regarding your comment on the U.S.A being a warmonger). They haven't been quick to go to war with anyone. And when they did went to war like in world war 2,or the fight against terrorisms they were forced into it.
NO since production of Hydrogen is not limited to usage of natural gas. You can just stick electrodes in to the sea and connect them to a solar cell to produce it. If you remember the Fukushima nuclear accident you'll sea the plant explode due to Hydrogen generated by seer heat.
Basically if you have water you can generate Hydrogen by cracking the Oxygen - Hydrogen bond.
I'm sure that Japan and Russia will become the biggest business partners in the future.