Police in Tokyo have arrested three men on suspicion of confining a 16-year-old girl in an apartment and forcing her into prostitution.
The three suspects, including Aomi Morita, 20, a resident of Tokyo's Itabashi Ward, are suspected of forcing the girl into prostitution at hotels in Tokyo, Fuji TV reported Tuesday. They will also be charged with violating the Child Welfare Act, police said.
The trio confined the girl, who is from Saitama Prefecture, at Morita's apartment from Aug 28 to Oct 5. Police said Morita and the other two men met the girl through their friends and began living together. After the suspects took away her smartphone and insurance card, they started to find "customers" through online dating sites and forced the girl into prostitution at hotels in Tokyo for 20,000 yen per session with at least 60 men over 40 days. The girl received 1,000 yen per customer.
The three suspects have denied they forced the girl into prostitution and said she is accusing them for her own reasons.
The girl was quoted by police as saying that Morita threatened to bury her in concrete if she tried to escape.
© Japan Today
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Ok, 60 X 20,000 = 1.2 MILLION yen and she got 1,000 per "customer"? How dense are these guys?
Alistair Carnell
Scumbags, perhaps they should start up an 'idol' talent agency.
"The girl was quoted by police as saying that Morita threatened to bury her in concrete if she tried to escape." Reminds me of the terrible Junko Furuta murder story.
Yubaru, the amount is of no importance. Even if she got 10000 jpy/session (what does session really mean here?)it wouldn't make it any better. Track down as many of these child raping "customers" as you can, and throw them in jail... Poor girl...
Black Sabbath
Makes you wonder how many of the prostitutes started off this way..
It almost sounds like you are blaming the men for being bad employers - accusing them of underpaying a 16 year girl they forced into prostitution. These guys seem a little bit more than simply dense for getting themselves involved in this sort of situation.
Jason Santana
damn these situations like this. they should force these men into prostitution along with their clients and see how it feels.
that's seriously messed up
So that's the traffick report.
Polar Cities
Wait. There is more to this story than we can read in this brief report. Wait until full report is out in Japanese language papers.
Aly Rustom
Life in prison would be good. These low lifes should never be able to run free.
No humanity. Yasei doobutsu.
Polar Cities
The girl was part of the team. She went along with for a month. They all lived together. Then something went wrong. Jealousy among the boys. She escaped went to police. Maybe customer helped out escape from last hotel date. She blabbed to cops. She seek revenge on one of the boys on team now. They are all bad seeds. 16? Where were her parents all this time. Wait for updates.
I have no sympathy for scumbags like these men.
Dan Lewis
There's a difference?
Kobe White Bar Owner
Hope the 3 each get a pair of concrete boots for halloween, SCUM!
That's an insult to wild animals. Wild animals don't press their young into prostitution. These three are amoral monsters.
New Guy
I think Yubaru's point was that if they paid her so little, they basically added to the proof they were slaving her. If they had any chance at acquittal or a lower sentence, they totally ruined it by being greedy. There is no way they can claim they were just helping her run her own prostitution thing if those amounts are true.
But I have to say I find this all rather had to believe. I bet the truth resides on neither side, but somewhere in the middle.
First of all they should be charged with Kid Napping. Post the mens Names and Addresses so the girls father can. Have a little chat with them
Don't know which is the lesser of the two evills. The 3 punks who turned her into a sex slave or the never-ending demand of "customers" who pay for sex with 16 yr old girls.
Fully agree, shock me me that some are naming similar practices done in the past : "comfort women"
New Guy
You are confused. The problem here would be that if all she says is true about being a sex slave, that the johns surely must have realized they were raping her. I think its an error to conflate that with guys paying for sex with a willing 16 year old prostitute, even if you did maintain that that too is evil. It think its night and day.
I've heard from pretty reliable sources here in Japan that many of these girls are yankee girls who were the girlfriends of yankee boys who were then introduced to Yakuza for a finder's fee. Drugs and rape usually enter the picture as a way to further manipulate and control the girls. It's a fairly common and ugly cycle. Not sure if the Yakuza were involved in this particular case, but this is often what happens.
@new guy. What I mean is that there is a constant high demand here in Japan, in which middle aged men often pay for sex with girls as young as 16. It's a practice called enjokosai. And that is evil too.
You are confusing things. Enjo kosai simply means compensated dating; while the women are of course typically younger than the men it is not about specifically young girls.
"many of these girls are yankee girls "
Am I really? Let's cut the crap. The ultimate goal for compensated dating is for the middle aged dude to pillow with young girls. Quit trying to make it seem so harmless. It's not. Everyday school girls are selling themselves.
And everyday middle age men look for oppurtunities (like the ones in this article) to score on 16 yr old girls.
very serious crime here, hope they get heavy punishment
Chop Chop
Japanese law needs to be tough against child exploiters and pedophiles customers. Police must check all her customers lists and must take action against them.
She obviously knew what she was getting into and yes, it seems only the fact that she was GROSSLY UNDERPAID led her to quit the arrangement because "AT LEAST 60 men over 40 days" sounds like typical Japanese understatement. The true number of customers would have been MUCH, MUCH higher...
Well done for her for reporting it!!!
Damn, the more I know Japan the more I am shocked by its gruesome hidden facts. It appears to be safe on the surface, but beneath it is as dangerous and weird as any Third world Nation in the world. Especially for children, women and elderly people.
Evan Hayden
I would like to see these three guys buried in concrete...
Brian Wheway
I don't know what happened to the money but, she should get a large chuck of it, and when they reclaim the money from either the bank or the cash, the tax office should take there share as they should have paid tax on the earnings!, and if they didn't pay tax, should they also be prosecuted for tax evasion? as well as child prostitution ?
People won't care unless she's cute and paid well she knew what she was doing like j-pop idols minors
Ya'll bitching about my comments about the money guess ya'll have no idea about my stance here regarding women and issues related to them......these so called "men" need to be casterAted with a dull spoon, after having honey poured on their bodies and fed to fire ants.
Just so ya'll know that I think dat dey are frivickin dense.
Please note the dates. Should she have been returning to school after the summer holidays? Did she not want to go back because she was bullied at school? What did she do with the school uniform?
I think we all know the answers!! :-(
Her 60 'clients' need to be arrested... they were complicit in this terrible story.
I hope each offence carry a penalty instead running the 60 offences concurrently and only receive a One Goal term for the hole 60 offence. If each offence of Child abuse is deem to be just one year in Goal each srumbag would get 60 years. That is only for the child abuse offences. There or other crimes these scumbags comment like soliciting of a minor for the procurement of money, Under age sex and Kid napping. All Three will be face a very long time in Goal if the crimes comment a dealt with in this manner.
That is a different issue. Do you speak Japanese? Take a look of Japanese deai sites. Yes, there are underage girls involved in this, but it is not legal, just like in your country, and it is certainly not the "ultimate goal" for everybody. Heck, just last year the cops raided an "enjou kosai" cafe for geriatrics, with nobody under 60, remember? We really should stop these generalisations.
And elsewhere on JT Indonesia has just agreed to issue a presidential decree to implement chemical castration. Take note Japan!!
New Guy
@Wc626 Yes. Its only or mostly Japan. All our countries are pure and blameless. Now if you will excuse me as I go have a laughing fit!
And where were her parents? Maybe it is THE MOTHER who should be charged with "violating the Child Welfare Act" :-(
This is so sicking to read, such sick people should be tortured or simply shot in the balls.
I can not help but look at the bigger picture, have you ever stopped to consider, if there was no demand for such "services" would these guy's even conjure up the idea to begin with? (If a small towns population was all vegetarians, the local convenience would stop stocking non-veg food as there is no demand for it)
The statistics should be what's more alarming, 60 sick men "in Tokyo" knowingly paid 20,000 yen per session to have sex with an underage girl, this was only in the time frame of 40 days, I am sure 'if the police had not stepped in' word of this "service" would have spared, the true figures of such sick people would have been staggering to say the least.
These men are as guilty as the men charged for holding the girl captive 'in my opinion'.
Child Welfare Act - Act No. 164 of December 12, 1947
Article 4: The term "child" as used in this Act shall mean a person under 18 years of age,
Article 34: No person shall commit an act listed in any of the following items:
(viii) Arrange taking care of a child for the purpose of profit, if it is arranged by a person other than legitimate employment agencies for adults and children; or
(ix) Keep a child under one's control, with the intent of causing the child to commit an act making an impact that is mentally and physically harmful to the child.
The question is, is this Act being followed full-heatedly? We are but the product of our surrounding, I for one would rather be shot in the balls than partake in such indecency.
Point taken that child trafficking is taking place all over the world, some will say "to a lesser degree in the West" as much as the truth hurts, that's because the west are the "service" users, not so much the "service" providers.
It's rape of a minor too. As I am sure rape could be proven
I am sure there is a long list of crimes that can be added to the charges. I hope they throw the book at these cockroaches!
@newguy. I didn't imply nothing like that. Don't twist my words in this post. I know the US is not "pure and blameless" - I saw what happened to Lamar Odom on the news.
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
@WilliB . . . K, fair enough. Then let's say most of them . . . . ohh guesstimate about 70%. While the other 30 enjoy hanging out or going to karaoke.
New Guy
@Wc626 Twist your words? You said a constant and high demand in JAPAN, not "the world". How did I twist your words? Your words were clear. You singled out Japan for something that is happening the world over, and has been happening since currency was invented.
Any way you slice it, this is a pretty freaking far cry from enjou kousai. And just because there is a unique Japanese word for it as well as unique Japanese methodology to it, lets not be so naive as to pretend its even mostly Japan. Its not. Enjou kousai should not have even been brought up in this thread the way it was. Enjou kousai is not slaving females of any age. Nor is it rape.
Nice words my friend... but... I just checked my dictionary!
enjyo kousai 援助交際 dating with compensation (payments, financial support) / schoolgirl prostitution
What is being said, on this thread, is that Japan has a large ILLEGAL industry geared towards promoting ILLEGAL school-girl prostitution. It doesn't need to be "slaving" nor "rape" but that's what happens when school-age girls are encouraged to get involved in ILLEGAL ACTIVITES...
Polar Cities
The johns did not know she underage. She looks 20.
Polar and Godfather are right. She knew what she was getting into, then something made her change her mind.
Having said that, I still think this was wrong/sad.
Filth. Lock 'em up.
New Guy
@Godfather Are you actually aware that this story is about the sex slavery of a 16 year old girl? I never said enjou kousai was legal or illegal. Its rather besides the point. You don't seem to know what you nor I are talking about.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
She started living with them, so to some people commenting here the threatening to kill her and taking away her means of escape and contact with the outside world are apparently A-OK! I don't particularly like living in a world where teenagers are forced into prostitution but I would seriously hate living inside those guys' heads who think that way.
Kobe White Bar Owner
@Wc626 You are confusing things. Enjo kosai simply means compensated dating
Am I really? Let's cut the crap. The ultimate goal for compensated dating is for the middle aged dude to pillow with young girls. Quit trying to make it seem so harmless. It's not. Everyday school girls are selling themselves.
And everyday middle age men look for oppurtunities (like the ones in this article) to score on 16 yr old girls.
Totally agree with you, the softening of basic facts through language is pitiful and avoids cold hard "moral" truths, lets take the word lolicon - paedophile for starters, and to anyone who jumps on my back about this i`d point out yes there is a victim in both examples.
New Guy
If there was ever a word that avoided the truth, its the word pedophile. It means whatever the speaker decides it means, at that moment, making it useless except for executing character in the court of public opinion.
The girl is 16. 16 is legal marrying age in many countries, and not only Japan. Yet here you drag out the word pedophile and lolicon too in the case of a 16 year old sex slave?
The key problem here, because so many of you keep missing it, is not her age or the age of the slavers or the johns. Its the fact that she was apparently slaved and raped, and it would be just as horrible if she were 26.
Kobe White Bar Owner
@ New Guy
"and it would be just as horrible if she were 26." im sure it would be a horrible and hugely traumatic experience for any woman no matter said age, but a minor age 16 im sure would suffer more both mentally and physically.
Pedophilia From the Greek 'Paedo' which means 'Child' and 'Phile' which means 'Love' and yes 16 is a CHILD mate, no matter how you swing it.