Police said Tuesday that 27 dachshund dogs have been found abandoned in streets and parks around Kitakyushu since early October.
The animals have so far been discovered at three locations in the city as of Monday, TV Asahi reported. Police say the dogs are all miniature dachshunds, with many being fully grown adults aged between 7 and 8.
According to a Fukuoka prefectural police spokesman, 23 of the animals were found at Adachi Park in the city's Kokurakita Ward and on the streets in Kokuraminami Ward on Oct 8. Another four dogs were found at Shinmoji Park on Oct 17.
An animal rescue organization said the dogs were abandoned without food and were not wearing their registration collars, as required by the Rabies Protection Law. New owners have since been found for 17 of the dogs left in Kokurakita and Moji, but three of the dogs found in Kokuraminami died from infections, TV Asahi reported.
According to a spokesman for a municipal animal care center that took in some of the dogs, it is possible that a pet shop or dog lover facing financial difficulties may have abandoned them.
However, police say that because the animals were abandoned in an urban area where they were likely to be discovered, it may be difficult to build a case against the offender for violation of the Animal Cruelty Law.
© Japan Today
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sad case- 27 dogs is obviously ridiculous, the owner likely had some kind of mental problem also. A least the animals were left where there was good chance of recovery
27 dogs? A dog lover? A dog psycho is more like it! If a single person has kept 27 or more dogs as pets that person has some serious issues!
I doubt if it is a pet shop owner because if it was, it would be unlikely that the dogs would be all the same breed.
It seems to me that leaving dogs to die of infection, of which three did, is plenty cruel, urban area or not.
It is a sad case, but I think it's unlikely that this might have been a person with a mental problem. Since they are all the same breed, I would think that it's probably someone who thought they could make money breeding them and selling the puppies. Then they couldn't sell them and, not wishing to put the dogs down themselves, put the dogs out on the streets.
The local vet told me that he often arrives at his office to find a cardboard box with kittens or puppies. A pet had young and the owners dumped them on the vet. Actually we have one of these, from a kitten. He's a really nice cat, fat and happy!
Puppy mill going broke.
A breeder gone bankrupt is more likely than an individual owner in Japan. Weiners run amok.
Surely they must be able to figure out where the dogs came from. 27 dogs can hardly go unnoticed, even if kept in someone`s residence.
Kita kyushu again. something fishy going on down there. the new Saitama?
7 and 8 are too old for breeding so this is usually when puppy mills 'dispose' of the unwanted. I hope these criminals can be prosecuted. more regulation desperatly needed on breeders in this country. Yes....sigh, Kitakyushu hits the bad news headlines daily these days!
I predict 74 more by week's end
You've just given me an idea for a movie . . .
101 dachshunds!
I bet Disney'll like it!
Yay to the people who took on grown dogs in such a 'kawaii' puppy loved country~
A dachshund invasion! Funny, in a strange way.
Of course a reasonable guess is that this was an illegal breeder closing down his business.
Pet shops don't hang on to animals till they are 7 or 8 years old.
Dog lovers don't abandon their animals, ever, for any reason.
Of course it's a back-street breeder.
They do if they die, and the family empties the house... Anyway the person that brought the dogs to the park is a -hle , as he/she should have brought them to some shelter, that was probably only a few kilometers further.
Issues, surely, but it's not a rarity at all these days. I have neighbors, average elderly, that keep some herds of mini-dogs, like 6 to 8. Not one case, it's a trend. When I go running around, I never fail to cross 3 or 4 sets... OK, it's not 27. But 8 is insane already, no ? If they don't do birth control, or failed to resell puppies, that takes one season to double the herd. Maybe my neighbors already have more than I think and they walk them by series of 8...
"However, police say that because the animals were abandoned in an urban area where they were likely to be discovered, it may be difficult to build a case against the offender for violation of the Animal Cruelty Law."
Ie. the police don't want to have to do their jobs. It's either against the law, or it isn't. I don't see what's so hard about sticking to the law because it's in the city.
Call Cruella de Ville quick!
Dying is abandonment? OK. Harsh, but OK...
If the family emptying the house are the ones chucking the animals onto the street, then that is not a family of dog-lovers, by definition.
If anything happened to my MIL, she knows her dog has a home with us.
Shelters, in Japan? There are a few, certainly nowhere near enough for there to be one every few kilometres. Most unwanted animals that go to a 動物愛護センターend up gassed within a week.
Dog breeders & petshops here are a nasty nasty cruel business, DO NOT buy from them only get a cat/dog at a shelter, dont support breeders here most are pretty rotten
Abandoning 27 dachshunds is a real dog act.
Awww so cute!
I agree, a puppy mill that either went out of business, or had a tip that they were about to be raided and let the "evidence" run free.
Time to catch the bitches and the sons of bitches!
(It's not often we get to use swear words without being looked down on, so when the opportunity avails itself...) ;-)
Kobuta Chan
Why someone was allowed to own 27 dogs? I hope they will find good home for all. Japanese who want to own dog should adopt dog from pound instead of buying from Pet Shops. Dog is not fashion accessory and human best friend. We have two dog and one save from street. Being Buddhist, I believe saving live is good thing. Dog from Animal shelter is not second hand goods as some Japanese think. Japanese TV program should promote peoples to adopt dog and cat from Animal shelter.
6 to 8? This article is talking about 27 dumped dogs and possibly at least another twenty dogs! This is, without a doubt, a puppy factory gone bust and is just dumping the dogs.
I wish there were pics.
7 or 8 is a bit old for breeding, I would say, possibly the reason they've been dumped.
The massive dog boom in the last few years, well, poodles, chihuahua, daschund, etc., makes you wonder how many more will be abandoned on the streets over the years.
It's a faddish society. Shame for the dogs.
1 dachshund is a cute noisy dog. 27 of them is a gang gone wild. Poor dogs.....
Korlacan Khanthavilay
I'd say it was definitely a dog mill. I won't say someone owning 27 dogs is crazy, as this is quite common in some places. Like...Canada or Alaska. Where they'll have a lot of dogs for dog sleds and such. Now Asia...doubt it. At least, as pets. Food source, sure. Minature dachshunds as food, unlikely.