Japan Today

Japan logs record ¥15 tril current account surplus in April-Sept


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Corporate Japan keeps getting richer and richer. Too bad it doesn't want to share its ever-expanding bounty with its workers.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The current account surplus includes the returns you and I made on our foreign investments, JeffLee.

It’s not specific to corporates.

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If you live in Japan, the best investment you can make is moving your money outside of Japan.

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Corporate Japan keeps getting richer and richer. Too bad it doesn't want to share its ever-expanding bounty with its workers.

Specifically 'foreign workers', because these are foreign profits that flowed back to Japan.

...and....it keeps growing, Bloomberg just reported on TV the third quarter surplus is ¥9 trillions.

Now we all know how those Bentleys driving around Ginza came to be.

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