Police on Tuesday arrested a couple in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, on charges of criminal negligence resulting in manslaughter after they left their daughter in a car for six hours while they played pachinko on Monday. According to police, the one-year-old baby girl was left in the car by her father, Katsuhiko Nakama, 36, and mother Hisako Nakama, 38, from 10 a.m. until around 4:30 p.m. in the pachinko parlor car park. Police said the car windows were closed and the air conditioning was switched off.
Local TV reported that on Monday, the air temperature in Wajima was recorded at 28.9, but the temperature inside the car would have been much higher. Police believe the cause of death to have been heatstroke.
© Japan Today
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Sounds like a murder to me.
And it begins for the summer.
Ya think! These two should not have ever meet. RIP little girl.
Truly irresponsible, your average person would not leave their pets in a car for that long, Less know a small child. RIP Little one.
How the poor girl must have suffered. It breaks my heart to imagine it.
I think I might be looking in car windows a bit more this summer, at least from a distance, as I wander into stores and such. And keeping my ears open too. So many cars have smoked windows these days, so my ears might be my only clue.
I think every pachinko parlor should be required to have lot attendants who check the cars. This happens every year and mostly it seems at pachinko parlors.
Nicky Washida
This makes me feel physically sick, just thinking about it. And I agree with CactusJack - EVERYONE knows the risks these days, these people had no excuse - they did this deliberately and this is murder, pure and simple.
My solution to the energy crisis may also result in such appalling things happening again and again. Make it law, pachinko may only be open from 6:30pm until 11:00pm. Closed during the day.
In Australia it is murder. In Japan it is an accident.
Lets not blame the pachinko joints - the responsibility sits 100 percent with negligent parents who unfortunately don't love their children. Life in prison is the only option. Rest in Peace to the poor little baby.
I agree with @chewitup Pachinko parlors should be required to have lot attendants. In addition, they should be required to put up signs saying "DON'T LEAVE YOUR KID IN YOUR CAR!"
Unfortunately, it is not only pachinko idiots that kill their kids this way. :-(
Too bad there are not public service announcements like in other countries about the risks of distracted driving, kids not in seat belts, and kids left in cars.
Poor little girl!
It's not just pachinko shops. I constantly see parents ignoring their small children while they chat with friends or tap out messages via their cell phones. These people are too immature to bring children into the world.
Exactly, but unsurprising as there just doesnt seem to be the same level of care in Japan for kids safety in cars. Just look at how many parents drive around with the kids unrestrained in cars.
Probably, but who cares, right? Whatever the cops might try and charge you with, the child's life is more important. I think the media and general Japanese public would totally understand as well.
I agree. Some parlors do have added "警備員" who walk around checking cars, but it should be made mandatory. God knows those pachinko joints make enough money... they can afford a few extra baito folk during the summer months... they can even advertise themselves as "family friendly pachinko".
Matthew, if a foreigner did break the window and save the baby, he or she would probably be arrested for destruction of private property. Especially if the baby were still alive. The parents would claim they just left her for a moment and the police would not bother to check for other witnesses or video if the baby were alive. It's better for the witness to call the police. It may not be better for the child, however.
These people should NOT be alllowed by law to parent their child - they clearly are completely unable to do so.
No, if it was an "accident" they wouldn't be charged with "criminal negligence resulting in manslaughter" would they? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be charged with murder in Australia for this either - it would be a similar manslaughter charge.
The problem in Japan is not with the charge, it is with the lenient sentencing.
Till now there is so many cases like this in Japan happening again and again and I am surprised that Japanese governement is not taking any steps to stop this by making some strict laws.
And so ironic that the husband is a health care worker... :-(
No, it's not murder. Murder implies intent. These people are horribly irresponsible fools who should be thrown in prison but surely they did not intent to kill their child. The fact that they did kill their child is manslaughter, not murder.
Graham DeShazo
I wonder....The husband is a health care worker. The fact that cars get lethally hot in the summer is as widely known as the fact that bullets come out of the front of guns. Claiming an accident or lack of knowledge just does not hold water here. One wonders if the parents did not in fact do this intentionally.
Playing that stupid noisey game called pachinko is far more important than a 1 year olds life, yeah right.
String these two animals up in public they dont deserve to even breathe any longer, waste of valuable oxygen.
And how do you determine that? Mind reading? Tarot cards? There is no way to really know if they intended for their daughter to die.
But we can be reasonably sure they left her in that car on purpose and any fool knows that is a death sentence.
Seen this same story many times over the years, always in the summer. Only the names of the parents and cities change.
Actually if a child is found left unattended in a car, they can be charged with child abuse. The problem is the law only states "an extended period of time", and does not specifically mention cars - so if they left their kid for 30 minutes, they could argue that the time they left the child was within reasonable limits.
Setting a specific time limit for leaving kids unattended in cars - say 5 minutes - would be a logical step in the right direction. The only problem is it would no doubt be another toothless law - like the rear seatbelt one - meaning the minority of people out there who are idiots will just go on doing what they always do with no fear of enforcement by the police.
For some reason this article makes my blood boil. How stupid can some people be; and to lose a child while gambling!!!
This is such arch-typical Japanese summer story.... how many times more do we have to read this.
Considering how many dimwits parents like this there are out there, shouldn´t pachinko places be required by law to patrol their parking lots?
Seriously all.....what kind of sentence are the parents going to get? According to Japanese law, what they will be charged with and convicted of?
I just glanced at my kids with such sadness for the little one that is no longer with us due to a pachinko game.
Did they win?
They should be strerelised at least, but did they win?
So this has ticked me off more and more lately. Went to the supermarket the other day and I saw 2 cars in the parkinglot engine running, both had a child LEFT inside. 2 CARS!!!! I wish It was not true. That means that this was just a tiny percentage of a total people who do it. Its a serious problem and of course, noone does something about it, unfortuntely.
So... which clinic does the husband work at...?
This is becoming a tradition. Absolutely ridiculous. As other commentators have noted, it's not just this; parents freely have their tots bouncing around in the front seat with no seatbelt and with apparent impunity from the so-called law.
I wonder when the Japanese will get some common sense, and for those who still can't get it into their heads, some proper enforcement of the law.
I know, I know, the above is a sweeping statement, but there does seem to be a disproportionate amount of stupidity in this country; a real lack of understanding of cause and effect.
Pets get better treatment than most Japanese kids. Next time you are out for stroll you can actually see it. Bizarre how these people are.... I think making dogs and cats kawaii even get better funerals than most. Pachinko should be banned period. I think even the Chinese figured that out...it ruins lives. I never take my eyes of my lad anywhere, but then again- I am not Japanese.
First off I often go to pachinko parlors and let me state that at least ALL the one's I go to have posters all over the place warning people not to leave kids in the car. One glance at the poster says it all, a crying baby. Next at ALL the places I go to there are attendants and security type folks constantly monitoring the parking lots.
Pachinko parlors can not and should not be blamed for the stupid, ignorant behavior of the parents.
Blaming the pachinko parlors would be the same as blaming the parents of of couple that left their grandchild in the car to die.
I say life in prison, won't happen of course, but life in prison in a locked up car and air is only filtered in long enough to keep them alive.
6 hours! What can you say, 6 hours! Hope they got 2 or 3 boxes of soap powder, might be able to wash their souls.
Six hours of leaving your child by themselves in a car? That does qualify as murder, that is intent for any reasonable judge. They murdered their child.
Wow, what a convenient way to get rid of an unwanted baby. These "parents," and I use the word loosely, knew exactly what they were doing when they left the baby in the car. Should be tried for murder in my opinion.
Absolutely heartbreaking. RIP little girl (your parents did not deserve you)...
How could they leave a 1-year-old baby alone anywhere, let alone in a closed car in a car park? Did it not once strike them that maybe they should be feeding/changing/watering the child? Surely they weren't just 'playing pachinko'. They must have been high on something. No way otherwise they would simply ignore a child for that long.
I can't get my head around this.
Between 1987 and 2009, 76 children died due to parents leaving the kids unattended in vehicle while playing pachinko.
Don't these incidents get reported in the Japanese language press? Seems like this happens often every summer.......
I agree with cleo. There is no way a parent can leave his/her child for 6 hours in a car without checking on the child. There more to the article unfortunately JT would not do a follow up.
This is just another case of unreliable parents who have no idea on how to raise kids. People like these two should not have children in the first place. as for the child, I really feel bad for what she went through. May God bless her soul.
What else is new?
Excuse me? Parents are not aloud to "chat" or "email" ? Do you have children? Please don't compare that to monsters leaving a BABY in a boiling car for 6 hours.
This is a profoundly tragic event that happens too often. It's at the point where news outlets probably keep the same story on file and just change the dates and names.
According to the J-news, this pachinko parlor took various measures to make sure this didn't happen.
It's sad that the person making rounds didn't notice the infant, especially since she was in the back seat in a child seat -- kind of an obvious place to look for any employee/guard walking around the parking lot.
From the article:
Not that this makes a difference in how tragic this is but according to J-news, it was actually from 10 a.m. for 4.5 hours (not 6 hours).
At least these guys are facing serious charges. Similar incidents in the past have resulted in less, and that's ONLY if the child dies. If the kid was just critical and later survived probably NOTHING would come of it.
papasmurfinjapan: "Probably, but who cares, right? Whatever the cops might try and charge you with, the child's life is more important. I think the media and general Japanese public would totally understand as well."
I agree with you in terms of compassion, my friend, but you could literally be deported for such action, and the media or people wouldn't side with you all that much unless a HUGE issue was made out of it and it was contrasted with the incident here. After all, if you smashed the window and saved the child he/she would be alive and the owners could say they had just stepped out for a minute and the child would have been fine -- you can't really disprove it easily. It's sad, but I believe it to be the case. I'd probably do it anyway if I thought the kid were in serious danger.
When will they ever learn? This happens every year.
Rather than warning signs and patrols, they just need to ensure the car park has only a single entrance, man it, and turn away any cars with kids in them. They're not allowed inside the building anyway.
A microwaved baby !!!!!!!
They can go free, but the woman and the husband should have mandatory sterilization procedures done to them.
They should never MATE again !!!!!
Have you ever seen Pachinko people and what they look like.
Some people stand outside 6am waiting for the place to open. Ive seen 20 people stand outside like its a welfare/ food stamps line.
I think pachinko parlors should hire guards and patrol the vehicles. This is really fnckin retarded
And it opens around 9 - 10am.
What a sad world.
Another senseless "accident" where a small child paid the ultimate price.
ZERO COMMON SENSE ZERO COMPASSION ZERO MATURITY GAMBLING OVER EVERYTHING ELSE.... MONSTROUS INDIVIDUALS (AND I MEAN BOTH OF THEM!)YET, the Japanese corrupted/draconian/keystone KOPS won't do much about it. the charges are empty and their so called sentences will be a joke. Anything from your typical suspended sentence to a shameless 3~4 year prison time. You may disagree with me, but remember that born and raised here, for over 30 years...hey It's not too difficult to guess the outcome of this..
I dare to say that they "knew" what they were doing, I don't care...these two left her to die inside that car and went to play long enough to let the heat take care of the little girl. and indeed!!!
You can say, it was an accident, that they forgot about her....hahaha come on...you know BETTER!! Me, 10 years married, 4 children(one in the oven) and not ONCE I forgot any of my children inside a car or anywhere else for that matter....YES, I have left them with the engine running plus the AC ON for NO more than 5 minutes!!!! Say the SevenEleven or the Gas Station...but for more than 5 minutes??? NEVER in this lifetime or the next. NEVER!!
I hope these two "animals" rot in hell and dream with their little girl night after night. SCUM. nothing more.
How shameful, a country where a dog or cat gets better treatment than a child, I am ashamed of this society that refuses to change and protect children. I am ashamed of this corrupted government. too much "shouganai" everyday.
How many times do I have to come to this website and read stories (child abuse/murder etc.) like this one? how many times more?
This article sure messed up my day. How painful...
REST in PEACE, little angel~ =(
Nice idea, but I can see future stories of kids dying in the trunk as parents try to hide them from view.
And all this time not a single passerby noticed this kid in the car & reported it? Unless it's now common practice in Japan to heavily tint windows (I've been gone a few years). Then it's all back on the idiot parents (who at 36 & 38 should've known better).
I fear you could have a point there. :(
kaminarioyajiJul. 27, 2011 - 07:21PM JST
Nice idea, but I can see future stories of kids dying in the trunk as parents try to hide them from view.
WOW!! That would be an unspeakable abomination.... can you imagine? ...sigh....
They really should upgrade the charges for "Leaving your kids to die in the car while you play pachinko" to 1st degree murder. I'm getting sick and tired of reading this headline over and over and over.
When will Japan finally look itself in the mirror and realize that it has a significant problem with gambling addiction, in the form of the omni-present pachinko parlors? Pachinko is not a quaint/harmless part of Japanese culture/society like karaoke. It is like having a casino in almost every neighborhood. Just another problem Japan conveniently ignores. Probably because pachinko is controlled by the yaks, and the public would go nuts if they did not have the diversion from the misery of day-to-day life if they moved on it. And this is the result. Shameless.
Indeed an unspeakable abomination, but sadly I can imagine that happening in Japan. As other posters have noted, the "kid dies in car while parents play pachinko" scenario is played out every year (despite also being an unspeakable abomination). CrazyJoe's statistic above is unbelievable, and yet the annual trend continues.
It happens all over the world and not just around pachinko parlors. Around here the child is usually asleep in the back and the distracted parent forgets the child is there and leaves the vehicle. Usually it's the parent who normally doesn't ferry the child around (i.e. the dad). However, I can't think of any situations like this one where BOTH parents leave the vehicle and forget the kid is there. Unless the police can prove they plotted this on purpose, then you have to assume this was an accident and negligent homicide is the exact charge that should be brought against them. That's an opinion based on the lack of any other extenuating circumstances in the article (were they drunk? on drugs?)
Stephen Jez
Sadly, this happens way too often in Japan.
Eric Schneider
It happens way too often everywhere. People are very good at proving themselves selfish idiots.
The local municipalities and communities do really need to educate married couples who know nothing about nursing babies and infants.
What good will that do? Do you really think that Katsuhiko would have turned to Hisako and said,
"Hisa-chan, I know we are having a great time in here, but what about the law? If our baby dies, we will get done for murder, whereas in the past it was only neglect. Personally, I would have taken the risk and stayed for a few more hours, because if she dies it would only be a neglect charge, which I am cool with. But no way am I risking a murder charge for our daughter over a trifling matter of her dying in the back of the car!"
They are clearly stupid, gambling addicts, but not murderers. The message about not leaving children and animals in cars is probably not played out loudly enough. It is getting the population educated that is key. Perhaps a law against leaving children alone in cars could be enforced. Pachinko parlours could be made part responsible for children left in cars on their property - that would make sure the parlours check properly.
I am sure the two parents are profoundly affected by the gravity of their situation and will regret forever the foolishness of their deed. I don't think it's necessary to add salt to their injury.
Hmmm, I wonder, as some of the posters here wonder....
IF SO, WHAT DID THEY WIN? A NEW LIGHTER? CAR DEODORANT? A BOX O SOAP? I hope they won lots of stuff....I can already see them like:
Father: "Ne? I can't believe ___chan is DEAD..." Mother: "yeah, me too....(blows her nose)..but ne..we got these new lighters and a big box of soap"
A few posters have said that people should be educated more on raising children. Call me idealistic, but I would have thought not leaving an infant in the back of a car alone for 6+hrs (or any amount of time for that matter) wouldn't need to be taught as it's kind of obviously a bad idea.
What people really need educating on is risk, and cause/effect (and this goes for many other areas of J-society). Alas, it seems too much time is spent learning Kanji, and "how to be a japanese" in schools rather than life skills.
Nicky Washida
Accidentally flushing house keys down the toilet is a foolish mistake (I speak from experience and I am still burning about that!) but leaving a child in a hot car for 6 hours - that is not a mistake, that is either pure stupidity beyond being allowed to be able to raise children (thats the best thing i can think of to say about them) or it is murder - pure and simple. EVERYONE knows not to leave children in cars in hot weather and for those who STILL dont get it there are as many people have said posters up all around the pachinko parlours. So at what point does this cross from being a genuine mistake into a deliberate one?
You don't leave a baby alone in a car for 6 minutes, never mind 6 hours. Even if these two ballbearing addicts didn't realise the dangers of a closed car on a summer's day, what were they doing leaving her to fend for herself, unfed, unchanged, unsupervised, for all that time?
I'm beginning to think like others that maybe this was deliberate after all.
Poor baby.
Elbuda Mexicano
It would be so nice to let these 2 so called parents die the same way, you know lock them up in a parked car in the middle of the day so they could suffer just a bit before their useless lives leave their useless bodies. RIP poor little baby girl born to these 2 horrible monsters!
Elbuda Mexicano
This pachinko parlor in middle of no where Ishikawa should also be help responsible for not checking their customers cars, real losers go play pachkinko and real real need to be looked after more than normal adults. This kind of news really pisses me off!
Mirai Hayashi
@makiminato Its precisely this kind of thinking that prevents laws from being changed in Japan to prevent these foolish mistakes/ devastating crimes.
This is heartbreaking. Just a sad state. Are there no parking lot attendants or concerned citizens passing by? RIP little one. Just sad.
I would like to have 6 hours with these A-HOLE parents and give them the punishing they deserve. I would start with the mother and end with the father. I would practice every torture imaginable to man. YOU DO NOT DO THAT KIDS!!!!
Nicky Washida
I think reading news such as this frustrates many people because it is so utterly preventable. When you are a parent too, it is even more upsetting. No disrespect to the non-parents out there, but something really does fundamentally change in you when you have your own.
I had an awful dream last night that my youngest had been kidnapped. I woke up in a cold sweat and I am still trembling at 2.30 in the afternoon at the thought of it. I am not the best parent in the world, and kids can drive me round the bend at times, but the thought of a helpless little thing like this one being left to literally cry herself to death with no comfort just breaks me in two. And it was so utterly preventable. Peoples reactions (for example adhoc above) are extreme, but completely understandable. I am not a violent person but I would not like to be locked in a room with these two because I would be scared what I would do to them.
I am trying very hard to think if there is any excuse at all that I could make for them, but other than BOTH of them being mentally challenged I cant think of one. Everybody knows not to leave a child in a hot car. And Cleo makes an excellent point - car, aircon and heat aside - you cant even leave a 1 year old for 4.5 hours even in NORMAL circumstances without feeding, changing, giving a drink, a cuddle, etc etc. Hell, with my 1 year old Im lucky to make it 4 minutes!
AAhh, playing pachinco, who woulda guessed!
Lock them in a car for 6 hours on a HOT day.
@ herefornow, what's wrong with gambling. You act like it's a bad thing or something. Gambling brings revenue to which taxes are occurred and used. Maybe it's time white people get off their high horse and take a good look at themselves
jail time.. plus a spay and neuter please.
Nicky Washida
What on earth does this have to do with being white??! How do you even know herefornow IS white??!
As written above: never mind the hot car, etc... You don't leave a 1-year old alone even a few minutes even in a normal environment. At that age anyway you need to feed her regularly, change the diapers, talk to her, kiss her, etc... How could they even think of letting a 1 year-old alone in a car more than a minute? (I would never leave my son alone in the car even when going to the combini, I would bring him with me).
Skeptical Hippo
Agree 100%!
And after 2004, this is only the fifth. What happened?
The pachinko industry set up their own safety measures by conducting hourly parking lot monitoring but apparently this one was missed for some reason.
coulda been tinted windows-anyway besides this tradgedy, it is really deplorable all the judgemental remarks that get thrown around here. You do not want a law about leaving your children in the car. You do not want the municipal educating parents-besides what they already do. If you do want this are you saying that there is only one way to parent, and that everybody should parent their children the same way? Those who go as far as suggesting sterilization are, in my books, no better than these culprit parents. And I wouldnt mind gambling on the point that if those who are mouthing off ever had met the culprit parents before this incident, that they would be more than likely to snob them in the first place, would have been judgemental, and certainly if they knew they enjoyed pachinko, wouldnt have offered any advice at that time.
I agree with the mobile usage comments-compared to just 10years ago, every parent I see out now has a mobile in one hand.
poor little girl RIP
Dumb people. Unfortunately, there is something lacking in these type of people as Blue Witch points out. A terrible death!
Tom DeMicke
I'm speechless other than to say "didn't anyone notice the girl?" Probably did but just wanted to mind their own business. So Japanese-like.
its an accident caused by foolish people and bad habits. If you try to relate it to some japanese mentality your delusional. If you want to make strange racial comments on this tragedy you will realize if your comparing races the japanese will come out smelling like roses compared to the majority.
****Are people so selfish and distracted that they can ignore their child while they play a childish game like Pachinko?
I had one of these machines at my parents house here in LA. It was fun but I don't understand these people.
The unnecessary death of a helpless one year old girl is a serious crime. It is murder. She was strapped into a car seat and left in a closed up car with no ventilation. Also, no one was with her, there was no supervision of her.
These "parents" should go to JAIL FOREVER! And whether they believe in religion or not, I want GOD to make them rot in HELL FOREVER...
SO SAD in a country where many do nothing about anything important.
WAKE UP JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What? The Christian God of mercy and forgiveness? You are a Christian, right?
If you're going to allow references to God ("I want GOD to make them them rot in HELL FOREVER"), then you should surely allow both Christians and aetheists to call people on them. Otherwise you're going to let all kinds of offensive stuff through, without any kind of recourse.... I humbly submit :)
Moderator: The story is not about God, so no rebuttal is necessary. It would only take the discussion off topic.
A baby or small child depends on their parents to protect them, provide for them, and protect them, until they are capable to doing these things for themselves. And as a parent you are responsible for that life, once conception is achieved, and confirmed.
When child neglect occurs, and it results in a death! Those parents should swing at the end of a rope. Imagine that baby gasping for breath, dying of thirst, and extreme heat...and unable to open the window or door to save themself. And this was two adults that left the child in the car!!
Not to mention the numerous times I have seen cars traveling down the expressways with children standing in the front seat, or sitting on their parents lap!
Its a shame that children in Japan don't come with instructions for the children that are trying to raise them.
Someone needs to wake-up and determine that Japanese people have to grow-up and start taking responsibility for their actions.
R.I.P. little baby! God will take care of you now...
Kano Abe
Stupid parents come in different races and ages...same happens around the world. Seems that some parents need a lot of common sense!
How stupid to leave a toddler alone, inside a car, with nobody taking care of her. Temperature can easily reach 60 °C!
Poor little girl, you are at Heaven now little one.