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Suspected gunpowder found at home of Kishida blast suspect: media


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This sociopath dropkick is in a world of trouble. Protesting is to be encouraged in a free country - there should be more in Japan. Pipe bombs to cause terror should never be acceptable- and should attract extreme penalties.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

What was his motive? Last report was that he wasn't speaking until he got his lawyer. If it's more dissatisfaction with Kishida or the LDP like in Abe's case then it could prove to be embarrasing before the election and G7. My bet is that they'll smother this until after the election.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

This isn't going to get any better if issues aren't addressed. It isn't just about security... It's about trusting the current government. The path of life is feeling more and more impossible for young people. Money problems are rampant. Of course crime and anger will increase. These aren't random attacks, they are (poorly) thought out and targeted attacks.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

there can be many reasons! Sometimes are many hiding things behind a politicians, many secrets that they don't want us to know, like that fact that Shinzo Abe aupiorted the Korean Church, no one knew that untill the day of the attack at Shinzo Abe! we just pay taxes and who is in charge of the country controlls all our money, withour ask us first, this can be also a reason!! it could be good to check all those politicians hiding secrets one by one!! how many taxes they pay,if they took more money than what was necessary,or have any connections with any bad sources!cause our money are manipulated without our consent!! they should allowed us to vote if we agree or not about some decisions made by Kishida! aslo the police in this country are not effective!there is not a securty check or any kind sofisticate tools that could prevent any act of terrorism! could it be many reasons the fact that are mamy attempts in this country! Bad things Happens to bad people, good things to good people! and the Wakayama police should let us know the reason why the bomber trow the bomb at Kishida !

3 ( +5 / -2 )

National broadcaster NHK said suspected gunpowder, as well as pipe-like objects and tools were found at the home, and investigators now believe the explosive thrown at the event was homemade.

Wait! What? Homemade? You mean he didn't order his pipe bombs online? (Heavy sarcasm intended)

9 ( +11 / -2 )


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Fighto!Today  07:13 am JST

This sociopath dropkick is in a world of trouble. Protesting is to be encouraged in a free country - there should be more in Japan. Pipe bombs to cause terror should never be acceptable- and should attract extreme penalties.

Demonstrating and protest is a sign of a healthy democracy, but pipe bombs and terrorism never is. That causes harm, injury, death to innocent individuals who did nothing to deserve it nor had anything to do with the issue. That's wrong!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Officers were ordered to "strengthen patrolling and guarding, including security for the G7 Hiroshima summit", Matsuno said.

So what, had this attack NOT happen, they wouldn't be "strengthening" their security?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Even if you don’t agree with the government, you should do it peacefully imo. At least in countries where you won’t be disappeared for speaking against them. Japans institution has a lot of issues but just launch a public protest if you got issues.

I know Japan actively deters protesting and essentially considers it a public disturbance but geeze. Attacks that put other people in harms way are cowardly.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Suspect has continued silence.

But, vindicators, including influencers, for Unification Church are spreading baseless delusion through news shows or SNS as if media who had criticized Unification Church urged this explosion.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Kishida was lucky this guy was a complete amateur and botched the bomb, if he was a pro like the people that make fireworks a much worse thing would have happened.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So far they have retained all information about that Kimura.

I am 100% sure it is because it would be very embzrzssing to the government.

They don't want another Unification Church like crisis so they just keep him away from any lawyer until election at least, or later. Japanese live in the present.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Apart from the materials for making gunpowder at his home, the police have also recovered nuts and bolts from around the warehouse where the pipe bomb went off. They now have divers in the sea looking for more.

He hasn't spoken a word since his arrest.

He wanted to run as a local political candidate but was told he was too young even to vote. He then took the country to court, but the case was thrown out. The makings of a deep grudge?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

PS Not a word, except to announce that he will only speak once he is with a lawyer.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

i love the title headline, with a double "SUSPECT", both the gunpowder is a suspect, and the suspect is a suspect.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

At least they're finally calling it a pipe bomb, which it was, and not a "smoke bomb", which it wasn't.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

These aren't random attacks, they are (poorly) thought out and targeted attacks.

Or, extremely well thought out, and made to appear amateurish...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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