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© Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.2 men in UK accused of stealing Michael Jackson music from Sony
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Why would do you that...? The internet is pretty huge. I'm pretty sure they could have stolen all of his stuff without hacking into a major company's computers. Maybe not the unreleased stuff, but seriously?
why? cuz they are BAD and it's a THRILLER doing it.
"She said no customer data were compromised in the attack on the company’s internal music-sharing system."
Yeah, that's what they always say hehe...
Again the music industry is the author of their own doom.
People would have paid for it if they just made it available. But no, they tuck it away in the corner in the hopes of making a mint in the future, rather than just a reasonable profit today. I have no sympathy for Sony. May they get hacked to bits.
They're bad.