Japan Today

20-year-old woman arrested for abandoning newborn baby's body at her home


A 20-year-old woman has been arrested for abandoning the body of her newborn baby daughter in a plastic bag at her home in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture.

Police said Akane Tomioka, a company employee, gave birth at around noon on Oct 14 in the bathroom at her home, TV Asahi reported. She placed the infant in a plastic bag which she then put into a colored garbage bag.

The infant’s remains were discovered by her brother and sister who lived with her. They called their parents who live elsewhere. The mother called police and said "My daughter gave birth to a baby at home, but it seems to have been stillborn.” which is how the incident came to light.

Police said an autopsy was inconclusive as to the cause of death.

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Maybe placing the newborn in a plastic bag was the cause of death? Don’t tell me it’s postpartum because that’s BS! Plain and simple, a lot of people in this country are spectacularly under-educated since 12 year education through high school isn’t mandatory!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Honestly, what are they teaching kids at school in Japan? Certainly not safe sex and certainly not how to handle an emergency. And where are these baby hatches and safe haven laws? Japan bemoans about its sharply declining birthrate but then cases like this keep cropping up. How about making some actual changes like providing students with comprehensive sex ed and equipping would-be mothers with all the options and support they need and deserve to ensure both her and the baby get a chance?

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Hard to judge this. Of course what she did is inexcusable, but at this point what good comes out of her being arrested?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Oh no not again!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! We need better social services to help prevent these tragedies.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

purple_depressed_baconToday  05:58 pm JST

Honestly, what are they teaching kids at school in Japan? Certainly not safe sex and certainly not how to handle an emergency. And where are these baby hatches and safe haven laws? Japan bemoans about its sharply declining birthrate but then cases like this keep cropping up. How about making some actual changes like providing students with comprehensive sex ed and equipping would-be mothers with all the options and support they need and deserve to ensure both her and the baby get a chance?

It happens everywhere.And yes.They do teach about safe sex. It's just that we don't get to read about the abandonment babies in the US. UK Canada,Europe.Middle east etc. We don't know enough about her/his family, the women, the man to make such sharp judgements. I agree more could be done! I don't blame the schools. But for every ONE you read hear, there are hundreds who do get help, support, and maybe the clinics might want to put up posters,so over the years and decades, young girls can read where to get help. Might be helpful if they also did a few TV about this,instead of just cooking and variety shows all the time.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It happens everywhere.

This does not happen anywhere, especially in Western nations. If anything young teens are celebrating having babies in other Western countries with social services. Japan appear to be lacking these services - it is unnatural for a mother to dispose of her child in this manner, even if a stillborn. Something is broken.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


This does not happen anywhere, especially in Western nations. If anything young teens are celebrating having babies in other Western countries with social services. Japan appear to be lacking these services

That is not true. There is a social system here, and single mothers do get support if they apply for it. Ask your ward office about it. It is true though that there is stigma attached to it, and some people might be reluctant to use the system.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


What would better social services in Japan look like to you?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Maybe placing the newborn in a plastic bag was the cause of death? Don’t tell me it’s postpartum because that’s BS! Plain and simple

I have a lot of trouble trying to understand your logic here, unless you believe she somehow introduced the plastic bag inside the uterus before the delivery this is of course postpartum. There is very little that can be said with certainty with so little details but this scenario is surely impossible to assume.

a lot of people in this country are spectacularly under-educated since 12 year education through high school isn’t mandatory!

Since the mother is a company employee it is more likely than not that she at least graduated high school, and there are many countries where having a high-shool equivalent degree is not guarantee of having proper sexual education either.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Maybe placing the newborn in a plastic bag was the cause of death? Don’t tell me it’s postpartum because that’s BS! Plain and simple

I have a lot of trouble trying to understand your logic here, unless you believe she somehow introduced the plastic bag inside the uterus before the delivery this is of course postpartum. 

I think he was referring to postpartum depression, as being the reason/excuse for murdering a baby.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I think he was referring to postpartum depression, as being the reason/excuse for murdering a baby.

The functional part of that would be the depression one, not the postpartum. And there is nothing in the article that points out to this, no description of the mother state and since it usually begins several days after the delivery it is probably not even considered.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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