Police on Monday arrested a 25-year-old woman for selling nude photos of herself in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. Yoshimi Yamahashi, 25, was arrested after she was found by police to be in possession of nude photos of herself saved on a SD card of her cell phone.
According to police, Yamahashi, who is married, has sold nude photos and movies taken by her handset to more than 100 people through the Internet since May, 2005. Police said she has earned about 1 million yen so far. In other photos, she was wearing school uniforms at her clients' requests, she said.
Yamahashi was quoted by police as saying, “I started this business because I wanted to buy clothes."
© Japan Today
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What??? Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with an adult selling nude pictures of herself? Jeez, give me a break, try doing something else, like arresting molesters and murderers.
God, Japanese girls would sell their souls to get some designer clothes.
I wonder how the police found out about her. I love the part about some clients requesting her to wear a school uniform. I bet her husband is pretty embarrassed this morning.
Must not have been properly pixelated.
Why is 'wife' in the headline but no mention of her marital status in the article? Is JT trying to titillate us?
i really want to know why she was arrested? "Hair nude" can be the only reason, why else would this be illegal?
rjd_jr, Is it Wednesday already? Or is it Thursdays when you are dead set against porn? I've lost track...
Too little, she is in 'business' since May 2005...or is it that few Zeros are missing?
Lack of details regarding the arrest, try to improve it more not like a hearsay... How did they found out?
Does she really deserve to have her name plastered all over the news for this? Poor woman.
On the bright side, maybe an agent may be willing to offer her some more lucrative jobs in the porn industry now that her name is public.
Why is everyone so perturbed by naked? Naked is wonderful.
: )
What I don't get is why people pay for it when they can get it for free. Just join mixi and join one of the many adult communities... lots of bored housewives showing their goods for free.
hoserfella, your post "rjd_jr, Is it Wednesday already? Or is it Thursdays when you are dead set against porn? I've lost track..." makes absolutely no sense. He was clearly not saying anything against porn, but against the police who apparently have nothing better to do than arrest a woman for doing something that doesn't really seem illegal to do.
What is the charge? May be she did not pay income tax? Because other than that, I can not see any other legal problem.
JT....some more details please.
Given that it's illegal in Japan to sell nude, uncensored pictures and video, even to adults, that would seem likely to be the law being broken here.
(For those who don't know, all pornography in Japan applies a blurring or pixellating effect to the genitals of both men and women, so they are not clearly visible. Pictures and video that are not censored in this way cannot be legally sold in Japan)
Yes, more details please. And if possible please include some images so we can really understand the issues.
rtrhead, rjd_jr tends to flip-flop on the subject of pornography. One day he's all for it, the next day, against. Maybe he's running for public office somewhere...
But aren't there many Japanese webcam sites where women dress up/undress in sailor outfits etc., and many are youngish and older housewives making extra money? So I've heard, anyways...
she probably sold pictures without a mosaic at an inflated price. also she probably did not register her business, declare her income, or pay taxes on earnings.
Dennis Bauer
well the investigator will take her in his car for "interigation" the the problem will be solved
William: "Why is everyone so perturbed by naked? Naked is wonderful."
I agree, but I think it was the 'selling' point that makes it illegal. Not sure why, really, with all the porn out there; maybe she was going against some weird porn company monopoly rights on sales of nude pics. Had she done it all for free, it would have been fine.
I just wonder if the husband knows about any of this.
What she does with her body and her phone is her business.
What I don't understand is, Japan is the biggest sex industry in the world, but still pixels out the penis and vagina - the two parts of the body that every human being, male or female, has. Why are we still living in an age where seeing these body parts is still considered disgusting? And what is so promiscuous about showing nipples? We all have them for pity's sake!
If she wants to take pictures of herself naked and make a bit of money out of it, there should be no law against that. I can take pictures of my thumb and sell it, and that's been places I can tell you!!
papasmurf- dont you have to be japanese to get on mixi?
anyway- this isn't a crime, its her body, she's not randomly have movies made in dump truck or at MC'd's. Let her do what she wants, I dont see anything saying her husband had a problem with it.
You don't have to be Japanese to get on mixi, there are plenty of gaijin on there. You just need an invitation from someone.
Anyway, there are worse crimes than this.
I'm sure the police have collected all the evidence in this case
thanks satindress.
Not much of a business woman - 1 million yen over 3 years - less than 30,000 Yen each month... unless she is understating her earnings to avoid the taxman?
Raise your hand if you wanted to have a look at these photos upon reading this article? Come on, step forward and be truthful!
Obviously either the j cops want a cut or they want to see all the photos themselves (humiliation) or they are interested in becoming intimate part of yet another sex scandel. j cops need publicity, too!!
I think it shows good initiative. At least she's doing something to make a buck instead of stealing it.
So having a business that caters to pedophiles is fine,"...there’s always Oimoya, a pedophilia shop on Chuo Street that specializes in girls under 15" as stated in a previous article, but selling some nude pics of your adult self is not fine!?
Japan is truly a unique society.
Huh, for this case I'm actually on the side of the woman. It is a bit creepy considering that she's married, but its her own personal choice to take pics and videos of herself and sell them for money. I don't see how this could be a crime worth being arrested for. Unless she was required to have a license for selling stuff or running a "home" business. Probably needed to pay taxes.
whats the big deal, I have been selling my nude pix on mixi for ages...
Well there is also the issue that she may not have given the proper warning on her internet website that one needs to be 18+ to enter.
What law is this woman actually breaking? Operating without a license? Offending public morals? I know the pixelling issue still applies, but is this actually enforced. Taking this further, in the old days "adult magazines" from overseas went through a censorship process. Apparently publishers (or importers) of such "literature" employed university students to go through thousands of copies of magazines, and scratch out the pubic hair and genitalia. Rather an interesting job to put on your resume....
The most surprising thing about this story is that it even made it to the "Top Stories" section of JT. Must be a slow news day.
Article 175 (Distribution of Obscene Objects) A person who distributes, sells or displays in public an obscene document, drawing or other objects shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 2 years, a fine of not more than 2,500,000 yen or a petty fine. The same shall apply to a person who possesses the same for the purpose of sale.
I see the J-stone cops are taking on only the most challenging of criminal activities facing society these days!
I too would like to know what actual law she's being charged with breaking in a land where pornography is easier to get out of a vending machine then a pack of smokes.
This reminds me of an anime called "Karas": "This city is corrupt... My wife uses an escort service behind my back. And my daughter sells her body to afford things..."
Thanks Nigel. Now then, so pretty much she needed to have a license and also censor said products for sale (although that particualar article of law didn't specify it.)... sheesh.
She got unclothed to buy clothes. very interesting.
With all the smut out there who cares if this girl wants to make a little money. It is her body, her phone, her data cards. So who cares... except that she is doing it outside the usual Yak smut world. Maybe the Yaks found out and asked their police buddies to crush this tiny threat to their business.
nigelboy...So are simple nude photographs considered "obscene"? Ther is NO mention in the article about these photos being pornographic in any way. What is the J-law definition of obscene?
My guess is that they were uncensored (i.e. exposure of genitals, pubic hair) which are considered to be "obscene" based on previous court rulings.
And what about all the photo essays by washed-up actresses? A bit of hair never hurt anybody, but then again what about the actors who have produced similar works of art? Has anybody been prosecuted for showing the family jewels? On a more serious note, instead of arresting a woman for doing a bit of free enterprise, wouldn't it be a better option for the cops to try and run down people who trade in Kiddy Porn? Just out of interest, overseas there are periodic clamp downs on pedophiles. These cases often involve multiple police forces and multiple geographies (Europe, North America, Australia, etc). What about people in Japan? Does the language barrier stop Japanese pedophiles joining such networks or are the J police just to lazy to get off their XXXX and arrest people based on leads generated by overseas authorities? Would anyone care to comment?
Why is everyone still stuck on this "pubic hair is illegal kick"? Get informed people. Pubic hair has been banned "in principal" since 1992. Before that, completely banned, after 1992, it is up to the discretion of the censor.
Sorry dude for not being "up with the times" relating to porn. I salute to your expertise on this SUBJECT. LOL.
she probably wouldn't give the cops a volume discount
actually, she was competing with legitimate porn sales without giving the government their tax cut of profits, which even photomagazines that sell zines filled with images of clothed girls under 16 pay.
that she was profiting from selling copies of images of herself, to which she owned copyright was "illegal" because she cut both government and gravure publishing houses out of the profit.
this shows that a person can be penalized for profiting from her sales of her image without registering copyright and allowing big business and government a cut of the profits.
that's why it is a crime; she was making more money than she would have had she signed a contract with a publishing company.
If she just pays 50000 Yen on her 1 million yen profit, I am sure the government will let her keep the rest. Now this way, she will lose all of it.
any evidence for us to browse?
.....rolleyes, there must be bigger fish to fry for the cops than this lady FFS? why not bust some bosuzoku for being public menaces or yakuza for loan sharking, how about doing something courageous and worthwhile?
An the real sad thing is that a woman in Japan has to do this kind of things too often DUE TO THE LACK OF CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AND PROPER ENCOURAGEMENT FOR HIGH EDUCATION
and.. what wrong with that? come on, porn is easier to fine here than anywhere else in the world. it could be that the cops order one of those file and she fail to delivery it!
1 Million yen? She said I was the only customer!!
PS: a fine woman she is too.
there are always bigger fish to fry for the j-cops but since they're so incompetent they always take the path of least resistance...hence this and harassing people about their bicycles
I am sure Mr. Yamahashi is very proud of his wife. I would leave the country, after this has been made public. Bad enough being married to a slut, now everybody knows about it. I feel very sorry for the husband.
Is this illegal? Do you need some sort of "porno" license, or something?
She did something to tick somebody off, or there's more than meets the eye. One million yen to 100 people is mon en per person, but its over 3 years. She either sold photos to guys one at a time, which is way expensive, or she strung them along somehow. I think she maybe was doing something else, and selling the photos is all they could get her on. She ain't no innocent housewife. And this ain't about showin the pubes.
I'd sure hate to be her husband, but then again, maybe he realized long ago the girl he married and this is out.
That's what happens when you get articles which are based only on police reports, and not actually anything resembling journalism.
indeed it was illegal because she did have the necessary paperwork. All she had to do was go through any of the thousands of slightly more legit site that specialise in buying and selling photos.
spanish woman - the greatest setback to women is your own victim mentality
I agree, women should not mope around for lack of opportunity, I think this wife is a true entrepreneur... probably she tick off someone and in vengance, they rat on her for not paying taxes or because it is porno, although I don´t like the "line of business" chosen by her, i feel sorry for the husband who couldn`t buy her clothes...
She did it because she saw nothing wrong with it (ergo no shame/self respect) and it is easier to sell yourself than do a hards days work.
Without knowing any other details other than the scant few sentences here, this seems victimless. No pimp, no procurer. Appears to be a small-business entrepreneur. Maybe the j-cops were upset that she didn't give over some pics for free? Maybe the j-cops ought to get themselves over to the train station and malls and look for people with wild eyes and survival knives?
It is a little ironic that she is taking photos of herself without clothes to buy clothes.
Wait, why did they arrest her? Selling nude photos? Are they serious? This has to be one of the dumber things I've heard of the J-Cops doing recently.
as one women I used to work with used to say, "most women don't realize they are sitting on a gold mine." I guess this one did. Unfortunately, as with anything where gold is involved, jealousy rears it's ugly head.
I wonder if her husband set her up?
Raja Kumar
Nude photos, can get you arrested in japan. So much nude photos from all world nations, out there, why do japan police/japan laws, do something so illogical in japan.
Sounds fishy to me to!
Sorry Nigelboy and others but looks like this is selective inforcement of Article 175. What about all the books stores that sell this kind of stuff. How about video stores that rent far worse....
It is a little ironic that she is taking photos of herself without clothes to buy clothes.
Crazy! At 25 her body is probably a thing of beauty which goes in and out in all the right places. What's the problem ??
It s fun. in a country where you can found flasher, chikan, 3 kabakura by meter, so sex internet site, sex video with kids, sextoys in donkihote, sexbooks in combini. arrest someone because she sold her own nude pictures look just like a joke. what's her crime? police can't received money ?
Police is maybe the most unusefull thing in japan. they arrest someone for a stupid crime like this. but when some one crash a truck and goes to stabbe 17 peoples at 15 meters from the police station they take around 20 min to come. why does we pay tax ?
Akuma where do you get your facts.
Kato was arrested 2 minutes after he crashed his truck by an uniformed and assisted by an off-duty cop. Never mind that he also stabbed another cop that tried to help a guy that he drove the truck into.
Akihabara on weekends is full of cops on patrol,can't take 2 steps without seeing one.
Guess you never been to japan.
This is illegal? But how is it any different from all of the magazines that I can buy in the convenient stores?
No because your statement was too far-fetched for anybody living here, 23yrs or 3yrs.
yes and what's wrong? if she is ok with herself i don't understand this case. right in japan prostiution i proihibited (in theory). but it's not it. it's easier to sell yourself than to do an hard work? but she didn't sold herself she sold pictures. she just did the same than idols. what's hard work ? salary man? why do you think than she's bad and pervert? maybe everybody here is bad and pervert you,me too maybe. just think why japanese idol looks everytime like adolescent, why success singer are just cute but not able to sing ? why people buy idols book, why people go to kabakura, why people buy a prostitute ? why japan is the lone country with host club?etc..., is maybe just because all of us are pervert. good or bad is like that it's hypocrizy to judge her because she sold nude picture. if she sold it, it's mean than some people have interest in it. so why she is bad and not customer? why she become a bitch but for idols it's normal?
So she's showing a little entrepeneurial spirit. Maybe she should have just sold herself because then obviosuly the cops would have done nothing. Scary that the moral police are wasting time on something like this. By the way, is she hot?
Jesse Duenas
she just wanted to make some money to buy clothes
Maybe the crime she commited was not paying taxes on her income like any business is required to do.
Raja Kumar
What a good role model,she makes for future japanese young people.
I agree with bobo. She didn't register her business so they couldn't take tax. Hope she buys some Chanel when she gets out! ^_^
"This is illegal? But how is it any different from all the magazines I can buy in the convenient stores?"
Heck, how is it any different from the thousands of internet sites legally selling pictures/videos of nude women?
I guess all the guys who defend the housewife have bought her pictures. You guys should be ashamed.
man I want to see those photos, who has the link?
what a waste of my taxes
yes, where can we see this "body" in all it's glory?? Only for study purposes of course.
Yeah, I can see why the police would want to arrest her. Never mind all the tenticle porn and other disturbing hentai I've seen being sold here...
Another victim-less crime of which the public will be forced to pay their taxes to handle.
It's called freedom. If a woman wants to seel pictures of herself, nude or not, it's none of our damned business.
Bravo! I think this should become a land mark case! Forget about abortion rights, what about the right of a women, who in this case must have a great body, to show it off to the entire cyber world! Good for here! I hope she is giving her husband a nice cut to so he can also buy some clothes?
you have thousands of married women selling delivery health, easy to find, what are they doing with this?
Oh ,what hell are the Japanese COPS thinking? Is PORN illegal in Japan? OH,I know. She didn't want to sell them some YOU-KNOW-WHAT services.
OK, as i am personally involved in nude modeling online i think it is ridiculous for them to arrest her for doing the same thing over 2 million men and women do every day Porn, nudy pics, etc. its not going away for a very long time, so i dont see what the problem is with it. if we are beautiful enough to realize that we have the potential to make money off of it, then why the hell not? god gave us our body and our beauty just as he gave some ppl the brains to be doctors or rocket scienctists, we all use what we have to make money. i go through a legit website and i get my checks every month jsut as i would if i were to be flipping whoppers at burgerking. the only difference is i get to do it from home so i can spend time with my family. i get to do it from my own comfort spot, and make money doing it. if it makes men or women happy to see me in a thong then so be it it makes me happy to have them pay to see me in a thong so i can pay my bills and have extra spending cash to play with. its teh women that know they have husbands are paying to see these girls that are the mad ones, and truth be told ..put on a teddy and some heels and your husband wont be spending the car payment on methis month!
This is nonsense, you guys should be ashamed of your selves. It is non of your business what any women has on her cell phone. I cannot believe what is happening here, if she has a beautiful body, and she wants to show it, how is that illegal, especially if she is being discreet about it.
SHAME on the JAPANESE GOVERNMENT!!! I am an adult Webmaster in the U.S.A. and it AMAZES me how in the year "2009" the Japanese people must view porn with the genitals CENSORED OUT! It's "2009"!!! Yet, the Japanese government feels that their people are so "childlike" that they must be PROTECTED from viewing adult genitials??? It is NO surprise at their treatment of this woman... The Japanese people are a warrior race, and one of the most advanced technologically, yet the mentality of their government is primative and backward thinking.