In a small ceremony at the Ukyo Ward Precinct of the Kyoto Prefectural Police recently, Chief Suzuki presented 13-year-old junior high student Ryoga Nomura with a certificate of appreciation for his bravery during a train ride home. Nomura was recognized for almost single-handedly leading police to the arrest of a drunken adult male for inappropriately touching the woman next to him.
The story, according to Nomura, began at around 5 p.m. on April 14. He was returning home from baseball practice on the Sanin rapid train from Kyoto to Nijo Station when he detected “booze stink.” Looking over at the seats across the aisle, he could see an intoxicated male in his 60s sitting next to a 29-year-old woman. The male was persistently touching the woman on her breasts and lower body. The male was sitting on the aisle seat resulting in the woman being pinned between him and the window. She sat silently pressed up against the glass while shaking her head “no” at him.
It wasn’t long before the young man spoke out very calmly and clearly telling the letch, “The lady doesn’t like that, so stop.” The male either too drunk to know better or playing it up so he could get away with it responded by saying things like, “She doesn’t hate it” and “I’m not a pervert.”
Soon after the train arrived at Nijo Station, Nomura chose to remain on the train and play this scenario out. Unshaken, but now a little pissed off because he missed his stop, Nomura went into action. “Everyone around listen up, if this guy flips out, just take him down,” said Nomura sternly yet calmly as he called out to the woman. He was then able to escort her over to where a group of high school girls were waiting, having heard the entire exchange. Rather than flipping out, the male pretended to sleep as if nothing had happened once the woman was out of the seat.
When the train arrived at Saga Arashiyama Station, Nomura immediately went to contact the conductor, who then called the police. Officers arrested the man for indecent assault. Nomura decided to call it a day and go home, but having ridden the train two stops past his destination, he had to buy another ticket (Nomura went past the ticket gates with the police officers, making sure the perpetrator was apprehended). Seeing the hero try to pay extra for his train ride, the cops told him not to worry about it and decided to give him a commendation.
During the presentation ceremony, Nomura said of his actions with a shy smile, “I’m glad, but I just did what’s normal to do in that situation.”
Source: Sankei News
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Awesome. This young man is a rare example of someone who chose to get involved & folled through & remains humble). I've caught two pervs on the subway here in Tokyo - if you have situational awareness you'll notice it happening.
What a good young man! He knew what was disgusting behaviour and was prepared to stand to and old, perverted bully. Fellow commuters, take note.
This story really pissed me off.
A rare breed of a young Jman! Very commendable indeed!
He is atypical of Japanese who usually stand by in situations like this. A great kid indeed.
*“I’m glad, but I just did what’s normal to do in that situation.”
This boy's actions were not normal but extraordinary. A lot of adults could learn something from this brave boy.
I hope to raise my children to be fine kids like this boy! he is a perfect role model for all people when they see somebody in distress.
Elbuda Mexicano
What a brave young man!! Shame on the old drunk bastard!
Cool! Well done, Ryoga!
"he detected "booze stink"
I detect that almost every time I ride a train after 10pm.
It is important to recognize and commend such actions. This kid will always look back to this incident with pride all his life.
High five to the boy! Courageous, and clear-thinking The parents should be proud.
Great for this young boy!
Just thinking, why didn't the woman slap that booze hound or move away?
I've definitely spotted a few pervs around here and not just in the trains.
This story made my day! Hopefully others will follow his example and take action when they see perverted men doing what the do.
great for the boy but why does the 29-year-old woman need a 13-year old to save her? sounds like she could have forced her way out of the situation and told the conductor herself instead of just sitting there getting groped.
So let me get this straight, he wasn't angry with the fact that the guy was groping her, he was angry because he missed his stop?
Am I the only one who read the above in quotes as Sanin raped train from Kyoto to Nijo Station?
What a wonderful kid. To put himself in the situation where he could become the target to save this woman is something you don’t see every day. Good on you Nomura. Gives me hope for the younger generation. He is a true hero!
So let me get this straight, he wasn't angry with the fact that the guy was groping her, he was angry because he missed his stop?
@Noliving. Who cares? It’s better than him getting off at his normal stop and letting that poor woman deal with the inebriated pervert on her own. Some people just need to pick the crap out of everything. Rather than commend the boy for his valiant display of common decency as a human being you decide to put him down for his feelings about missing his stop (which would have annoyed me to no end as well). I do feel that he was annoyed at what was happening to the woman; otherwise he would have done nothing.
I'm not putting him down, what I'm pointing out is horrible journalism. Whoever wrote the article basically said that he wasn't angry until he missed his stop which frankly isn't true.
The Chronic
Great young man! Cheers Kid!
The kid is lucky the pervert didn't try to pop him and commend him for sticking it through to the end. I ride the trains and never see this happen, but if i did, I would certainly take suit.
An old drunk stinky pervert man groped me in the train during evening rush hour in Tokyo but I was disgusted enough to navigate my way through the crowd and move to the next car. And when I saw him following me, I alighted at the next stop and rode a different train. Yes, it's possible to defend yourself. I knew that I couldn't expect anything from my oblivious stone-faced fellow commuters. I do commend this brave young kid for doing what he did. We need more people like him.
Thats a real man!
Ah, there is hope that some Japanese will no longer put up with other's stupidity. Glad to hear this young man had sense of mind to help defend another person.
This kid is the exception to the rule in Japan.. but good on him
Vernie Jefferies
Finally... someone is around to protect defenseless women on the train.
Judging by some of the comments I've had deleted for "inappropriate language," I'm surprised to see the use of the term "pissed off" in this article. On another note, I wonder how relieved the cops were when when they turned up that the perpetrator wasn't one of their own. Good on you Ryoga kun.
For a guy in his 60s. She could have kicked him and/or ran away.
I think somebody should start self-defense courses and/or sell mace in Japan. It would be a good money-maker.
high five, good job young man !