Police in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, have arrested three minors and a 20-year-old man over the death of an 18-year-old girl who went missing on April 19.
According to police, on the night of April 19, Manae Noguchi was out walking with a friend when a car carrying the two boys and a girl stopped near them. One of the boys, who was apparently an acquaintance of Noguchi, told her to get in and that was the last anyone heard from her, Fuji TV reported.
After Noguchi was reported missing, police ascertained the identity of the occupants of the car and took the three minors into custody on Thursday. An arrest warrant was issued for the man -- Yuki Ide -- who turned himself in to police late Friday. Police have not said what his connection is with the three minors and when he joined the group on April 19.
Police said the three minors at first provided inconsistent statements about the girl, but one of them said she had been buried at Shibayama, near Narita airport.
On Friday afternoon, police began a search of the area and found the girl's body buried.
© Japan Today
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At first glance reads like some punk kids, maybe 13 or 14.
Title is wrong, 20 years old is NOT a minor, whether or not they celebrated their seijin shiki, he is an adult. And give me a break calling 19 year olds minors is wrong on so many levels.
The headline is correct. The 20-year-old man has not yet been arrested.
Haaa Nemui
Only ages that are given are are that of the 20 year old (who has not been arrested yet), and the 18 year old girl. The three who have been arrested could well be minors. Article is fine.
Let's hope that when they voting age is lowered to 18 the age of adult criminal will also be lowered. B
According to police, on the night of April 19, the girl was out walking with a friend when a car carrying a 20-year-old man, two youths and a girl stopped near them. The man, who was apparently an acquaintance of the girl, told her to get in and that was the last anyone has heard from her, Fuji TV reported.
Really? 3 people (minors) arrested and if they put out a warrant for the 20 year old that then means there were 4 people involved in the crime, but the article states that a 20 year old man and 2 youths.......3 have been arrested but the 20 year old hasnt been. SO there were 4 in the car? Not 3?
^Yubaru, slow hand clap, when done Sherlock. Article says "a car carrying a 20-year-old man, two youths and a girl stopped near them". Four in the car. The "two youths and a girl" have obviously (too most) been arrested.
Please read that again, "and a girl stopped near them", and then it goes on to say "The man, who was apparently an acquaintance of the girl, told her to get in" meaning that there were 3 in the car not 4.
The article is not clear and poorly written.
Moderator: The article is quite clear. Please ask a native English speaker to help you.
Mirai Hayashi
I saw this on TV, seems that they found the girl's body...so sad..these pack of animals need to be put away
Haaa Nemui
Agreed Mirai Hayashi. Very sad.
with the increasing frequency of minors committing horrific crimes, japan must lower the age to charge them as adults AND impose the death penalty more often.
Michael Craig
What good will that do? That will only further anger social justice organizations!
There need to be consequences (other than the inconvenience of being arrested and questioned) for young people who commit crimes like these.
Shanique Smith
Murderer...your heart must be hollow...how does it feel to take the life of another?
They are old enough to understand the extend of their crime, even before committing it, and are capable of determining right from wrong. Most of these youths in Japan, are well aware that they can hide behind their age, so they do what they shouldn't be doing, just because it can be done with little consequences.
Y Japanese People
Yubaru, I would really love to hear about one or two of those levels.
I will not agree with the light sentences these murderers will get, but, I have never seen any scientific basis for what any country has decided is an appropriate age for anything, and they all seem to have come up with different numbers.
But, if I had my way, they would never see the light of day again.