Japan Today

Asian stocks mixed as Wall Street inches toward bull market


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Of course they are mixed. Wall St. Is mixed, too, kind of like a Long Island iced tea. The largest bull market of the century is coming to the USA in the next couple years. Informed investors are doubling down on tech stocks and Asian stocks of companies that are setting up shop in the US and it's economic ally Japan. And, that's no bull.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Stock market is a fraud,wonder why lots of hedge funds buy lawsuits and structural lottery winning, guarantee money

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The next quarterly report will show lots of banks near insolvency,on their financial report,just because you are not talking about,is not mean,it not happening

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

US indexes, being propped up by AI catalyst and big tech, meanwhile rates steadily rising as most companies struggling with tightening financial conditions and US Govt. floods bond market with new sovereign issuance.

If US economy so great, why are retail sales, not adjusted for inflation, falling? Labor market jobs number also mis-leading, as avg. hourly work dropped, jobs equivalent several times greater than the headline print.

Few predict US GDP growth greater 1% this year or next with MASSIVE Govt. Deficit Spending likely +6% of GDP = Private Sector Shrinking (5%) or more = Stagflation

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The largest bull market of the century is coming to the USA in the next couple years

Big tech with unique data, serious upside new growth markets, but broader markets going nowhere fast.

You think US zero rate bubble will have no hangover? Most think otherwise, inflation's proving tough to kill, US Corp. bankruptcies increasing FAST right now, BEAR market dead ahead, we'll likely retest Oct lows in next yr.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Time to invest now before the market goes higher

People who don't invest will lose out

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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