Japan Today

Sumitomo invests in Calif desert solar farm


Sumitomo Corp, in conjunction with its subsidiary Sumitomo Corp of America, has invested in the Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, a 550-megawatt (MW) solar power project under construction in the California desert, east of Palm Springs.

This is Sumitomo's first investment in U.S. solar projects and will expand its renewable energy portfolio, which already includes over 1,800 MW in projects across the United States.

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One of the few places on earth where solar makes sense. It will still take about 10 years to be profitable, but that's far less than Japan's 15-20 years.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Palms Springs has year round lovely sunny weather! What does not make sense to you????

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Florida? The Sunshine State name was bestowed as an act of geriatric irony, not as a description. In all cases, you run into the same problem as most other non-desert places do, namely, where are you going to put it that doesn't already have houses built on it?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

sun is power. mean suns heat is power. develop thermo voltaic is do business with knowledge. investing in usa is spending money in the name of stupidity. when darcy exploration company was in petroleum feldes, you are in U.S. search the gold.

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