Japan Today

Asian stocks dip as Wall Street momentum slows


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Downvoters must want the bias over facts.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

too true!

gold down further again last I looked…

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Stocks had been broadly rising since last week on expectations that Trump’s preference for lower tax rates and other policies may mean faster economic growth, as well as bigger U.S. government debt and higher inflation.

The second part doesn’t seem to actually be the case.

Gold has dropped by call it 200 USD since the election. Some might say it was a buy the rumour, sell the fact reaction. Maybe. But it may be that there are hopes that the incoming administration will reduce government spending, and fix the debt issue.

It’s early days and optimism will likely be betrayed.

But these media articles seem to be way off the mark where things Trump are concerned. Most readers just want the news, not the bias, I believe. At least we can have comments I guess!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

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