Police in Tokyo's Itabashi Ward said Friday they have arrested a 14-year-old boy on suspicion of attempted murder after he tried to poison his mother by adding bleach to her iced coffee.
The boy is suspected of adding bleach to a one-liter carton of iced coffee in the refrigerator on Sept 23, Fuji TV reported. The mother drank some of the iced coffee on Sept 25 and vomited, police said, adding she was hospitalized for a week.
Police said the boy told them he took the carton out of the fridge and put it back in after he added two kinds of bleach.
The boy, who lives with his mother and stepfather, was quoted by police as saying he wanted to kill his mother because he did not like her personality after she kept berating him over one time when he shoplifted something.
© Japan Today
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Bloody hell!!!
A family now in desperate need of some counselling.
From shoplifting to atemted murder, nice kid!
Haaa Nemui
That crime is a step up from his initial crime... this kid needs to be watched very carefully.
The shoplifting was probably a cry for help, and he got the wrong kind of relentless attention. Poor kid.
mom and stepdad - spend more time with the kid and guide him to the right way, berating is not a good way.
Mirai Hayashi
This kid is a psychopath in the making
Send the boy to live with his REAL FATHER and not this FAKE FATHER... before it's too late!!
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
Bleach? Poor kid! Probably got the idea off TV!
He should be happy that he did not kill her. He would have missed his mother. He would have also had to live with the guilt.
And the poor mother! If one can't tell the difference in taste between bleach and coffee... well, maybe it's time to drink Starbucks instead of making it at home!
In my opinion, once you step over that line, there's no going back and he needs to leave. How could you trust the kid again?
Michael Craig
Poisoning his mom's ice coffee? That's sick!
How much of the coffee did she drink before she realized it had bleach? The slightest hint of it would send it straight down the plughole.
Kid needs help. He ain't no crazy nutter….just mixed up and in pain. Probably feels unloved since mum got a new fella.
Great during the boom times, tokyo is now just an overcrowded shit hole
Julian Genesis Neal
As soon as I read "14-year-old boy arrested" automatically I said to myself: "Welp, nothing's gonna happen to him...in other news." The said part is I'm not wrong.
Ahh of course. This is a japanese thing. Once you "screw up" once in life, you're labeled as the Black Sheep thereafter.
I say mom was wrong here. For not having enough forgiveness in her heart to forgive her own son. And her endless bickering at him for making a bad decision to shoplift.
It happens in the best families...NOT!
How did the mom not notice the smell of bleach!
If yu're using a straw, your face doesn't come that close to the glass.
What's with the 'poor kid' comments? This is attempted murder!
I remember a room mate who put some bleach in my shampoo. I was having some falling hair and itchy yet painful too. That happened sometime 2003. From then on, I preferred living alone even if I have to pay the high rent by myself. I wonder what could she have been doing when living with her Jhusband.
Here we go again. "I didn't like the way she scolded me for (such and such that you of course SHOULD be scolded for!), so I wanted to kill him/her!" excuse by teenagers. These kids are obviously morons, and criminals, and this is why young people, even at 14, need to be tried as adults. Put him in prison for a while and see if he likes being berated, among other things. But the sad fact is that nothing wil be done, and he'll walk away knowing that not only was he hardly if at all punished for attempted murder, he is free to do it again.
Wc626: "I say mom was wrong here. For not having enough forgiveness in her heart to forgive her own son. And her endless bickering at him for making a bad decision to shoplift."
That's crazy. If the kid was all depressed and could not forgive himself because of constant berating over a CRIME, and even tried to kill himself or something, I might agree that he was being overly punished for a stupid mistake, but think about it for a minute... he tried to MURDER his mother! Even if the berating was constant, as he seems to indicate, murdering your mother for it is sign that she is on the right track for scolding you for a crime. Obviously he is a rotten apple, and while we don't know anything about the mother -- and she may not be mother-of-the-year, she obviously didn't desrve to be killed (or poisoned and sickened).
Hope she's proud of him now. Wonder what colleges he'll apply to?
Kobe White Bar Owner
He will be hearing "we have ours eyes on you" from now on!
There a lot shrill mother who men well but comparatively few are subject attempted murder. Tennessee William's mother was a case study and that Williams did was write plays about her.
There are lots of domestic problems but it is fairly rare that children try to murder parents or the reverse. There is something seriously wrong with this boy, and shoplifting may well be the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
What happens next? I assume (maybe incorrectly) that if the mother does not press charges the police have to let the boy go. It would not be be great news if he were either put into juvenile prison or let go. In prison he would learn to be better criminal. Free, he would continue to improve on his psychopathic behavior until he did kill someone. The time to rewire this boy's brain is right now. I only hope that it is possible within the mental health services available in Japan.
Lots of venom for the kid despite such sparse information. Nice.
Why would I feel sorry for him, he tried to kill his mother.
Because he likely wasn't raised well enough to understand that trying to kill your mom is just something you don't do. Feel sorry that he didn't receive a better upbringing.
...that said there is also the possibility that he is a sociopath and it has nothing to do with his upbringing. In which case you can feel sorry that he was born a sociopath.
...who may have made his life a living hell for all we know.
With allergies going around like they are now, I can't tell the difference between bleach and yakiniku.
SenseNotSoCommon: "Lots of venom for the kid despite such sparse information. Nice."
You're right... I mean, he only TRIED to murder someone, and his own mother at that. It's not like he succeeded and we shouldn't be singing his praises.
Strangerland: "Because he likely wasn't raised well enough to understand that trying to kill your mom is just something you don't do. Feel sorry that he didn't receive a better upbringing. ...that said there is also the possibility that he is a sociopath and it has nothing to do with his upbringing. In which case you can feel sorry that he was born a sociopath."
Always feeling sorry for the murderers and would be murderers. Never their fault; always someone else's. Doesn't matter if they're flying jets filled with a hundred people into a mountain side, mom's throwing babies from balconies, or kids poisoning relatives -- always someone else's fault, and we should just pity them (not the victims).
I think it's sad that you don't think a person who is fourteen years old might not be capable of understanding murder is wrong, depending on how he/she was raised. Anyone who thinks that way... well... I DO feel sorry for... their parents!
Always throwing a pity party for the perpetrators.
Rather, feel sorry for his victims
So killing her is okay?
Not yet an adult, but close enough to take some responsibility for your actions; you can't just keep on blaming other people for your crimes.
Why does it have to be either/or?
It's easy to hate someone for their evils. Much harder to feel sorry for them for being in a place where they have become evil.
Even though I'm not Christian, it's the Christian way. It's human compassion.
Where did you ever get this ridiculous idea? Of course it's their fault.
I didn't say that the fourteen year old may not be capable of understanding murder is wrong, I said that the fourteen year old may not have understood that trying to kill your mother is something you just don't do. Unless he was in a psychotic episode, which his comments don't seem to support, I have no doubt he knew it was wrong, society is pretty clear on this matter.
You do this quite regularly Smith, you get all hysterical about what you think I've said, rather than reading what I've actually said.
No it is not!!!
Your IGNORANCE of Christianity matches your IGNORANCE on every other subject... :-(
This is a news website... for news... not a social media sounding-board for ill-thought out and ignorant opinions. Keep them to yourself!!
We can knee-jerk, judge, lynch, flail, hang, draw and quarter. Or we can seek to understand the context.
I'll stick to my original post, thanks.
Again Smithinjapan murder is murder regardless of the choice of weapon or poisoned used. Where is the family love almost daily reported a family member kills mother or a member of their family yes it's a SAD STATE in Japan and no one seems to be talking about this issue just reporting it!