Japan Today

Asian shares retreat after Wall Street's mixed finish, as dollar surges

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Economists say his preferences for lower tax rates, higher tariffs and less regulation could ultimately lead to higher U.S. government debt and inflation, but also bring faster economic growth.

Those economists (or the reporter) got the last part right, but none of those things are going to be very inflationary.

All three were enacted in the prior Trump administration and inflation averaged under 2% during that term.

If anything, lower tax rates and less regulation help boost production of stuff, and higher levels of stuff helps to alleviate inflation, as inflation is too much money chasing too few goods.

The real driver of debt is more that out of control spending rather than what happens with tax rates. Tax revenues are way higher now than they were prior to the tax rate cuts.

I’m not a tariff fan myself, but even that seems to be mostly negotiation technique.

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