A 19-year-old man was arrested in Kobe on Wednesday for allegedly assaulting and injuring the second daughter of the 31-year-old woman with whom he was living.
According to police, on May 20, the 5-year-old girl was taken to a doctor who informed the Kobe Child Welfare Center of the possibility that she was suffering from abuse, after discovering that she had sustained broken ribs and that her body was covered in bruises. The center in turn informed the police on Wednesday, at which point the nature of the alleged assaults came to light.
The testimony of the woman's other children led to the man's arrest. The man began living with the woman and her four children in March of this year. The woman's eldest son, aged just 8, and eldest daughter, aged 7, both told police they had witnessed the man punching and kicking their sister since April.
The children's mother was quoted by police as saying: "I had no idea any mistreatment had been taking place."
© Compiled from news reports
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“I had no idea any mistreatment had been taking place.”
I highly doubt that. It was more likely she just didn't want to acknowledge it.
The saddest part of all this is that the a-hole in question might not be charged because technically he's still a minor.
I would love to have 5 minutes with this bully. Just reading this is infuriating.
SICK PEOPLE! Specially the woman...
Now hang the man(.)
How do you know you could take him? He might tear you apart.
That goes to show you that there are so many young idiots here in Japan thats having kids that should not have kids. They all act so immature and have no sense at all when it comes to raising kids. This guy should be thrown into prison for 3 to 5 years and his GF should have her kids taken away from her for not being a good parent. So sad for the kids in this situation.
Melissa Baker-Lhermitte
The Mother sounds unbalanced in her denial, she just might blame the 5 year old for the abuse that was inflicted upon the child.
Sad...another children !, why Japan got so many cases of child got beaten or killed. Don't Japaneses adult like children.
Until you find out he is twice the size of you and starts treating you like a 5 year-old girl...
He is a minor. He will be set free, and go back to her and probably kill the kid next time.
"I had no idea..." Because you never gave the girl a bath or never put her clothes on? Either way, how can you call yourself a "parent"?
What a scumbag!
ANIMAL! Bad Lifeform. 19 year old PUNK!
4 kids and shacking up with a 19 year old guy. There was a discussion on JT aboue whether or not a man is totally influenced by his Johnson. I think it was the Schwarzegger article. I now have to consider that it is very possible that this 19 year olds hormones are the reason he was shacked up with a woman with 4 children from other men.
This is the second time this month we've read a story about a Cougar woman and a guy in his early 20s. Am I right here? If memory serves me right, this is the second time we've seen this older woman and younger man with domestic violence problems. You can correct me if I'm wrong but I do read the news here everyday except weekends. Haha
I want to hear the other side of the story. 31 years old, 4 children. What education did she have about family planning. What's her mental state. If he roughed those kids up, which apparently he did, then lock that guy up.
The other side of that coin is Mommy Dearest. There's no way in the world she's an innocent victim. She should be investigated equally and if need be social services should step in. I know that's PAINFUL stuff but I'd like to see proper investigation that goes beyond gender.
This is such a delicate matter. It's just a story that lacks clarity. It just brings out the feelings we have about DV. The definition of DV is not clear here in Japan. They know what it is.....they just don't want to touch the situation if it's J-Nationals. Now if it's a foreigner that's different. Your kids are gone if it's anywhere near true. No investigation needed. Hague what?
I agree with jforce
I know everyone wants to blame the mother-- and I would agree that it seems ridiculous that she had no idea this was happening. But this happens in a lot of child abuse cases. A lot of times the mother is either afraid of the husband/boyfriend (she could have been being abused as well, emotionally and/or physically) or they are in denial that the person they love could do these things to their child. That doesn't excuse any of this of course, and she should be investigated as well. I feel so sorry for those poor children.
As for the scumbag himself, I hope he rots.
the man is nothing but a worthless subhuman, i hope he spends the rest of his pathetic life eating cockroaches for dinner and having rodents for company. piece of trash! the woman deserves the same thing as well!
poor baby~ :(
@jforce. As a parent, I appreciate your offer and agree with your sentiment. Acts like this warrant some real neanderthalic retribution.
Oh my, what a hero. Beating up a 5 year old girl. Truly a piece of work.
They should bring back 'real' capital punishment and put this loser in the stocks at Shibuya crossing so we can all have a go at teaching him a lesson! - Whenever an article like this pops up it is nearly always the same scenario. An older single J-mum shacked up with a younger punk J-male. There is nothing in the article to say if they were a couple or if he was just a boarder, but I am not sure who to blame, the punk or the woman that let this sh!t happen to her child.
Nicky Washida
One question - why did it take FIVE DAYS for the centre to notify the police?
The doctor found the evidence Friday and informed the centre, and it took till Weds to remove her from that dangerous situation? She could have been killed in the interim.
Sorry but where I come from and the way I was raised no "man" would ever do something like this. He is a man by age only.
This guy doesnt know what it takes to be a man.
There are times when lynching sounds like a great way to rid society permanently of these "people".
Kevin Lee Brooke
"Dear Lord, please grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, the wisdom to know the difference, and a mere 5 minutes alone with this a**wipe."
I want to get this punk in the ring with The Undertaker. Give that ANIMAL "The Last Ride"!!
Really? Well you obviously didn't care either, since you didn't pay attention to any of your kids- since they didn't tell you about the 5 year-old getting beat up, or you just didn't listen because you were to busy being love^love with your 12 years younger boyfriend who, in your eyes, probably couldn't do anything wrong...
Kevin Lee Brooke
....or you didnt notice the bruises on her battered body....
I am usually all about peace and non violence. In this case however, I would love to get my hands on him in a place without fear of repracutions!
I'd put my money on JForce. This type of scum beats up little girls - there is zero chance he is strong or tough in any way. Coward. I hope he rots away in prison - and is barred from ever having any contact with children. As for the mother, those kids should all be taken off her. She is more attached to her defacto, and allows the scum to beat them up.
A 19 year old kid living with a 31 year old woman? Ok yeah, the guys scum for beating up the 5 year old, but whats up with the woman robbing the cradle? Guess I'm exposing my own prejudices here. If the genders were reversed, I'd still think it was weird, but not really wrong.
if the 19 y/o is over 6'5" and 220lbs, I doubt he can take me. Give me that 5 minutes and I will show him real justice. Too bad she will have to deal with the pain for the rest of her life.
Moderator: Readers, no more "Give me 5 minutes with this guy" nonsense please. It adds nothing to the discussion.
You know....sometimes I just wish some crimes could be dealt with the eye-for-an-eye methodology. This guy needs to expirience the pain he has inflicted in this child, and then some to make up for his age.
31 is a cougar now?? Good gravy. If he were 39 and she were 51 no one would be saying anything.
As things like this go, a lot of times the moms don't realize what's going on just because they aren't around much. So often in these cases the older woman is working while the young guy is unemployed. It's entirely possible that she barely ever sees the kids due to work.
And if these cases teach us anything, it's not to ever trust a boyfriend to take care of your kids. Ever ever ever. If he isn't killing them, he's beating them up.
Will somebody please fix this woman so that she can't have anymore kids. Fix the guy too while your at it.
How many times do I have to say, as a JAPANESE national, that this is JAPAN...Here children's protection laws are next to nothing, enforcement is extremely rare and yes, child abuse/murder is on the rise!! Society as a whole do not care one bit about children getting abused/neglected. I know this because I have 4 children! I read/watch the news everyday. I know the statistics. Child abuse/murder is really getting more and more common, it wasn't like this 15 years ago though! The Police is useless, the so called child protection agency does nothing to help children. and I just witnessed my poor neighbor's mentally challenged husband ran away with her 2 year old daughter and left her in a city-run "children's home" last week and you know what? they can't tell her or let her gain access to her own child because "the law of japan" forbids her from doing so, (??????) Yes, they won't allow her to get back her little girl because it was "him" who put her there even though he is clearly mentally sick. How pathetic huh! What a pathetic system we have to live with. The above is just the tip of the iceberg. Pathetic!
I hope he gets to spend a long time in prison and i hope his cell mate bounces him around the cell for a few years like a 5 year old girl.
Maybe he is some kind of boarder and was renting out a room in her house? I cant imagine how a mother would not be aware of broken ribs on her own kids and surely the siblings told her.
Came back from taking a walk with my baby daughter and I read this. Not another "boyfriend living with single mother" case. Seriously, single mothers in this country better think twice before living with some random guy she hardly knows.
Seems to be a global problem, particularly in the west, and the offenders also seem to be getting younger, and this denial on the part of many mothers is scary
Thanks to these brave children, a little girl was saved. No thanks to the mother who claims she didn't know about the abuse. Although I would assume it was her that took the girl to the hospital. Hopefully, this woman is now a little wiser and will be more selective about who comes to live with her and her four kids.
And good on the doctor for reporting it. Sounds like the system basically worked this time. However, from the above quote, it sounds like the bruises and broken ribs wouldn't have been enough for an arrest...so what about all the kids who don't have older siblings who courageous enough to come forward? This is very troubling...
Elbuda Mexicano
This woman is an idiot for having kids, then messing around with some looser 19 year old punk, beating her kids from some other dude no doubt, I feel so sorry for these kids.
Men who beat kids have something wrong inside them. Pity the abuser, as well as the victim. He needs help to learn other ways to release stress rather than exploding and taking it out on kids.
He is sick. I hope he gets help.
what a headaches, this woman really stupid, i think she knew everything. poor little kids.
Well, I'm such a pacifist, but if there happened to be a nice heavy crow bar in my hands and I saw him doing that, I would probably give him a skull breaking hit on the side of the head. No excuse.
The children’s mother was quoted by police as saying: “I had no idea any mistreatment had been taking place.”
Yea right! And I'm "Alice in Wonderland". How come the other 7 and 8 years old children not only confirmed they knew about the bruises but also witnessed him punching and kicking the little girl? That woman is as blamed as him. She cared more about practicing to make more kids with that 19 year old scumbag than caring for the ones she already had with other guys. I'm a single mother of a 5 year old son and IF somebody ever touched him, I think that I could teach that person a good lesson in only 5 minutes too because I'm a mother and protecting my child is my job no matter what. Poor kids, I wish I could adopt them and give all my love to them! What is frustrating is that they will probably be returned back to that w.... and the scumbag will be released because he's a minor and we'll see him again in this article when he finally kills all the children. Shame...
There is something wrong with the mother, the boyfriend, and all the other nuts on the crime headlines on JT. What's sad is their social skills are probably so rudimentary and childish that they have no idea how to deal with stress as an adult. I'm guilty of being one of the people that said "give me 5 minutes", and perhaps I may feel better after, but the idiot still wouldn't learn. Yet, I wonder if there is anyone that can help these sad cases that keep popping up in the news. We all know the social support system is still in it's infancy here (pun intended). This minor will get out and will repeat the offense. I'm sure we'll see another young male or female do something horrific to a lover or kid soon enough (click the "crime" link above).
Only a coward raises a hand against a woman or a child. I don't care if the mother was medusa herself the moment he struck a child I can't think of anybody more deserving of blame and a tire iron to the legs.
And treating him as a minor? Good God. At 19 I was employed full time and going to college, if he's a minor he should have been at home terrorizing his family and not living with a 30 something woman and beating 5 year olds. Adult crime merits adult punishment.
I don't know about jforce but I grew up as an overly tall hispanic kid that couldn't keep his mouth shut in the Detroit public school system, yet I'm alive and mostly intact. I can say with all honesty that I would love to see him try tearing me apart.
Make up your mind, Japan. Either he's a minor or a man. He can't be both.
so if he is considered a minor can she be jailed for molestation to a minor? :P
Poor kid, it'll take months for those broken ribs to heal and it hurts to even breath... and coughing or laughing is agony.
On the other hand the sentencing system in Japan works on the amount of time the injury takes to heal completely (e.g. an injury taking 3 months to heal gets a much longer sentence than an injury taking 1 week to heal), so this guy will probably (and ironically) end up with a longer sentence than most of those who kill children in Japan.
... the world just doesn't make sense anymore.
Obviously, there is something wrong with them. Yes, kids can be annoying, but beating up 5-year old is just something that is simply any scope of imagination. And no, I have zero pity for the abuser. He deservers everything he has coming, and then more.
Maybe he was beaten up himself.
Another Puma (cougar in traing) making mistakes. We all have made mistakes in the name of lust. Hopefully she will learn from this mistakes.