Police in Yotsukaido, Chiba Prefecture, said Monday they have arrested a 14-year-old boy on suspicion of attempted murder after he attacked his stepfather with a pair of scissors. The victim, 24, is married to the boy's 46-year-old mother.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Sankei Shimbun reported that the boy sprayed insecticide on his stepfather's face and then slashed the top of his head and face with scissors. The boy's mother called 110.
The man was taken to hospital where he was in a stable condition on Monday.
Police said five people live in the house. The boy's mother was quoted by police as saying that her son and his stepfather have never gotten along, but she did not know what brought about her son's attack.
© Japan Today
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Dan Lewis
Edward, is that you?
Have to wonder what set him off!
WTF is going on there I wonder
It happens all the time! New man enters the family who is not "dad", kids lash out by becoming rebellious, disrespectful and always angry. Tempers are bound to explode at some point. (in an argumentive way I meant, not with malicious intent!)
If one's stepfather isn't, well, old enough to be one's father, one might be pretty irked.
Dennis Bauer
Well, it can be a multitude of reasons why this happened but with the information we have there isn't much to conclude.
Aly Rustom
That's why. Nobody wants their mama to be a sugarmama
They were fighting over whose turn it was to use the PlayStation
With all the news about step-fathers mistreating their step children, you would think that the the kid is stepping up and defending him or his mom. I mean, the step-dad is not much older then the kid but much younger than the mom and there are 5 people in the house. Something not right, but it seems like the kid is a product of his environment and acting out.
They were probably fighting over an action figure or an Anpanman snack because they both are so young.
My be because the husband got more pachinko and tobacco allowance than the boy ..!!
Her 'husband' is twenty years younger than her and only ten years older than the son that attacked him. No doubt he feels their relationship is as ridiculous as the rest of us.
Odd about the age disparities here. I hope/think there was typo by JT. Even if the mother was 24, she would have had the kid at 10 yrs old. Ten year old girls can have kids if they are biologically mature but it is sick to think some guy impregnated her at that age. In the end, the vast age disparities makes this case odd at best.
The boy's mother is 46.
She has no idea? Something tells me she's willfully ignorant.
Why tell us there are 5 people in the house and then not say who they are? It's like JT wants us to come up with our own ideas about who is living there, such as an ex-husband, etc. Now that would really be twisted.
I bet it's her parents