Japan Today

‘Peeping Tom’ police officer arrested outside woman’s apartment


A 42-year-old police inspector in Tokyo has been arrested on suspicion of breaking into a women’s-only apartment building to get a look at one of the tenants as she undressed.

According to police, Takashi Owada, an inspector for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Security Division, was apprehended at the scene in Chofu on Sunday, Fuji TV reported. Police said he has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying, “I saw a naked woman through an opening in the curtains and wondered if I could see her again.”

The apartment manager had previously consulted with officers at Chofu Police Station after tenants reported seeing a suspicious man lurking on the premises from early November. A police patrol arrested Owada after the manager reported seeing him lurking about on Sunday.

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An inspector for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Security Division? A wolf is in charge of the henhouse...

17 ( +18 / -1 )

“I saw a naked woman through an opening in the curtains and wondered if I could see her again.”

LOL, such a very typical Japanese police story.

20 ( +21 / -1 )

How sexually frustrated are men in Japan? 42 and will do anything to see a naked woman! WOW that is so pathetic words can't describe it! I would expect something like that from say a 15 year old, but 42!!!???

16 ( +21 / -5 )

If you've been here a while you'll not be so surprised. People in respected positions get caught doing some really weird, strange stuff on a fairly regular basis here.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

How sexually frustrated are men in Japan? 42 and will do anything to see a naked woman! 

You'd be surprised. Around 40% of people above 30 are still virgins. Frustration would be an understatement.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Police said he has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying, “I saw a naked woman through an opening in the curtains and wondered if I could see her again.”

Wait until this guy gets access to the internet! He’s in for a ride!

16 ( +18 / -2 )

But on a sadder note - are women not even safe from sexual harassment living alone in their own homes anymore? Where is safe for women not to be made to feel unsafe?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Predatory behavior. - A ‘chance’ view in passing is one issue. But to return to the scene, again & again, and eventually, to break in to a ‘women’s-only’ apartment building for a closer look? Indications he was looking for more than just another ‘chance’ encounter.

- “Police quoted [Takashi Owada] as saying, “I saw a naked woman through an opening in the curtains and wondered if I could see her again.” -

1 ( +6 / -5 )

(Hopefully, ‘soon-to-be-demoted’) former TokyoMetPD “Chief Inspector” Takashi Owada was ‘casing’ the building, surveillance cameras and ‘blind spots’. - Means, motive, and eventually, an opportunity for more nefarious crimes than just a “Peeping” Tomo.

- “The apt mgr had prev. consulted with Chofu Police after tenants reported seeing a suspicious man lurking on the premises from early Nov. A police patrol arrested Owada after the mgr reported seeing him lurking about on Sun.” -

0 ( +3 / -3 )

You’re right. ‘Many bells’ *should* be going off and ‘red flags’ going up *@Manybells 5:24pm *as this “Chief Inspector” more than likely has/had access to a variety of databases & information on these residents of the women’s-only building:

*- @Manybells 5:24pm: “**Wait until this guy gets access to the internet! *

- are women not even safe from sexual harassment living alone in their own homes anymore?

- Where is safe for women not to be made to feel unsafe?”

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Chofu is having a bad month: first the knife attack on the train, now this.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What exactly is the police training requirements? Are there any background checks on these people?

It seems like all you have to be to qualify, is to:

be breathing

be alive

be able to walk

be able to play on your smartphones

be from Japan.

Am I missing anything on the requirement list?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The bigger question is if he'll be permanently fired from the police force AND get adequate jail time. My guess is no to either.

Also peeping at a woman alone in her home? What, does he not have access to the internet? Pathetic.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Another sex offender.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Who knows what other victims he may already have approached and possibly, intimidated with his position? We all know there will be a departmental, public apology and ‘endeavor to see there is no reoccurrence”. He’ll be given an opportunity to resign, or worse, officially ‘demoted’ but transferred to another division rather than serving any real ‘jail time’.

@zichi 6:14pm: “Throwing his career away for a peep show.” -

Perhaps THIS is an opportunity for Jmedia’s intrepid reporters to pursue THIS story deeper, rather than scowering Twitter and getting hysterical over possible, fried chicken shortages at convenience stores for the upcoming Christmas holiday?

1 ( +4 / -3 )


2 ( +3 / -1 )

If you are so frustrated, just pay for it and go to a strip club. Plenty of them in Tokyo. And plenty of Chinese prostitutes on the streets of Roppongi offering the full course menu.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Well a prostitute is an option but you may end up peeing fire the next day! Be careful!

That could happen when sleeping with any girl. Or boy for that matter.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

What I find disturbing is, the police are here as servents of the public, and are there to enforce and uphold the law. Creeps like this guy let down and embarrass the whole police force, and the other thing is this guy is slipping, he forgot to play the top trump card, "i was drunk and cant remember"

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Shouldn’t that be a ‘Peeping Taro’?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Creepy and even confessing. Clueless guy who became cop randomly.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan do have any laws protecting, women from creeps, they will do everything to save his career

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

With police officers routinely being arrested for sexual assault, harassment, and voyerism, is it any wonder why women are reluctant to report sex crimes to police? Fox guarding the henhouse, indeed.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

""inspector for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Security Division""

Doing his job I say!!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

REF: Paul & Geronimo:

“After you’re there for a while”.…You’ll Learn this isn’t exactly a Respected Position, due to circumstances such as this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


How sexually frustrated are men in Japan? 42 and will do anything to see a naked woman! WOW that is so pathetic words can't describe it! I would expect something like that from say a 15 year old, but 42!!!???

I think it is the hunting instinct that attracts the peeping toms. If they just want to see nekkid women, they can click on any of the gadzillion porn sites out there, or go to a fuzoku shop.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Looks like our resident Peeping_Tom is a full-blown cuck. Wife probably denies him action in bed.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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