A 23-year-old man from Satte in Saitama Prefecture, has been arrested over the death of the 2-year-old daughter of his 22-year-old girlfriend with whom he was living.
According to police, the suspect, identified as Yoshihito Nakazawa, allegedly committed several acts of assault on the infant, including punching her in the stomach on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the child lost consciousness in the bathroom and was rushed to hospital where she died a short time later.
Nakazawa was quoted by police as saying, "She wouldn't listen to what I said, so I did it to try and teach her some discipline."
An autopsy has been ordered to establish the exact cause of death.
© Compiled from news reports
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It's business as usual with young JP men ineptitude on handling infants. I won't waste my breath argumenting any statement here. He deserves the death penalty - period! RIP sweet little angel-girl!
The guy (part-time worker) was with the girl alone while the girl's mother was out working. He said that girl refused to eat so he bit her stomach and injured her. Later that night, she fell unconscious while in the bath, and the guy called the ambulance (the mother was still not home at that time). The guy told the doctor she was drawn in the bath but the doctor saw bruises and his teeth mark on the girl's stomach, reported to the police.
RIP little girl.. so sad.
I read somewhere that children are naturally cute so that adults cannot help but to take care of them. Apparently, this doesn't work with some adults.
all Japanese parents or caregivers who bash and kill their kids use the same excuse. Why doesn't he tell the truth?
"why should I look after some other guys 2 year old daughter while my GF is off somewhere? I grew to hate and resent the girl and went overboard"
he tortured and murdered the little angel. a NO- brainer: DEATH PENALTY for him! may the little girl rest in peace.
With the first comment. Seems young Japanese guys that move in with GF with not their own kids is recipe for disaster.
I hate these stories regardless of where they happen. I doubt he'll get more than a few years though. But I'd love to have him for a few minutes in a small room.
The kind of intellectually challenged, morally bankrupt personality it takes to abuse a child in this manner is simply unfathomable to me. Doesn't matter what his upbringing was. Doesn't matter how hard his financial situation might have been. Doesn't matter what kind of rough childhood or abuse or bullying or maladjusted home life this [insert expletive here] endured to make him think it was acceptable "discipline" to bite a child, then punch her in the stomach, I cannot -- I do not want to -- understand how someone could possibly rationalize doing what this [insert lengthy expletive here] did. I'm hard pressed not to feel he's earned being erased from society.
Elbuda Mexicano
I agree 100%, no 150% with palanteboricua, this fool needs to hang ASAP! Death penalty big time for all these young fools who think it is ok to kill innocent children! Just makes me sick to my stomach!
But surely that is the point, I presume he was brought up in household where this was exactly the kind of discipline that was meted out. This kind of crime can only be dealt with by a strong social services network. The death penalty is absolutely no deterrent.
Laconic, actually you have no reason whatsoever to believe that he was brought up in a
You're just giving him excuses. There's at least a 50% chance that he was brought up in a perfectly normal home, with perfectly decent parent/s, and just lacks that little part of humanity that helps us cope with kids. Why would he lack that? Partly because most young people don't have active, hands-on experience with young children, nor do they have decent advice close at hand (both because families no longer live with the grandparents.) And partly because he's a selfish little *?@! with no consideration for common sense, logic, other people, or even himself.
Social service networks can help a bit, but they have an unfortunate habit of grinding the gears and starting to move after a fatality or other calamity has already happened. You may think the death penalty would be no deterrent, but you surely can't deny that if he dies he can never repeat this act of murder, but if he lives he will get out of jail - and he could well do something similar on at least one future occasion. But perhaps you don't care about the other kids he might slaughter, just as long as he can blame his parents / the government / the media / the alignment of Mars and Jupiter .... etc.
Poor kid. RIP.
So, did he assault her when she was an infant, or is the writer trying to claim that a 2-year-old (a toddler) is an infant?
People who are abused do tend to go on to abuse, but I think the "child of girlfriend" thing doesn't help at all. A lot of people have told me they don't understand how you could love a child not related to you (as in, an adopted child). I would guess it's way easier to abuse a child who isn't yours.
I get that 2-year-olds can be really obnoxious. I do. I cringe at all the people who insist on always calling these kids "angels." But they still don't deserve to be punched or abused or killed. Maybe there should be a parenting class specifically for boyfriends or step-parents. Or mandatory checks from welfare services when there are small children living with single parents. These cases just happen too often.
Dammit, you still aren't adressing the core issue, whether or not the speculation is true. The point laconic's getting at is that killing this one guy won't prevent this sort of thing happening again. Prevention is better than punishment. If he was to live and be a recidivist, that would be tragic, but that's so far into speculation as to be more speculative than the predictable and measurable good of social services.
This keeps cropping up in Japan, and if I had to give a reason, I'm pointing to both home 'discipline' and club discipline, where assigned leaders and even teachers brutalise kids as 'training'.
Samantha Ueno
how would it be "easier" to abuse a child that isn't yours? That is still a small person who is depending on us big people to take care of them and teach them. I work with 2 year olds who refuse to eat, will spit out food they don't like, etc...but I don't punch anyone in the stomach.
Alexander Warrick
I am sure JT keeps this stories on file and just switches out the names, I would love to locked in a room with this guy just for 2 minutes, people that hurt little girls deserve nothing but the worse.
Nicky Washida
Whether you love a child or not it shouldnt make any difference when it comes to abuse. Even if you dont like the child (and my god, over the years I have worked with some monsters!) you still dont hurt them. Ever. Period. It is not somehow easier to abuse a child who isnt yours. A child abuser would abuse any child, including his own, because he (or she) lacks that basic patience, empathy, and the bit of the brain telling them hurting a child is wrong.
It doesnt matter what kind of environment you grow up in. Plenty of people have rotten childhoods and dont grow up to be abusers. This person simply never developed the qualities needed to be a normal functional human being in society. At 23 he`s only barely into adulthood himself.
Simple and quick solution to save tax payer's money: rope, tree, done.
sad very sad, why always the kid suffered from the evilnes of their parents? RIP lil girl.
Its good to dream. Still, society needs to see justice being done. Not just a simple hanging, but the actual system of justice. Having said that, I can certainly understand the appeal. He definitely deserves the rope.
As a poster above said; young and presumably poorly educated Japanese men moving in with GF and child, a surefire recipe for a disaster. This reminds me of male lines taking over a pride then killing off the cubs of the previous male. Just appalling, sub-human, sub-animal, sub- amoeba.
Give Nakazawa the choice by sundown, swing or sit in ol'sparky.
Lock him up for a good 10 years at least, please. Maybe he'll learn about being 'meted out discipline' there, and what it truly means to be upset and frustrated. In his soon-to-be circumstances I'm sure he'll beg and beg for his former situation, and hopefully feel remorse over what he did. Fortunately, his situation will not improve. Sadly, the child will never come back when the man realizes what he did was wrong.
If worse comes to worst in this kind of situation and you absolutely cannot work things out, you separate and leave -- you don't beat and murder a child.
Hey, if you can be classified as a minor in Japan until you reach age 20, why can't you be classified as an infant until you reach age 3?
I grieve for the mother.
That's just because JT first said the abused child was 1 year old in the headline, then later corrected to 2 years old, and then forgot to correct the term infant to toddler.
Kevin Lee Brooke
@ elbudamexicano
The death penalty is absolutely no deterrent.
Not true. It will DEFINITELY deter this POS from every harming/killing another innocent child. Argue that.
Kevin Lee Brooke
@ iaconic The death penalty is absolutely no deterrent.
Not true. It will DEFINITELY deter this POS from every harming/killing another innocent child. Argue that.
P.S. Sorry elbudamexicano, I was looking at the wrong post when I was name-checking.
As would imprisonment till he dies. And this discussion has been covered here ad-nauseum.
Kevin Lee Brooke
And as far as the "better social networking, blah blah blah, education, blah blah blah excuse goes - B.S.! People either snap or they dont. Everyone has their limit. This dillhole had his - REGARDLESS of what social services are available. And he should reap it.
Kevin Lee Brooke
@ Zenny11
Sorry, but I DO have better things to do than to read EVERYBODY'S posts before I state my opinion. I shouldn't have to read ANYONE'S post to be able to stae my opinion. It's my right.
Punch a kid in the stomach to teach discipline?