Japan Today

Asian stocks slide after South Korea's political drama


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Don't be fooled by the communist axis. All the woes heaped on SK currently are from NK, and China. SK, Taiwan, and of course USA are the globe's only source of high end semiconductors. Now that China is no longer able to get them, they're doing exactly the same thing Iran did to Saudi Arabia, ie if we can't sell oil, neither are you.

President Yoon may be a bit green politics wise, but he's the most dedicated to democratic institutions than all others that came before him, especially Moon who given a chance would merge with NK and make SK a communist nation.

I feel for SKoreans, just never able to get ahead.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yes, declaring martial law is the most democratic thing ever.

President Yoon may be a bit green politics wise, but he's the most dedicated to democratic institutions than all others that came before him

Buckle up. I see a Xi-ROK summit in the near future. The two economies are complementary so both sides win.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

deanzaZZRToday 05:46 am JST

Buckle up. I see a Xi-ROK summit in the near future.

A summit, yes. BRICSI membership, no. Even the Democratic Party wants no part of the dictatorship brigade.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes, declaring martial law is the most democratic thing ever.

His defense minister initiated the Marshall law process because the opposition was about to impeach Yoon, for dubious accusation on his wife.

In any case, the defense minister is about to be replaced, Yoon allowed the parliamentary vote to end Marshall law to go ahead, democracy wins, opposition will have to find another way to replace sitting president.

The KW gained, stock market steady...communist 0, democracy 1.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Got it. The Defense Minister forced the President to get on TV at 11 PM to declare martial law. All blame goes to defense minister. Nothing to see here!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I respect Pres. Yoon for going 'nuclear', arresting his wife is such a blatant political attack and totally unacceptable.

No crisis here, only politicians with very poor judgment, like a soccer game with no ref it seems!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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