Police on Thursday arrested a 14-year-old boy who allegedly stabbed his 16-year-old brother while he was sleeping at their home in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture, on Wednesday morning.
According to police, at around 7:45 a.m., the younger boy used a kitchen knife to stab his sleeping brother in the back many times. Police said the mother heard the commotion and wrested the knife from the boy's hand, at which point he fled the scene. The older boy sustained multiple stab wounds, mainly to his back and hip, and was taken to hospital where he remains conscious, police said.
The boy was detained at Kuki train station in Saitama Prefecture, about 40 kilometers from his home, on Wednesday night. The boy was quoted by police as saying he got there by stealing a bicycle from a nearby apartment building. He has so far not given police any clear motive as to why he tried to kill his older brother.
He told investigators he picked up the knife near his home, according to police.
© Compiled from news reports
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Movies and other motives can explain. But a mother needs to watch over her children.
No parent could stop this. Are you suggesting parents should set up 24 hour surveillance in their homes? I am amazed you posted that comment.
the numerous police in Kashiwa saw fit to search me for knives on my way to work yesterday. fine logic by the officer responsible.
Oh yeah right. Why don't mothers just strap their kids to their chests with duct tape 24/7 until they're 20 years old?
Intersting point: proudnippon at 09:59 AM JST - 3rd March the numerous police in Kashiwa saw fit to search me for knives on my way to work yesterday. fine logic by the officer responsible.
I have also noticed this pattern among the kobanites too....I hope "gaigin does not do something such that an ethnicity will be profiled.....Because this type of "j-logic" is in the behavioral characteristics I've seen before...."Profiling"
Cain has been slaying Abel long before movies were invented. Quite a lot of anger in that boy. But if truly wanted to kill him, and wasn't blinded by rage, he would have slit his throat. This was a very angry crime.
How do you stab someone multiple times and NOT kill them? Where was the kid aiming for? Looks like he needs a health class lesson more than anything else.
It also seems that there are a lot of free things near his house. Free knives, free bikes, fun for all!
Are we sure about this translation? Do we mean hip, or do we mean buttocks? If the brother was being stabbed in the back, why would the attacker go for a bone joint?
Kashiwa to Kuki on a Mamachari aint too shabby for a 14 year old.
I dunno but some of you seem to think this is the mothers job to look after these kids, what role does the father play? Our kids and their respective relationships with their siblings are the supervisory responsibility of both their parents! Yes I have two sons.
all spereme court judges out there, lets get some background info first. Obviously this was not a spontaneous act. It was building for a while. Perhaps the kid was abused by his brother? Maybe the kid was nuts from watching anime porn? We do not know anything here. Just glad he didnt get the brother's spine and cripple him.
This is not enough info to condemn and entire country's legal or mental health system, let alone know what the family situation was or know what the kid had pent up to do this.
I am surprise that there are not a lot more cases like this in Japan as so many families pour all of their time and money into the oldest child and ignore the younger child.
"Are you suggesting parents should set up 24 hour surveillance in their homes?" -YES if thats what it takes to control your children. "Why don't mothers just strap their kids to their chests with duct tape 24/7 until they're 20 years old"- YES if thats what it take to control your children. The Parents are ALWAYS responsible for the actions of their children. It is the parents JOB, from the minute they CHOOSE to bring a life into the world, to raise well balanced, decent, morally straight and mentally awake children. If there is any problem, it is their obligation to NOTICE and make the appropriate adjustments to fix the problem- be it professional help, more attention to the childs needs, duct tape or surveillance equipment. There is never, EVER an excuse for a parents failure.
killdamessenger: '"Are you suggesting parents should set up 24 hour surveillance in their homes?" -YES if thats what it takes to control your children'
So what's your opinion on the couple who were taken into custody a couple of weeks back for keeping the woman's three year old tied up to a chair because he was 'troublesome' (and they had him in a diaper)? You call that good parenting?
Sorry, but there's going to be a moment where even the parents have to take their eyes off their children, and if the latter has intent she or he will choose that time to do something.
We should just be thankful the mother heard this at all and that the boy is still alive. My guess is we're not going to get anything beyond the 'normal' reason this kind of thing happens here: his brother teased him, his brother wouldn't let him use the remote, his brother took his cell phone from him, etc. Whatever it is, the older brother did not deserve this.
This is not right. Those Islands belong to Japan! If the density continues for another 100 years what will be left of the economy.
I bet onisan was bullying his younger brother all the time and the younger brother lost it.
Elbuda Mexicano
I just have to wonder, what did this 14 year olds oniichan, older brother do to deserve this?? My guess, this poor youngster was sick and tired of getting bullied by his own older brother and just could not stand it anymore and gave him a few stabs??
Most dangerous people in Japan...family members...weird country.
I had a pair of 10cm scissors taken off me by the flops last week in Funabashi. They were in my work bag with textbooks and I explained I needed them for cutting photocopies, but they were oblivious to any form of logical reasoning. I don't know which is crazier, the motives of these nutters committing the offenses or the ridiculous reactions of the flops.
I agree with Mr. Dog...they will not move out of the house until they are 40 years old!!! Might as well be duct taped to their mother's chest until 20.
kildamessenger: I suspect you're not a parent?
It's impossible/impracticable to watch your children 24 hours a day.
I have 3 children.They dont NEED to be watched 24 hours a day because they are properly parented. I am POSITIVE you are not. Any real parent accepts the responsibility of their children and does not make excuses. -smithinjapan- I agreed duct taped to my chest, not to a chair and left alone with a diaper. And it was not my example. I was agreeing to make a point and it is irrefutable. The parents are ALWAYS responsible for the actions of their children.
I don't agree at all kildamessenger. My parents were responsible for me smoking under age, skiiving from school, having a fight? Not in the slightest, it was entirely my responsibility. My parents were great and taught me right from wrong and when i went and did childish stuff i was reprimanded. I knew before i did those things i was wrong and was taught as such. I never bullied, discrimiated, but i did some dumb stuff, not my parents fault at all. How come sometimes in the same family one or two kids are great and one is a hellraiser? Sometimes the person is entirely to blame. How old are your kids, if they are teenagers and you still believe they are perfect maybe you have indeed got cctv in the house.
I understand your feelings. But regardless, you were indeed acting out against authority that links back to the parenting you received. If you don't want to accept that, I am sure a certified Psychologist might. I did those same things and I absolutely hold my parents accountable for my actions as it was THEIR job and ALL parents jobs to be involved in their children's lives and know what they are into, from their peer groups to their music to their hobbies. NO EXCUSES.
killdamessenger - Yes I have 3 children (16, 12 & 7) I too consider myself a good yet disciplined parent. However, kids will be kids and sometimes they do irrational things. Did you never misbehave as a child? All children get up to mischief at times (it's all part of learning and finding your way). Holding parents responsible for every single action a child takes seems a tad extreme to me. I gave birth to independent children, not programmable robots.
killdamessenger is right. By the time you're old enough to want to smoke and old enough to get your hands on the ciggies, your parents have had ample time to teach you not to want to smoke. By the time you're old enough to stick a knife into a sibling in a blind rage, they've had ample time to teach you other means of working off your frustrations and dealing with problems. Children don't spring into the world fully-formed as teenagers, there's a process orchestrated by the parents that determines what kind of person that teenager is going to be. Or should I say, that should be being orchestrated by the parents.
I agree with you. Unfortunately "kids will be kids" has nothing to do with what this article is about or a parents accountability for their childrens actions. There is absolutely nothing that releases you from being accountable for what your children do. Programmable robots? absolutely irrelevant to anything I have said. Independent children are great. Until they independently stab their sibling, then somewhere along the parenting line, Mom and Dad dropped the ball and it is a 100 percent fact. They are accountable for the child they have produced as are you if indeed you are a parent.
Yes, because neither parents nor children are perfect, both make mistakes. But stabbing someone is hardly 'mischief'. Most people manage to learn and find their way without 'mischievously' stabbing people.
A child who behaves well is not a programmable robot, he's a child who's been raised well.
Cleo. I agree with what you said. The point I was trying to make with killdamessenger is that it is impossible for parents to watch their kids 24/7 and be responsible for all of their actions.
killdamessenger. What is your problem. Are you honestly suggesting that if a child develops mental/emotional issues it is always 100% the parents fault? That just does not make sense. I hate to burst your bubble of perfect parenting, but I think your expectations are set way too high. We do not live in a perfect world. In principle, I agree with most of what you say, apart from the parents being held responsible for every thought and action their children make.
There are many reasons why this could just be the fault of the brother and not of the parents. By age 14 a child is pretty well thinking on their own and learning to form their own ideas about the world. Children can be influenced by many things other than their parents.
Kids are like sponges. They soak up all kinds of influences around them. And each sponge is constructed differently. There may have been absolutely nothing the parents could have done to prevent this, save for locking the kids in boxes underground.
I dont see a problem with killda's ideals. I doubt your bursting anything. The world outside your doors may not be perfect, but the world inside them are entirely your responsibility. The lives you create are yours to govern correctly until they leave your home. Be accountable for the job youve done (or havent).
Because he was a wimp? Possibly, that was what his older brother called him before the attack.
Invaders Sherpa
i agreed with the above comments listed by KILLDAMESSENGER.Parents are responsible for the bad and good deeds of the children. its not only the parents but on what environment does the child growing its the most important parts. house environment ,school environment,surrounding environment ,and what kind of friends he/she messing with everyday life these are most sole responsibility for growing up children.