Japan Today

2 men arrested for assaulting woman in room of school that teaches guys how to pick up women


Police in Tokyo have arrested two Tokyo Metro employees for allegedly getting a woman drunk and then assaulting her last summer.

According to police, the suspects, Ken Nemoto, 27, and Takuya Habu, 33, are enrolled as students in “Nanpa Juku,” a cram school where men are taught how to pick up women, Fuji TV reported.

The two allegedly brought their female victim to a classroom managed by the so-called school last July 31. Police said the suspects forced the woman to drink a lot of alcohol, including vodka, in the room in a condominium located in Shinjuku Ward. The victim became so intoxicated that she was unable to resist the two men.

Police said Nemoto has admitted to the allegations while Habu reportedly stated that the woman “consented” to what went on.

The crime was carried out in a special room known as “the house” by Nanpa Jyuku. Students would use the facility after paying a set fee.

According to police, Nemoto has confessed to bringing “over 100 women” to the room.

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”Forced to drink alcohol”

Surely that’s also a crime and the start of this.

Assault? Isn’t rape or sexual assault more accurate?

20 ( +23 / -3 )

This again....

"forced to drink alcohol"? Don't think so "CHOSE to drink alcohol" more like. "Unable to resist" means consented at the time but a year later suddenly changes the tune. Going back to a school called "nanpa juku" with two guys... c'mon

-16 ( +12 / -28 )

This is too weird for this early in the morning.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

It's not right either way, but a few years ago when a foreign guy came here to hold a 'seminar' on how to pick up Japanese women; there was widespread outcry in all regions of the media, and even the international media. He was basically booed out of the country. But it's apparent now that some J-guys are still busy in this area of 'education' but it seems to be 'acceptable'...?

-4 ( +10 / -14 )


Your mixing reality and morality.

I think that realistically if a male goes to a foreign country and then begins making money by selling sex seminars, its not generally well thought of.

Not to mention that many people would dislike the disrespect they have for women anyways, its not the same as going abroad and opening a resteraunt.

You can agree or disagree, but are you really actually stumped at how it could raise eyebrows?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

These sick schools for losers always breed the same ilk, failed desperate men who treat girls as cattle.

These so called pick up artists are all a menace to the public and glad these morons are arrested and the especially egregious foreign ones are barred from the country

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Obviously they've learned the wrong lessons....

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Going back to a school called "nanpa juku" with two guys... c'mon

Victim blaming again... c'mon

16 ( +20 / -4 )

You can agree or disagree, but are you really actually stumped at how it could raise eyebrows?

No. That's why I started my post with 'it's not right either way'...

My question is why is there in imbalance for the reaction to when a foreigner comes here to do it, as opposed to the J-guys who do it, ongoing, as a regular 'cram school'? Shouldn't there be equal (or thereabouts) pressure against both?

I think that realistically if a male goes to a foreign country and then begins making money by selling sex seminars, its not generally well thought of.

So, why is it more palatable when J-guys are doing it? I'm just asking the question. Last I heard, it's not illegal (or even immoral) for foreign guys to court Japanese women in Japan.

Is it some type of jealousy or something?

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Well in a class that teaches how to pick up women, these losers obviously were not making the grade, unless it was a sexual assault class all along.

I really need to open up a how to talk to women school!

10 ( +12 / -2 )

dcog9065Today 10:18 am JST

Thanks for clearing that up. It's a more balanced sentiment than your earlier post. Glad to see the change.

Foreigners should be banned.

Japanese should be arrested and go to jail.

Although, depending on their specific actions, I don't believe 'picking up' someone is a crime in itself. Indeed, many healthy relationships and marriages are formed thereafter having initially met in a public place.

If someone is forcefully assaulting or molesting another person, then it deservedly becomes a crime and deportations and jail should ensue. I guess our opinions are different there.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yeah, I think 'sexual assault' might be more appropriate, but it's hard to say with so little information from this article. I suppose it is plausible they just beat her up, which would be assault.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

"2 men arrested for assaulting woman in room of school that teaches guys how to pick up women"

Doesn't sound like these "students" learned much.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

They forgot the other line "Learn how to be picked up by cops". hahaha

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

To the MRA victim blamers here in the comments-

This isn't a rare thing for Japanese men to do. I've had numerous dates with guys who pressured me to get drunk. They'd put shots in front of me and then become cajoling if I wouldn't drink them, or act mad because I wouldn't drink what they'd brought me.

The thing is, I'm a strong drinker and the guy inevitably gave up or passed out while trying to get me drunk.

Sometimes I'd grab the bottle they'd bought and pretend to drink directly from it, making them think I was swigging down whiskey or vodka.

I've been aware of that little trick for some time, and instead of waking away when I notice what they are up to, I'm more than happy to play along. When they passed out or went to throw up I'd laugh at them and just leave them there sick and much poorer than when they came in.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

after the young woman is intoxicated, 5 MMA gay fighters should enter the room and make them drink a bottle of vodka each.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

means consented at the time but a year later suddenly changes the tune. consenting to get drunk isnt a crime, but being assaulted while intoxicated without the victim knowing or unable to resist, well that in very much a crime. Any man that thinks getting a woman drunk with the goal of having intercourse or rape is a pile of poo.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Why do these 'schools' even exist?

As others have said these two wastes of DNA need to be put away for a long time, the establishment closed down and anyone from overseas holding 'seminars' on the subject booted out. I remember the guy promoting this disgusting behaviour was banned from entering the UK.

Freaks and losers all.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

@Thunderbird2 - Why do these 'schools' even exist?

Because nearly 30% of Japanese men between 20 and 40 do not have and can not get a girlfriend. and, most of those who do have girlfriends do not know how to keep her and the relationships are very short. They have zero social skills and are more concerned with collecting photos of 'idols', reading manga and playing stupid games on their phones than actually dating a human. It's always amusing to watch young Japanese guys try to pick up chicks in bars. They always start with the same three questions; "What's your name?" "What's your job?" and "Where do you live?" That's three strikes! Then, they start talking about themselves. It's hilarious to watch them fail miserably! - If any of you young fellas want to know how to strike up a conversation with a girl, ask her about her shoes!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

If any of you young fellas want to know how to strike up a conversation with a girl, ask her about her shoes!

If you want real results, tell her you'll buy her more shoes. Seems to work here...

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

If you want real results, tell her you'll buy her more shoes. Seems to work here...

Ah, yes, the "women are easily bought" approach. Do you approve of these schools for incel types?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Ah, yes, the "women are easily bought" approach. Do you approve of these schools for incel types

I don't need schools like this

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I don't need schools like this

That's nice but I asked if you approved of such schools.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Don't reply to that please, since this will just start the two of you bickering. Please focus your comments on the topic and not at each other.

More like it's a room with two way mirrors and they film everyone getting sexually assaulted and abused for fetish porn because they know women haven't the guts to tell police there went there on their own accord to drink free alcohol and didn't expect this to happen. Very textbook reply would come from the police doing so.

Google Japanese glass room video for more references.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yet another woman has been assaulted by males who believe they are entitled to treat women as chattel.

It's disgraceful, and as long as some men believe women are second class citizens not worthy of respect, equality will never be achieved.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Looks like I've been downvoted by some people who approve of these 'classes'...

So if you're socially awkward, inept at talking to women and can't act like a normal human being... get a girl drunk and try to rape her. Is that what these classes are for? What worries me is that offices in Japan seem to go out for drinkies after work... and it would be so easy for scum-sucking low-lives like these to get a female colleague drunk and rape her...

Where's a baseball bat when you need one?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Police said the suspects forced the woman to drink a lot of alcohol, including vodka, in the room in a condominium located in Shinjuku Ward. The victim became so intoxicated that she was unable to resist the two men.

so in other words, they took a page out of the Japanese Men's Guide to Dating 101.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I'm not opposed to nanpa juku but getting a woman drunk with the sole purpose of sex is now viewed as rape in more, err. enlightened countries. The whole notion of consent relies on it being a conscious decision, which is why minors and intoxicated people cannot give it. This may place the odd person in an innocent situation in difficulty, but is better than giving anyone who spikes someones drink free reign to have sex with that person.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

School for Nanpa and taking advantage by forced intoxicating young girls of alcohol??? Is this Waseda University? haha

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Lets see… enrolled in this so called Nampa School and the assault happened last July… these guys are quite obviously very, very slow learners. :)

Realistically, this wasn't a nampa school at all, but rather an organized assault group.  They need serious jail time.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You can't force someone to drink alcohol. Telling them to drink isn't forcing them. Joining two men by yourself in a room to drink isn't the greatest of ideas.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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