Police in Sukumo, Kochi Prefecture, said Sunday they have arrested a 30-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of fatally stabbing his 62-year-old mother at their home.
According to police, Kyosuke Nakayama is accused of stabbing his mother Miwa with a knife at around 6:35 p.m. on Saturday, Kyodo News reported. Nakayama told a neighbor what he had done and the neighbor called 119.
Police found Nakayama on a road near his house and arrested him on the spot. A blood-stained knife and a iron bar were reportedly found in the house near the victim's body.
Miwa was was rushed to hospital multiple wounds to her neck and other parts of her body, police said, adding she died late Saturday.
© Japan Today
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Kaimcahl, yes, you are correct assumptions, however, I have been in Japan 30 plus years and over that time I have learned a lot from friends and my adult students about their lives and family life. Some stories very sad, their childhoods during the war time and the poverty and also their own children and their lives.
I believe my assumptions are pretty spot on based on these shared personal stories.
@tigerjane Assumptions!
I feel like I am being a broken record they self-entitled jobless adult children are acting out because they were given the world by their parents due to their own suffering growing up in the war times. It is normal a parent who did not have a lot growing up, usually not always, wants their children to have a better life than they did.
Unfortunately, the results are not proving deadly, now these parents are suffering from inflation and do not have the funds to give these self-entitled spoiled brats and they turn on their parents in a brutal fashion that costs them their lives.
Move out and live by yourself.
Even little birds leave the nest.
Oh no, not again. 30 years old, no jib, living with his mummy, think I’ve heard this one before.
Wonder if he will have forgotten what happened to make it a full house of the same old same old.