Japan Today

10-year-old girl dies after being hit by vehicle in Kanagawa; driver arrested


Police said a 10-year-old girl has died after being hit by a car in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture on Tuesday afternoon.

The accident occurred at around 4 p.m. on Tuesday as the girl was crossing an intersection that had no traffic lights, Fuji TV reported. The driver, identified as Takeshi Hara, 42, was turning left when his car hit the girl, police said.

Police arrested Hara at the site on a charge of negligent driving resulting in death.

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intersection that had no traffic lights... The driver... was turning left when his car hit the girl

Even with lights, pedestrians must nearly always compete with motor vehicles for that real estate.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I'm not defending the driver (totally), but many times I've had kids and teenagers just walk straight out in front of me regardless of the intersection status. Just yesterday I had some 14-15 year old girl happily listening to her iPod walk right behind my car as I was reverse parking. It was only by chance I caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of one mirror and stopped. You need 360' and 3D vision to avoid hitting reckless pedestrians and cyclists in Japan - and for dodging reckless truck drivers, but that's unrelated. Furthermore, here's a bit of related trivia, they recently changed the law so that, if you hit a kid under the age of seven their parents can be charged. Again, treating the symptoms and not the cause!

10 ( +16 / -6 )

This is really sad for all involved. Everyone really needs to mind their surroundings here

3 ( +4 / -1 )

You need 360' and 3D vision to avoid hitting reckless pedestrians and cyclists in Japan

Agree with that 110%, brains of a rocking horse most of them. Problem is that there appears to be no solution as adults i.e. parents and teachers are equally clueless about road safety so there is no-one left to teach the kids some sense.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Always dangerous for pedestrians when crossing an intersection. Drivers are often reckless here.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The number of drivers who look only right while turning left boogles the mind. I can't think of any way you could hit someone with your car while turning a corner unless you are being negligent.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Painful sad news. My condolences to the young girl's family. The driver had been arrested on a charge of negligent driving.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Disillusioned - of course, it is a good idea for pedestrians and cyclists to be attentive but the onus always must be on the driver of the motor vehicle(which has the potential to kill or injure) to drive safely. If the streets and sidewalks are so dangerous that we can no longer go out for a relaxing walk, jog or bike ride with a set of earphones on, then the streets and sidewalks and crossings need to be made safer. Automobile users should have to conform to how all users want to use the street - but instead the public has been made to conform to the needs of automobile users to go form point A to point B as quickly as possible.

Kids will, always and forever, make mistakes - they shouldn`t have to pay for it with their life. Blaming the victim every time a traffic death occurs is despicable and solves nothing.

BTW - last week, I watched 5 consecutive traffic cycles at an intersection on Rt 15 in Kanagawa near Yokohama Station. 4 out of the 5 times, at least one car or truck blew through a steady red light. Now, that`s reckless.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Disillusioned, like any other foreigner who comes to Japan and is allowed to drive you have to keep in mind that it is you the professional driver that has to be looking out for those walking or crossing not the other way around. If you don't like it, stop driving quit your complaining or leave otherwise your points are moot and tossed to the wind. , and by the way your comment "It was only by chance I caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of one mirror and stopped" it is your responsibility to do that in the first place. wa wa wa..

0 ( +8 / -9 )

death sentence might be a good deterrent, drivers these days very rarely stop on turn even if the pedestrians is literally in front of their car... which is supposed to stop in case they see anyone even near the intersection. I literally had to scream at driver to stop few times in those cases. Real deterrent like highly publicised execution would be amazing.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Sad story, the Japanese are very bad at knowing whats around them thought. RIP

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

and they complain that car sales are dropping. small wonder.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Your first mistake was backing in. Just drive in.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Hey bjohnson23! She walked behind me from behind another parked car! I love the way all these people find fault very easily, but have no factual rebuttals. Petty!

The fact still remains, you need to be very careful driving in Japan due to reckless pedestrians, cyclists and the odd crazy gaijin escaping a factual rebuttal on Japan Today! :P

0 ( +6 / -6 )

the girl was crossing an INTERSECTION that had no traffic lights... The driver... was TURNING left

But at what speed?

RIP Jyuusai-chan!! :-(

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I read this story last night on my way home, just after some jerk walking in front of me did a 180 without looking (no, not while staring at a smartphone). I tried to dodge, but it was like he was running back because he forgot something at the station. Didn't check at all, and we both nearly fell. Sure, he said sorry a couple of times and then kept on going, but the point is, as with this story, people never check. Even adults are like toddlers who don't understand the concept of space or danger in terms of their surroundings.

So, yes, the girl may well have barrelled into the crosswalk without hesitating or stopping, but even then the man turning sure didn't seem to be aware of his surroundings (and in the Japanese story he said he was not) before making the turn. People never stop at these crosswalks as it is when people want to cross, despite that being the law. And so we hear this tragedy repeatedly.

Be careful, people, both walking, riding, or driving. Don't be hit by stupid people, and don't be a stupid person doing the hitting.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

pedestrians, in every city around the world, need to be cautious even when crossing a street on green. distracted driving has increased dramatically with the advent of cell phones and smart phones.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

In Japan's RULES OF THE ROAD, turning left or right REQUIRES JOKOU 「徐行運転」DEFENSIVE-DRIVING at all times. JOKOU DRIVNG MEANS: up to 20 or 25km/hour so that when you hit the break, whether your car isvery old model (with no ABS) or relatively-new, will come to SUDDEN HALT.

It is written in the RULES of the ROAD that before turning left or right, you must look for pedestrian or bicycle specially when it is blingking for someone might be catching-up for the change of traffic light.

EVEN IF THERE IS NO TRAFFIC LIGHT, JOKOU-UNTEN is a MUST FOR ALL DRIVERS and before turning must look 270 degrees (specially for the possible pedestrian).

ASSUMPTION 「Maybe there is no one crossing / だれも横断していないだろう Known as DAROU-UNTEN だろう運転」is a crime in Japan and is part of the RECKLESS DRIVING OFFENSE.

Instead of DAROU-DRIVING, it should be "KAMOSHIRENAI" DRIVING.  横断する人がいるかもしれない。(Maybe there somebody who is about to cross the street)===> IS THE RULES OF THE ROAD IN JAPAN.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

San news ...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Agreed about the smartphone zombie issue. People in Japan are also frequently unaware of their surroundings, particularly when talking with another person. Japan's tarento could do space-awareness campaigns on tv instead of constant beer commercials

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Tne Rules of the Road in Japan states that, unless you are in JIDOUSHA-DO (car-exclussive road) or Kousoukou-Douro (Expressway or Freeway), the KING/QUEEN OF THE ROAD is the PEDESTRIAN or PEOPLE, whether they are mentally-challenged, children, centenarians, Cell-phone Zombies, day-dreaming or schizophrenic etc . DRIVERS are just slaves or commoners.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This happened near Echi elementary school. She was taken away in the helicopter, but they couldn't save her.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Christopher Glen: "Agreed about the smartphone zombie issue"

It's not just a smartphone zombie issue, it's a zombie issue. Been around a lot longer than smartphones, and haven't changed with them. Like I said, just last night on my way home a jerk went 180 and crashed into me -- NOT staring at a cell phone. I've had people barrel straight at me watching their feet, been bumped into by people leaving banks and staring at bank books, watched people trip while looking at maps/books, etc. A lot of people walking or riding bicycles just veer left and/or right without looking behind them first when you may be passing them from behind, or they suddenly jump to left/right, or start turning. Needless to say cars are just as bad or worse, turning or pulling out of parking lots without look clearly (or if you are not another car they pull out even if they know because they don't care, blocking you completely).

"Japan's tarento could do space-awareness campaigns on tv instead of constant beer commercials"

Wouldn't change a thing. The people who bothered to notice the commercials wouldn't even think they are part of the problem as well. I'm willing to bet that, as they watched the commercials and slurped back noodles, they'd stand up and start taking the bowl to the kitchen while keeping eyes glued to the TV, only avoiding something if it avoided them first.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I've had a narrow miss or two because the timing was bad - When I check, I move my head forward and back so I can get a clear look behind the frame between the side window and front windshield. If someone walks by at the right (wrong) time, it can be really hard to see them.

Without the facts, it's hard to say anything other than it's really sad.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

You know, I never see Japanese people walking/bumping into each other, and it never happens to me, but reading the comments here it sounds like it's happening to posters on this board all the time.

Have you guys ever thought that the problem may be you? Maybe you need to learn to move like the Japanese do instead of walking like you would in your own countries.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

It's not just a smartphone zombie issue, it's a zombie issue. Been around a lot longer than smartphones, and haven't changed with them. Like I said, just last night on my way home a jerk went 180 and crashed into me -- NOT staring at a cell phone. I've had people barrel straight at me watching their feet, been bumped into by people leaving banks and staring at bank books, watched people trip while looking at maps/books, etc. A lot of people walking or riding bicycles just veer left and/or right without looking behind them first when you may be passing them from behind, or they suddenly jump to left/right, or start turning. Needless to say cars are just as bad or worse, turning or pulling out of parking lots without look clearly (or if you are not another car they pull out even if they know because they don't care, blocking you completely).


0 ( +1 / -1 )

So was the driver at fault or did the girl cross without looking while keeping her eyes somewhere else?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Sad story indeed, but this is in the "crime" section while politicians taking bribes in the "national news" section.

I am always shocked by the attitude of pedestrians and cyclists here. It's almost as if they know the car driver will be blamed, but unaware that they may be killed.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

last week, I watched 5 consecutive traffic cycles at an intersection on Rt 15 in Kanagawa near Yokohama Station. 4 out of the 5 times, at least one car or truck blew through a steady red light. Now, that`s reckless.

I see this every day at any light I happen to be at. Apparently red only means stop if there's a significant number of pedestrians in the crosswalk.

Be careful, people, both walking, riding, or driving. Don't be hit by stupid people, and don't be a stupid person doing the hitting.

Great advice.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Furthermore, here's a bit of related trivia, they recently changed the law so that, if you hit a kid under the age of seven their parents can be charged. Again, treating the symptoms and not the cause!

That sounds like attempting to treat one of the causes (parents not being mindful of small children who are liable to dart into traffic) but it should probably be under six.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It wasn't a smartphone zombie issue, especially since they are forbidden to bring theirs to school. She was distracted by her friend who was messing with her (victims) randoseru (school backpack) and stepped into the crosswalk at just the wrong moment. How do I know this? One of my coworkers lives in that neighborhood, and was there after it happened.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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