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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Why do extremists drive Toyotas? asks U.S.
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Why not? Stupid question deserves a stupid answer.
The Americans always try to blame an shame an external party to distract the attention of the own incompetence.. On Toyota: that's no rocket science, they are more reliable than something on wheels produced in the USA
poor bastards ....
But crowdfunding can help them???
Because they can't be sold in the US since there is a high tariff to protect the land of the free from free trade. :)
If you are a serious extremist and your core competency is giving speeches, dodging drones and cruise missiles, and beheading infidels 24/7, you can't spend time haggling with garages for repairs, waiting for spare parts, and changing oil and tires.
Toyota just gets the job done and lets a jihadi get back to serious extremism and the business at hand.
And that goes for just about anybody. But if you are the US military, with a huge logistics network and dedicated repair facilities and warehouses of replacement parts, then GM or Ford will be just fine.
Black Sabbath
Because they are durable.
@wtfjapanOCT. 09, 2015 - 11:44AM JST @Toshiku Toyota do make LHD vehicles in Japan for export, there are many LHD markets other than the US that import vehicles from Japan, while the Toyotas in this photo may be made in the US, the majority of Landcruisers/Prados LHD & RHD are made in Japan
This inquiry ia not by Japan By US
"I don't see what the inquiry is about other than Republicans trying to paint the Japanese auto industry in a bad light "
The Treasury Department is run by the Obama Administration, smith.
Tink miny
They use toyota because they cannot afford jaguar and bmw - ;-)
They don't. They usually carry Ak47s or RPG-7s, which are East Bloc weapons. It's quite rare to see a militant with a US-made firearm.
@Toshiku Toyota do make LHD vehicles in Japan for export, there are many LHD markets other than the US that import vehicles from Japan, while the Toyotas in this photo may be made in the US, the majority of Landcruisers/Prados LHD & RHD are made in Japan
Why are they driving Toyotas? Gee, I don't know. Why are so many of them carrying American weapons?
Basically liked all the replies. Owned a Chevy Blazer. FUN! BUT, parts corroded and brake pads wore out on rural winding roads in Japan. Parts were hard to get and expensive and the gas mileage.... well, could not afford to keep that joy ride!
Have owned 3 Toyotas. Why three? All extremely good, rarely any trouble, save some road damage to tires. Parts easily accessible. Brake pads on same winding roads NEVER needed replacing! All cars were bought used, in great condition. Japanese take good care of cars so used ones are naturally, still good! So, why did I replace the cars? Because the shaken became too much for the value of the car, so I replaced them with bettr but used cars. What happened to the used cars? Well, they found a new life in "some countries in Asia." There are any number of used car dealers from various Asian countries willing to ship a good used Toyota or part it out.
They are coveted in Central Asia, too. I would want a reliable car in the desert and on treacherous narrow, steep mountain roads where landslides occur and there is extreme temperature change. Next car, a used TOYOTA!! 100%
Toyota Tacoma's were used in Operation Iraqi Freedom
"Army Special Forces also used a number of Toyota Tacomas and Land Rover Defenders in northern and western Iraq during the initial stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom. These were fitted with mounts for M240s and MK-19 grenade launchers. Delta Force, as part of Task Force 20, also fielded a number of NSTVs, mostly Land Rover Defenders during the invasion phase of the conflict. Later, they would source a range of local vehicles for use on covert operations."
I doubt that there is a requirement to fill out your political and religious persuasion on the purchase agreement but perhaps that's not the case in U.S.? Or are you suggesting that these ISIL fighters filled out "ISIL" as their occupation on the initial application and Toyota knew about it?
They did. After lengthy investigation, NHTSA
"NASA engineers found no electronic flaws in Toyota vehicles capable of producing the large throttle openings required to create dangerous high-speed unintended acceleration incidents."
Joshua Degreiff
This post is funny and irrelevant is like "Why do extremist use Android?"
Todd Topolski
Wow talk about the US government over stepping and going after a company for no reason. These extremists are also driving around US government military vehicles, stolen from Iraq, using US weapons stolen from Iraq and this is far more significant of an issue that the brand of vehicle they drive. These extremists are people who illegally obtain weapons, have slavery, commit a variety of other crimes, it is not really too much of a leap of logic to consider they have the means to obtain vehicles as well. For the US to imply Toyota is actually sending sellers over to the middle east to sell vehicles, is very wrong implication. At best, it is likely the suppliers to these militants are finding it easier to obtain Toyota vehicles and there is nothing at all Toyota can do about that, they are the worlds biggest manufacturer, it stands to reason they will have the most vehicles which means the easiest to obtain. .
Excellent news for Toyota! Their Hilux pickup trucks are just undestroyable. This is the best free advertising Toyota could ever have and the whole world is talking about it. Hilux with DShK heavy machine gun mounted on it were already operated by an Afghan private security company in 2010. So, nothing new here.
Andreas Zachcial
US is always great with finger pointing on others. But they have to answer a few questions themselves. Why did they bomb a MSF hospital for about one hour in Kunduz? And who helped to create the ISIS terror group in the first place??
@wtfjapanOCT. 08, 2015 - 10:31PM JST toshiko, The cars look like left side handled. So like USA made. LHD vehicles are made in japan as well, just the vast majority are exported.
Toyota do not import from Japan. It has factories in carious US states and in Mexico. They never had to import from chop shops or stolen vehicle specialists from Japan. Just like other Japanese brand automakers in USA, it make cars complying US laws.
FYI, MIC means military industrial complex. Hardly a conspiracy unless you wanna call Dwight d. Eisenhower a conspiracy nut too. I'd recommend that you check out his farewell speech but I'd be wasting my time, wouldn't i?
Also a good acronym as well. KIA - Killed in Action, Killed in Automobile, Killed in Accident.
toshiko, I can see the tiny mirrors are at both side. But why don't you look at the steering wheel at the left side to see which side. They probably changed the color to make it inconspicuous.
OK, sorry. I`ll try to keep better track of who is who in the conspiracy crowd.
Peace Out
At an imaginary Toyota dealership somewhere in the not so distant future:
Customer: I am definitely going to buy one of those Tacomas!
Salesman: You are not a member of ISIS or any other Islamic militant group are you?
Customer: No.
Salesman: You are quite sure? And no one in your family is a terrorist or supporter of terror?
Customer: Umm....maybe I will get a Kia after all....
You mean those onStar thing? Why bother with kill switch to the engine? Just implement a "kill" switch to feed the CO exhaust back into the car will be better.
Ossan ans tina: Look at tiny mirror on right side door. Come to USA and see by yourself. Only driver's side keep that to ensure driver keep eyes behind. Also come to see there is no such ugly colored cars on USA street, HW FW Defending Japan is nice but you are writing W/ O being in USA
Toyota and the US should develop a system where a satellite can detect, identify and 'scan' any Toyota to find its engine or gearbox or other vital part number and then have a kill switch for it. Maybe it can already be done?
Only if you can't tell the difference between left and right. Please look at the photo above.
toshiko, The cars look like left side handled. So like USA made. LHD vehicles are made in japan as well, just the vast majority are exported. I use to export used vehicles and parts for a living, and the Landcruiser Prado, Nissan Patrol/Safari main customers were middle east and Russia. Toyota including Corolla Parado Landcruiser fetch a premium price over other makes why!? Ive asked plenty of Russians, Pakistanis, UAE, Sireans, Iranians etc, that come to Japan to buy used vehicles and parts the answers I always get is the same, "they really break down even in the harshest conditions and parts are affordable and in plentiful supply" Now if the US would just study the automotive markets in those countries theyd clearly see why.
Who are these clowns?
US asks because they do not use Ford/Chrysler/GM ?
toshiko, The cars look like left side handled. So like USA made.
Because Toyotas last longer than Ford, Chevy, Fiat, BMW, Jaguar, Porsche, Peugeot, VW, Renault, Nissan, Datsun, Isuzu, or Russian made trucks?
because this isn't really inquiry but Japan bashing. Old habits die hard.
The cars on photo look like right side handled. Not like USA made. Cars are parading on right side of road. Ugly color. Do not look like made in USA Toyota. Blaming Toyota in other countries?
They did.
"Since the United States is home to such a large population of automobile consumers, Toyota manufactures a wide variety of different models here. So far, the Toyota manufacturing plants in the United States have produced the Toyota Avalon, the Toyota Camry, the Toyota Camry Hybrid, the Toyota Corolla, the Toyota Sequoia, the Toyota Sienna, the Toyota Solara, the Toyota Tacoma and the Toyota Tundra."
it might start to make a dent in 30 years time
And, I wonder what would happen if vehicle sales were prohibited to extremists groups? I guess the first thing that would happen is, Toyota's profits would drop significantly. The next thing would be, we would see extremists getting around with rocket launchers mounted on camels and goats. That would be a sight worth seeing!
To think a common love for a car brand could unite the world, and it happens to be Japanese. Someone should make a film about the life of a Japanese vehicle, from its beginning as a new car on display in a dealership to its ultimate fate as a classic collector's prize in the distant future. It's Anna Sewell's Black Beauty..with a car.
Richard Wood
Perhaps the same reason ISIS is using American made military hardware??? You mean the geniuses in the Pentagon can't figure out perhaps they were captured from the various countries ISIS is in???
Jorge Gonzalez
This would make great fodder for one of their stupid commercials.
Dealer: Hi, I'm Joe Dealer here with Hammad Rashaad to talk about the new Toyota Tacoma!
Radhaad: I like room in bed. Many ammunitions can fit in. I also to be liking that my rocket launcher and the rpg to be easy mount to side of truck.
Dealer: There you have it! Toyota! (Insert catch phrase)
You might want to put down the sake bottle. That's KCJapan who rants about the Shia-tea, I'm the pipeline guy. Remember? Lol
Why doesn't the U.S just ask the extremists?
You're right. Though I imagine I would feel safer in a humvee against small arms attack, as I assumed the toyotas body panel will be much easier penetrated by M4 or M16 NATO rounds.
Toyotas are the best. That is why Americans drive them and that is why ISIL and people everywhere drive them.
Let them have the shiny Toyotas, it's not armored so it just makes them easier to target and a pleasure take out. the humvee or another light armoured vehicles are easy to take out with 20mm round or Hellfire missiles from a A-10 Warthog or Apache Gunship. Or even a IED. What the Landcruiser does have over the LAV , Humvee is speed.
Your internal slang is getting confusing. Until yesterday, you were ranting about "Shia-Tea", without ever explaining what that is supposed to be, and now it is "MIC". Is that another term for "Shia-Tea", or another bogeyman? Again, you should not assume everybody lives in the same world as you.
Why not ask GM why so many IS personnel are running about in HMMVs? Because they were nicked! What a stupid enquiry. Toyota pick ups are extremely popular all over the world, especially the HILUX, which as Top Gear showed is pretty much indestructible. You could ask the same question about African rebels in the 1960s and 70s using Land Rovers... stolen.
The 'technicals' as they are called, have been used since wars in Africa in the 1980s, starting with the Toyota war in 1987, part of the Chad-Libya conflict. It's very easy to bolt the tripod of a heavy machine gun to the rear space, or even heavier artillery or anti-aircraft guns. In many of the Middle Eastern countries, the locals went straight from camels as their primary mode of transport to 4x4 pick-ups, their sign of 'development'.
You'll also find some Mazda BT50s and Nissan trucks there, such as the Junior and Datsun 720, but it was the red name on white rear panel of the Toyota that really stood out.
Has anyone seen that Top Gear "Killing a Toyota" episode?
Enuff said.
Also, you can easily modify the TOYOTA nameplate to read TOY, which jihadists find hilarious.
very simple Toyota has a huge customer base in the Middle east, they are one if not the most reliable 4x4 vehicle you can buy, they can handle the extreme heat , sand of the desert and the extreme cold. Just ask any Russian which 4x4 is the best to own in Russia during winter.
Chop Chop
This is most stupid and ridiculous inquiry from US authority so far. If I write continue about how stupid US Authority was and then JT won't allow it. Let me stop in here.
Let them have the shiny Toyotas, it's not armored so it just makes them easier to target and a pleasure take out.
Jeremy Clarkson knows:
LOL @ some of the clever comments here.
The question is a bit like, "Why is the Pope a Catholic?"
What is a little ironic is that although the Japanese people have recently been declared a 'legitimate' target, IS are happy to drive their pick-ups.
To me it shows their underlying insecurity, and that there exists a desire for uniformity even among thieves.
"Roadside Assist" would be a big selling point.
Becauae Toyota vehicles take a licking and keep on ticking. I've owned GM, Ford, Chrysler, Audi, VW, MB, Nissan, Mazda and Toyota, the best value for my money was always the Toyota. If I was in this middle east on any side of the confrontation that exists a Toyota would last longer in that environment and can be repaired more easily and parts are more available. For the US government to ask Toyota and waste time doing so is asinine.
I hope this isn't going to develop into a trilateral trade issue between Washington, Tokyo and whatever hovel ISIS currently call home. If Washington and the automakers in Detroit want to sell more trucks to the Islamic State, they are going to have to make an effort to improve their product and service offerings. For obvious reasons, your average extremist isn't looking for a truck that comes equipped with a beer fridge. They are also not interested in having a gun rack mounted in the back window, or a Confederate Flag hanging from the aerial. What they want instead is somewhere to store their Kalashnikov and their spare RPG rounds.
Garbage. Show me ONE significant purchase of Toyota vehicles for use in the mid-East by ANY U.S. governmental body. The fact is Japan Inc. does not care one bit what your political or religious persuasion is, so long as you have cash. Notice Toyota does not deny the implication, all they are committing to is:
Yeah, right! Just like they were committed to complying with the U.S. inquiry into unintended acceleration. LOL.
Peace Out
As common as oil is in the M.E. I bet gasoline is fairly precious to these militants. Humvees would eat up their supply fast.
Also, if they need Humvee parts, where are they going to get them?
Last, I can't imagine being seen riding in the vehicles of the Great Satan is good for PR.
I lived in the Middle East for 6 years and let me tell you nothing beats Toyota for that weather. All the american and UK cars could not perform like a Toyota and would break down. Dollar for dollar nothing beats the Landcruiser and that is the only reason why ISIS and for that matter all other militias use them.
Why do extremists have and use American weapons? Japan asks. Selling/giving them directly?
Climate change deniers drive Tacomas, and tree huggers drive Prius.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
Why don't they drive those Humvees? Do you know how easy those things are to blow up?
I've alway wondered the same. Toyotas are everywhere in the ME. Prob cause they're very reliable in that climate, the gas mileage is incredible.
The first thing that came up in my mind was, why the hell haven't we asked Toyota to put trackers in the trucks secretly and give the GPS information to the states to locate the extremists. Or is it a silly idea?
Aren't they using Apple's Iphones?
Peace Out
Well, let's see: they have taken several towns in Northern Iraq as well as Mosul and Tikrit. When they did so, they acquired lots of toys the U.S. gave the Iraqi army who just abandoned them, including helicopters. I don't know if the U.S. gave the Iraqis Toyota trucks (potential scandal there?) but ISIS surely raided dealerships too.
Last year in October ISIS was threatening to take Baghdad. The Iraqi forces threatened to abandon their weapons and equipment unless the U.S. sent ground forces.
So what does the U.S. want Toyota to do? Build less reliable trucks?
simple.because their fuel consumption is the most efficient!
They are just annoyed that extremists arent buying American trucks to drive around in. Why should Japan get all these sales, when American manufacturers are struggling
Why don't they drive the 2,500 Humvees they took from Mosul?
The MIC must be getting angry and they want a piece of that pie. Maybe Obama can start a zero-down zero-interest campaign for anyone in the ME who buy an American truck. Free delivery, and that's how the MIC get their slice.
This inquiry just highlights American failure in the region. Russia is swooping and moving ISIS out, showing US claims that they are fighting ISIS to be a lie. The new dictators will be Russian clients. So now, the USA is reduced to whining that ISIS animals drive Japanese vehicles? How the mighty fall...
For the same reasons they use AK-47. Cheap, durable and reliable.
Why do extremists drive Toyotas? asks U.S.
Lol.They should ask themselves as well as their "allies" from Saudi Arabia.
Unless Japan is directly giving them to terrorists I don't see what the inquiry is about other than Republicans trying to paint the Japanese auto industry in a bad light because the US cannot compete. Terrorists are just using the vehicles that are available, and a lot of second hand vehicles are shipped to nations that cannot necessarily afford new vehicles but that are still in very good condition and are durable.
Because the so-called "moderate rebels" funded by Washington are selling their gifts from America to ISIS or are being stolen or simply handed over.
In any case, it underscores the futility of Western intervention in that hopeless part of the world.
At least the state department could have bought American for the sake of US jobs.
Dennis Bauer
Correlation does not imply causation, Terrorist use what is available and as browny1 said they are good cars and Toyota sold a bunch of them in the middle east
Because they're as reliable as the sun rising and tough as nuts.
Because it's hard to get parts for a fleet of Datsuns?
Because the blue book, Car & Driver, or Consumer Reports told them to do it?
Because Toyotas are darn near ubiquitous around the world?
AJ Powell
This is a stupid inquiry. They use them because they were readily available in larger quantities throughout the areas they took over. These are the same Toyota trucks the US military and other US agencies brought and used extensively throughout their time conducting operations in the region. When they left, a large number of these vehicles were left behind. Hence why they are now being used by terrorists who took those areas over.
Perhaps they think they are being green.