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ANA to require all passengers to wear face masks aboard aircraft from June


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I had a business trip middle of January to Europe (Corona just started at that time), and they required me to wear mask already.

All the flight attendance and staff at Narita Airport wear masks at that time already.

I always do business trips with ANA because it is an awesome airline!

If it will be a standard to wear masks on board, I am OK with that!

I am just wondering how they will manage the social distance in the economy class?

18 ( +23 / -5 )

What happens when food and drinks are served?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Every story I have read on the subject of wearing masks on planes, including this one, say the chance of viral transmission is low. If masks are mandatory, as well as some or all of the other measures being talked about are implemented by airlines, air travel is going to become a big headache. I wouldn't be surprised if some airlines get rid of economy class and just have business and first class in order to be profitable. That's what commercial airlines did when the industry was born. Wouldn't it be ironic if the industry returned to its origins? But doing that today would kill the tourism industry in most countries.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

What happens at meal times?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Hopefully this isn’t the future, but I have a sneaky suspicion it is.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Im sure they will keep it up, that's their intention, to lose stupid passengers that endanger the others.

9 ( +21 / -12 )

Air tickets will shoot up in price because of social distancing and because so many airlines won't survive this mess so the stronger ones will be able to jack up the price.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

One more reason not to use ANA. Masks are useless as protection against the virus. More than anything I want to know how do you do to eat and drink....! If you have to remove them, what is the point? Or you stay 10 hours without drinking? Do we drink and eat in the toilet, one by one?

9 ( +16 / -7 )

"refrain from allocating passengers into adjacent seats to allow some measure of social distancing to be maintained"

Is the more air ticket charges?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Imagine wearing a mask on a 18 hour flight? Screw that. I don't fly anymore until all this nonsense is over.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

It has been proven that the virus goes away when everyone wears masks. 

Actually no, but let's assume it does so that it makes you feel better.

But if you get it and don't wear a mask, it will spread.*

Yeah but the problem is not that it spreads. The problem is who gets infected. As long as there isn't a cure or a vaccin to protect the vulnerable ones, those people need to take the necessary actions to protect themselves. For the rest of the population, we know much more than three monts ago and the fact that it spreads is not really relevant since the data show that it isn't dangerous for them. I could even argue that no one was ever worrying about the flu and flying, but it still is responsible for the death of many people across the world very year. So my point is that I don't think that the over-reaction of ANA is needed here. Again particularly because like the other air companies, it has packed as much people as possible in its planes.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Air plane volume is very sane.

Air is not "recycled" (why do that when energy for free from combustion of fuel can heat fresh air from the outside all the time...).

Air flows from the bottom to the top with minimal air move. Only the individual air nozzle can push neighbour's to you but that can be seen, felt and so easily avoided.

PS : my retired father was mechanical/electrical/electronical engineer on Boeing 737 and explained that to me.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

People who refuse masks are a danger to others. The mask is not for you -- no one cares if you get sick. It is to protect the health of others.

4 ( +17 / -13 )

The world has gone crazy!

Will the airline be supplying the face masks?

4 ( +15 / -11 )

One measure which all airlines should implement and retain permanently is boarding the plane from the rear first. It would save so much time and avoid so much inconvenience. The system of priority boarding doesn't benefit premium and business class passengers much, as they simply have to sit in their seats for longer before the plane departs. Its main effect is to penalise economy class passengers, and presumably that is its main purpose. Considering what a dreary experience the flight itself is going to be for them, it is rather vindictive to subject them to the further indignity of having to squeeze and stumble past people who are still trying to sort themselves out before they sit down.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

In summer there is no way I am am wearing a mask outside. But, right now if I have to wear a mask on flights and in the supermarket for the next few months so be it. Anything just to keep people happy and get back to normal.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There's no need to "understand" my opinion because we are different people,with different mindsets.

I think part of the problem in the world right now, is that people aren't taking the time to try to understand each other's opinions, and instead just try to force their own down the other person's throat.

So I respect Jack for taking the time to try to see your point of view.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

After I was squished against a window 10 years ago by a couple with a combined weight of at least 700 lb. in the middle and aisle seats, holding a screaming 100 lb. 6 month old in a dirty diaper, I vowed to only fly Business or First Class from then on.

That also solved my boarding problems.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Also, I don't know about others here, but when wearing a face-mask, I perspire a lot, underneath the facemask, this perspiration makes the face mask rather ineffective over time - so for a short haul flight of an hour, then maybe ok, but anything longer, then .... I'd start asking whether ANA would be liable for cases when parts of a face mask come off and block a users throat causing death.... that also applies to Gyms - since it has actually happened.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Screw up that non sense.

They are just thinking about saving their business and not at all about the confort of their passengers. For decades they have squeezed people up in planes like fishes in a tin can ignoring the issues of hygiene which existed already before the COVID-19. And now with a giant hypocrisy, they are forcing people to wear masks without any consideration that many people feel discomfort wearing them, let alone in a plane. What have they going to do for long fights? Asking people to wear a mask non-stop for 10+ hours? Give me a break please,

3 ( +20 / -17 )

If you don't want to wear a mask, don't get on the plane, it's selfish. If I had the virus wouldn't you want me wearing a mask , or you don't care?

3 ( +17 / -14 )

To wear a mask for a 12 hours or more flight is very hard for us foreigners.

But ANA is a japanese airline. All staff are japanese and 99% of the passengers are japanese.

For them it is no problem to wear a mask on a 12 hours flight.

Even before the Corona Virus many japanese passengers wear masks the whole flight.

It is same at my working place. My company force us to wear mask the whole day. And people who are working at a japanese company knows a japanese working day has 10 to 12 hours.

Everyone wears the mask for 12 hours without any complain or any problems.

Only me, the only foreigner among 300 japanese coworkers has a problem with the mask.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

To cracaphat:

I'm sorry, not looking to make you angry. Just interested in your opinion. You are right, the article I referenced is not new. That's partly the point. Do you think it's wrong or unreasonable? I'd really like to know what your argument opposing it is. And yes, I'm scared of pandemics, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Just thinking that if everyone wore masks, things will improve dramatically. If we don't, millions more will be infected.

We disagree, but all I want is to understand your opinion.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It’s moot!

Wear a mask

or not?

It is impossible to travel to and from Japan for foreigners so it kinda doesn’t matter to me

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Given the mask will have to be lowered/removed for eating/drinking and on longer flights maybe sleeping, seems like another one of these "safety measures" that sounds like a good and considerate idea (and maybe even useful in open air or transit locations) but not really logical in a cramped space like an aircraft.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Nice idea, but after meal service (or even just having a drink or sip of water) no doubt many will 'forget' to put their masks back on so the cabin crew will spend most of the flight telling passengers to do so.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The less willing people are to follow rules, the longer it will be before air travel gets back to normal. The authorities have to gauge how much they can trust passengers. If its not very much, be prepared for your government to keep pumping money into non-flying airlines. If that could be avoided by folks wearing masks, then I'd like them to wear masks.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

One measure which all airlines should implement and retain permanently is boarding the plane from the rear first. It would save so much time and avoid so much inconvenience.

Apparently that's the slowest boarding strategy:

Back-to-front boarding, believe it or not, was the slowest strategy.

Boarding "outside in" -- that is, passengers with window seats first, then middle, then aisle -- was faster than back-to-front. (United and Delta both currently employ this strategy.)

Random boarding performed the best, allowing people and overhead bins to fill up more evenly, encouraging passengers to stow their carry-ons closer to their seats.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

ANA should "Provide" facemasks, rather than require passengers to use, since a passenger may obtain a substandard mask, and be putting others at risk.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Monty I fully agree with your Monty. Especially since the virus is still a real threat, alebit much reduced, then we should applaud these airlines for taking these steps. And once the virus is medicated, or once a vaccine is available widely, then we can get rid of these measures. But until then, I support these measures. Especially if it is a great airline, as you say it is.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

And now you have a rapid depressurization at 40,000 feet when it's already time critical to put on your oxygen mask. But the face shield will have to be removed first.

Will the cabin crew make a new safety demo to remind passengers to do this?

Is ANA prepared for the lawsuits for possible injuries or even death due to some who might be a second too late to don the oxygen mask?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Ashley Shiba: Really? I jst bought a ticket on thew chance I may be able to travel to the UK for August and it was the same pricxe as the 3 tickets I bought last year. What are your sources? I have to admit, I thought it might be the case, but no.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

People who refuse masks are a danger to others. The mask is not for you -- no one cares if you get sick. It is to protect the health of others.

Stop this silly accusations. People who have health conditions or in an age that make them vulnerable to the COVID-19 have to take their own responsibilities to protect themselves. Either avoid travelling for the time being or use better protective masks. Stop to treat people like little kids, they are adults.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

People who refuse masks are a danger to others. The mask is not for you -- no one cares if you get sick. It is to protect the health of others.

Stop this silly accusations. People who have health conditions or in an age that make them vulnerable to the COVID-19 have to take their own responsibilities to protect themselves. Either avoid travelling for the time being or use better protective masks. Stop to treat people like little kids, they are adults.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse anyone of anything. It has been proven that the virus goes away when everyone wears masks. So when masks are required, it has little to do with the mask wearer's health and protection and everything to do with reducing spread. And yes, older people and sick people have to take extra care. But if you get it and don't wear a mask, it will spread.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Finland's Finnair Plc has decided to request passengers check in online to avoid crowding at airports and has ended priority boarding, instead inviting passengers seated at the rear of the plane to board first.

Actually, Finnair also requires its' passengers to wear a mask, and the statement was made already a week ago - way before ANA. https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/finnair_passengers_and_crew_must_wear_masks/11347487

(Especially) for flights, I recommend wearing masks made of a combination of silk and cotton.

Silk has antibacterial properties, it's soft against the skin, feels cool when it's hot, and warm when it's cold.

A recent research also discovered that the layered combination of cotton + silk is the best option of fabric masks, in regards to slowing down/preventing the distribution of viruses/bacteria in your surroundings, due to combination of different mechanic and static filtering properties.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

All the naysayers here fail to grasp that this is for the safety of the flight crew. They have to breathe in that recirculated air not just for the duration of your flight, but every working day of their lives. If flight attendants and pilots are too scared to do their jobs, you won't be flying anywhere, face mask or not.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Roger Jolly:

One more reason not to use ANA. Masks are useless as protection against the virus. More than anything I want to know how do you do to eat and drink....! If you have to remove them, what is the point?

I do not see your point. Why should people not take them off for eating and drinking? The masks do not offer 100% protection, they just act as a brake; they lower the load. And a virus infection is not a digital 0-or-1 event... one virus particle does nothing to you. It all depends on the viral load... the more you get, the higher the chance that something goes wrong. Of course masks help to some degree, and that is all that was ever claimed.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Jonathan Prin:

Air is not "recycled" (why do that when energy for free from combustion of fuel can heat fresh air from the outside all the time...).

Thats what you say. Wikipedia says: *"The A/C pack exhaust air is ducted into the pressurized fuselage, where it is mixed with filtered air from the recirculation fans, and fed into the "mix manifold". On nearly all modern jetliners, the airflow is approximately 50% "outside air" and 50% "filtered air."*

So who should I believe?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

That is why there are laws rules and regulations.

So people will know what needs to be done and do it,

They don't need to understand it, they don't need to agree to it, they just need to follow it.

or suffer the penalties or whatever repercussions.

No mask no boarding.

Of course they can also pull a gun on whoever's enforcing the rules

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In Japan, is it constitutional/legal to enforce masks at businesses?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

However that Reminds me of the press photo I saw of a UK woman who had cut holes into her face mask, saying that it helped her to breath better...


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Totally agree with @mmwkdw

In many countries including Japan, it is still hard to find mask (the good one that you can breath) and ANA should provide such masks.

On March when I travelled, I asked at the airport to ANA to help me to find one....they didnt do anything. Their service is getting down lately (you pay more to get Haneda and they changed for Narita without refund you the difference....).

0 ( +0 / -0 )


However that Reminds me of the press photo I saw of a UK woman who had cut holes into her face mask, saying that it helped her to breath better...

Karen was American:


Bonus mask near the end of the video.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wise move by ANA. Certainly one of my favorite airlines. I expect all foreign carriers to now adopt the mask policy. I guess exceptions will be made at times ie passengers wish to eat or drink.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

Certainly one of my favorite airlines.

Oh yeah! Look at the how much they charge for domestic flights for the most basic services that any air company provides. This is disgraceful.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

If I had the virus wouldn't you want me wearing a mask , or you don't care?

Again it depends on who "you" is. The data from the pandemic are clear now. For a large part of the population, there isn't an excess of mortality. It just isn't there. If "you" means a person with heath conditions or an elderly, again they are grown up adults to take the necessary decisions to protect themselves.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Imagine wearing a mask on a 18 hour flight? Screw that. I don't fly anymore until all this nonsense is over.


I'm weary of this plastic face visor, plastic curtains, face mask, the lot.

To those that want to wear it, fine, but to insist everyone do it, is OUTRAGEOUS.

This behavior isn't about the virus, it's for everyone's fear of the virus,

and possible litigious passengers!

What's next, parachutes on each passenger?

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

Monty sounds like you need to find a new company, and country.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

doggar, sounds that you absolutely do zero understand anything about living and working in Japan.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Modern planes have a very good air system, the chance to catch a virus is nearly zero. Unless the guy sitting next to you is coughing as a devil without a mask.

Hey guys, wearing a mask on a long flight is not a big deal. Just take it out for a few seconds, breath, and back again

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

If that's the rule of the airlines then the passenger has two choices, board with a mask or not at all.

If it does result in a significant loss of business then maybe they'll reconsider it.

Lets wait for what happens next, there are sure to be passengers who will wear a mask until they get on board and then remove it when plane has lifted off.

Also, pity mask wearing cannot be enforced when tourists are already here going around.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Refusing to wear a mask in indoor close quarters is not a political statement about your freedom.

It's a bold indication to everyone around you that you're stupid and have no regard for those around.

You don't know if you have Covid-19. You can pass it just by talking to someone sitting next to you or across the aisle from you. You don't have to cough to spread it.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I will not wear a useless ineffective mask under any circumstances. But as a diver, I am willing to wear my "breathing gear" on the fight. Does this satisfy the rabid members of the mask supporters club??

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


So now under the guise of safety and concern, there's an excuse used by the airline industry for not providing in-flight beverages or snacks to passengers.

Dehydration is very dangerous, so not providing non-alcoholic drinks would be irresponsible. But afaic. dropping these unhealthy microwaved inflight meals would rather be a public service. Every adult human can go without food for a day or so without any problems. If anything, for most passengers being deprived of this in-flight junk food would be a good thing.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

did you know wearing a mask force your lung to work harder breathing air ?

its really not good for your health if you wear it all the time.social distancing and refrain from talking is the best IMHO

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

People's apparent inability to be considerate enough to wear a mask for the sake of community safety is mind-boggling. I happily invite all those not wanting to wear a mask to remain off planes. Fact is, at this stage, masks do mitigate the spread of disease (COVID19 or otherwise).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's up to the person to die of corona without wearing a mask, but if you infect someone else and they die, will you take responsibility?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Makes me wanna use ANA. Very smart choice.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wow until now there are still many people who aren't smart enough to grasp the simple and basic significance of masks.

Good thing there are airlines who enforce mandatory wearing of one, else the virus will have free reign travelling also.

My new cases of infection in countries who have otherwise successfully contained them came from travellers, no?

Anyway, let's see what these geniuses do when they go to work. I'm sure they'll be resigning from their jobs if wearing masks is required in the workplace and will just choose among so many companies that don't require it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Below is the text in the link I recommended earlier. I think the argument is correct. Please tell me if you (anyone, especially daito_hak, think this argument is wrong. Seriously, not interested in attacking anyone. I really want to know. Surprised to find so much opposition to masks on airplanes.


Dr Hugh Montgomery, a professor of intensive care medicine at University College London, explained how the 'very infectious' coronavirus could be passed from one person to thousands.

“Normal flu, if I get that, I'm going to infect on average about 1.3 or 1.4 people. If those 1.3 or 1.4 people gave it to the next lot that's the second time it gets passed on. By the time that's happened 10 times, I've been responsible for about 14 cases of flu [if at 1.3; if at 1.4, it’s nearly 30 people].

This coronavirus is very, very infectious, so every person passes it to three. Now that doesn't sound like much of a difference, but if each of those three passes it to three, and that happens at 10 layers, I have been responsible for infecting 59,000 people. [The math is correct.]

  Please just remember that the best chance we can give for the people who do fall ill is if we have got enough beds and enough staff and enough kit to be able to be there for you. And if you are irresponsible enough to think that you don't mind if you get the flu, remember it's not about you, it's about everybody else.“

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Makes sense to me. I think wearing masks outside is stupid, but in an incubation chamber like a plane I would want everyone to do it. Also, I hope they improve the air circulation in the planes.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

When will this nonsense end?

Let me guess... when all viruses are completely eradicated from the planet? When there is absolutely zero risk of sickness or danger in our world?

I used to like ANA, but I will be writing to them to let them know they have lost a customer until they regain their senses.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I have no problem with wearing a mask from check in through leaving the airport after the flight. Why did public transportation companies not make it mandatory to wear masks from the initial discovery of the virus? I was on a flight from narita airport to Paris and had pneumonia when I arrived in Paris 12 hours later. Probably because the aircraft ventilation system does not have uv sterilization in their on board hvac. Almost died in Paris. What does not kill you makes you stronger.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

here we go again, not sure when this anti mask fools will stop their antics,

if you don't want to wear mask in the plane, stay home, it's simple

i know you didn't get any sort of test in Japan, i don't know if you are infected or not so,

glad airline is enforcing this rule, it's not easy to travel for work, I don't need worry about

idiots think that not wearing a mask is their right......

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Judging from the posts above, I guess fewer Americans will be travelling on ANA. Your loss. It's strange how other Asians, like the Chinese and Koreans, have no problems wearing masks for the benefit of everyone.

I remember when SARS was around and I had to go somewhere like Hawaii with Taiwan's China Airlines. And Taiwan was affected by SARS. Many of us had no problems wearing a mask throughout the whole journey.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Wearing a mask is totally useless as everybody knows. I am not going to fly anywhere until this nonsense is over. Unless I can wear my Hazmat suit......

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Wow, it’s like you’re being asked to pay $100 per mask as you walk on board. Jeez, the comments here claiming that this is the end of the world are really extreme stupidity.

Sitting in an airplane cabin means you’re breathing in a whole lot of recycled air. I hate it. Japanese people wear masks anytime anywhere anyway, so what business is it if yours to cry over your ‘freedoms’ being ripped from you?!

bunch of babies.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

I'm interested in anyone's response to this explanation, especially those who dispute that the reason for wearing masks is simply to protect others and prevent spread:


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I wear a mask for most of my waking life. I don't quite understand why its so hard. Be consider to others and protect yourself. Why is that so hard for some people? But with that said, I guess its in some people's nature to just be selfish.


To wear a mask for a 12 hours or more flight is very hard for us foreigners.

Once again you play the foreigner card. Masks are not "a Japanese thing". Its the 'right' thing, and a lot people have no problems with it ...foreigner or otherwise. You could have just said, *wearing a mask for 12 is very hard for *me, that would have made it a factual statement rather than a baseless assumption. I see a lot of Japanese people not wearing masks so this argument is totally moot, and you should really only speak for yourself and not for others.

Well, I can name one airline that I won't be flying on anytime soon.

> Hopefully this isn’t the future, but I have a sneaky suspicion it is.

This virus really brings out the true color in some people, and you can really see the people who look out for others, and the people who only think about themselves!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I agree......it is easy to wear a mask and not such a hardship especially when you are only at the airport or on a plane and not exerting any energy.In my opinion it is common sense.

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

roger jolly I dont know if are trying to be obtuse or not but you would probably take off the mask when you eat. I'd recommend you stay off the plane if you have no common decency.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

The data from the pandemic are clear now. For a large part of the population, there isn't an excess of mortality. It just isn't there.

How dare you say that when nearly 350,000 people of all ages, many with no underlying conditions, have died? How dare you? Who the hell are you to insist that you be allowed to endanger the lives of others, and on someone else’s private property no less?

Right now we’ve got only 5.3 million infected. When we have 5.3 billion infected, we could have 350 million deaths. But you think it’s acceptable that half a billion people die for your convenience. Think again.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

The people of the world have had enough of this absurdity, everyone should wear a mask, safety first at all times!!!

Let's put safety before the economy!!! Oh and...well done Japan!

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Well, I can name one airline that I won't be flying on anytime soon. Not that I fly all that much anyway. I have taken two flights (to and from Hokkaido) in the past five years, and I have no plans to go anywhere that requires such silliness. The airlines can keep up with their antics. They will just keep on losing passengers.

-24 ( +10 / -34 )

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