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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Toyota halts donations to Republican objectors to Biden's win
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About time, too bad it took media attention to do this.
Commodore Perry
Wait until a Republican gets back in the White House, Toyota.
Weak--those whining libs wouldn't be able to buy new cars anyway.
sad and pathetic but totally expected for a company that runs on liberal poliices
Those moaners on Twitter cant afford an onigiri without Patreon support let alone a new car. Ignore them and watch that circus from a distance.
Well done Toyota.
The GOP spineless cowards don’t deserve a cent from any decent human being.
Let the bigots spend their own dirty money!!!
The whole premise of political donations stinks of corruption.
Simon Foston
Commodore PerryToday 07:08 am JST
I suppose you're so rich and successful from being a conservative zealot that you can buy a new car every week.
Mr Kipling
I think I know the answer but a good question to ask is...
"Why is a Japanese company giving money to US politicians?"
Better LATE than NEVER.
Toyota's teeth sucking takes the biscuit, but all's well that ends treating traitors to the crumbs from the car-maker's table.
If there were election fraud in US, it would be mess. No one would believe anyone.
Immediately after Toyota's spending was reported, the company defended it, saying it did not believe it’s appropriate to judge legislators based only on their electoral certification vote.
Their decision , like all these corporate PACs, is based on which legislators will cut corporate taxes, give them juicy loopholes in the tax code, sign off on lucrative subsidies and government contracts, the usual.
That legislators that support these things overlap conservative deniers of the vote tells you about the thought processes of that demographic.
Get groups like this and Citizens United out of politics.
A smart company generally pads both sides to cover all bases. Never take sides when you are paying off patsies. They are always recycled and you need to make sure you have your patsy in play.
Happy Day
I guess Toyota did the political calculus and decided that it is not worth standing up to fraudulent elections.
As a side note, majority of Americans support a full forensic audit of the elections.
Its funny because this is essentially an article about a foreign company making a decision about which American politicians it will and will not give bribes to, yet there is absolutely nothing in the article that would suggest that there is anything at all out of the ordinary with the system that allows this.
This is how deeply ingrained the corruption of the US political system has become.
So, up to now Toyota was just as foolish as the idiots who swore the election was stolen but had no proof. Just more evidence that being great in one field doesn't mean you are a genius in anything else.
The majority of Americans have never even supported Trump, must less a forensic audit of the election that Trump claims he lost, without ever showing any proof of it.
It's actually quite telling that you would believe the above when you were told it. Doesn't say much for your ability to differentiate fact from fiction.
Alternate reality alert.
There is zero evidence that there was any coordinated effort to fraudulently influence or steal the election. Zip, zilch, nil, nada, none.
Most Americans know this. A growing majority will not take to companies that donate to politicians that continue to embrace the big lie.
This Toyota bowing to reality.
Donating to traitors to their country was crazy by Toyota. Many people will not buy their cars now even with this way too late reversal.
In related news Toyota dropped a new car model introduction planned for later this year called the Toyota Sedition. Runs on fake outrage and stupidity instead of gasoline. Gets 147 lies to the gallon. Media center has one channel, Fox News. Many posters above were prospective buyers.
These types of donations should be banned. Its pure corruption.
Wise move Toyota - you don't want to be affiliated with a bunch of anti-democratic fascists and insurrectionists...
Unless you plan a big push into the Russian and Chinese markets...
Trump will try to sue Toyota next for being big meanies.
Putting aside the hate analysis and objectively observing the situation in the US election system there was a massive four year effort to impeach an elected president that involved a level of deceit and fact manipulation by the media and political opposition.
This in itself creates the question "was it a fair election?"
Joseph Goebbels: On the "Big Lie". "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it
Alternate reality alert.
The article only talks about "Toyota" so it needs to be clarified: Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan) or its subsidiary Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc..
Maybe I can consider buying Toyota again?
But I feel should be more punishment to Toyota than them just saying "whoops, sorry", and I feel Toyota will try to do it again if they think they can hide it. I definitely hope the media keeps on following Toyota regarding this.
But if the results once again show the 70 or 71 million hard core Trump/GOP supporters their Trump lost bigly again, the majority of them still will not accept the results.
The Qanoners, Oathkeepers and others in the US white nationalist movements among others in the extreme right are so opposed to things American and American systems in general they distrust anything coming from anyone but the Mar-a-lago Floridaman and/or anything excewpt what is reported reported by Putin and Murdoch's global media empires. Trump, Putin and Murdoch are three of the modern world's most dishonest individuals, each has pushed their lies and exploted the intellectually vulnerable in Trump's base. Fortunately Trump's base though large in size remains a minority of the US population. Unfortunately they fail to understand in a democracy, the majority decide who is elected to office. But Trump and his base are anti-democracy, and continue to show their disdain for elections and voting.
Let's go back a bit. Toyota was not Sir Gallahad at the beginning. This is from the top of the page:
This means Toyota did initially contribute to Republican legislators who voted against certifying Biden as President. Toyota only stopped contributing these Republicans when many people objected. If there had not been a lot of objections (very possible in the analogue days) it is possible that Toyota would not have made the reversal it made.
The Republicans who voted to not certify the elections have nothing to worry about as far as reelection.
its the Republican who did certify it that need campaign donations, because they will be heading out the door soon enough. so Toyota can give their money to those people if they want to waste it. Or just give it to the Dem candidate, its the same thing will some of these fake Republicans.
Just ban political "donations" by corporations and NPOs altogether. Just corruption under another name.
An image of someone blurting out a hysterical conspiracy theory in company at a pub table and being greeted with complete silence just flashed through my mind.
‘But, but, you agree with me, don’t you? Don’t you?’
Lobbying is protected under the First Amendment of US Constitution.
“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
That’s ok, the GOP are getting a lot of private donation from public donors as well as other organizations and won’t be held hostage from anyone just because some have a different opinion on the election results, corporations can’t bully people into thinking what they want, just absurd.
Depends on who you are willing to believe.
Trump and Putin, two of the most dishonest 'leaders' in the world today claim based on flimsy at-best hearsay, including outright lies like North Korean fishing boats brought pro-Biden ballots to Maine, it was not fair.
Far right media, including outlets that have defended Trump and the GOP's big lies and that defend the constant lies saying reasonable people should not believe what they report, claim the election was not fair.
Multiple levels of government including the courts have claimed it was fair.
corporations can’t bully people into thinking what they want, just absurd.
When Trump supporting conservatives pivot and say' we stand up against corporations' given all the other corporatism they slavishly support it is just precious.
Raw Beer
If it wasn't a fraudulent election, I'm sure the audit would have been finished a long time ago.
I think you need to read further than fox headlines for your intel.
Good. Now stop giving money to traitorous, flag hating democrats. Foreign entities should not be giving money to elected officials.
Who's still whining after losing the election three times? LOL
When the below was in the news, the 'muh Rusiia' crowd remained silent. Because of course the oligarchs were backing Trump's lackeys. And recall, just a short while back Putin claimed he saw nothing wrong with the Jan. 6 insurrection.
So, Trump and Putin are dishonest, but the courts are holy entities of honesty.
If you distrust one government apparatus, that distrust must extend to all government.
If the courts, or let's say one court, 2 courts, 3 courts, 4, 5, 6, etc.. had said "hey there's something phoney here".
Would you just oblige that there was fraud and demand for Biden to step down. Or is it just because is casually fits your desire to not see the other guy win it??
Large scale fraud calls for large scale cover up and it commands that a large scale apparatus would be in place to prevent anyone from finding the truth.
Now I am curious as to your "proof" of how dishonest Trump and Putin are. Putin is so much a better world leader that senile Biden and Trump is a proven leader.
Likewise there is proof of the Biden's dishonesty mind you.
Concerned Citizen
The noose is tightening on Rebuplicans/Conservatives with more and more censorship and corporate pressure. It will be fascinating to see how the 'deplorables' fight back.
Trump’s lackeys?
What insurrection? You mean trespassing.
Simon Foston
darknutsToday 01:41 pm JST
If they're "traitorous" I suppose they should all be lined up and shot?
Like how the Republicans were using the CIA to bankroll their right-wing nationalist friends in the LDP?
Well, now the Dems seem to be quite content with the CIA taking down all of their conservative political rivals, watch out for that pendulum.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 02:16 pm JST
In other words you condone what happened.