Japan Today

35-year-old man arrested for paying 15-year-old girl for sex


A 35-year-old man from Saitama has been arrested for paying a 15-year-old girl for sex, police said Friday.

The man, an employee of the Sayama Environmental Conservation Department in Saitama Prefecture, has been named as Kenji Matsui. According to police, on June 19 of last year, Matsui took the then 15-year-old high school girl to a hotel in Yokohama and paid her 30,000 yen for unspecified sex acts, TV Asahi reported. Police say Matsui has confessed to the charges.

The crime was uncovered by the police force's cyber-patrol which scans websites that are designed to put prostitutes in contact with clients, often optimized for cell phone access. Police say they discovered posts by Matsui on such a website and tracked his activities online before bringing him in for questioning, TV Asahi reported.

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Was the girl arrested too? If Japan wants to stop this problem, they need to start arresting the girls too. they are well aware of what they are doing.

20 ( +25 / -5 )

I agree though unfortunately allot of girls are also pimped out by older/other high school girls too.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The world is backwards. The girl should be arrested and MOST certainly the website administrators that set it all up. They are the REAL criminals. Preying on the lonely and desperate and at the same time taking advantage of the naive and innocent.

Go after the big fish.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The crime was uncovered by the police force’s cyber-patrol which scans websites that are designed to put prostitutes in contact with clients, often optimized for cell phone access. Police say they discovered posts by Matsui on such a website and tracked his activities online before bringing him in for questioning, TV Asahi reported.

I've got to assume they knew the girl was underage while they were trolling the prostitution site. They should have paid a visit to her as well as the "John". At the very least they needed to be visiting the website operator (if he was in Japan.)

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Arrest the owners of the site, arrest any pimps - be it high school girls or men. i don't care who gets arrested as long as they all get taken down too. Too many girls here offer themselves up and they never get punished for it - they get their brand name bag, the guy gets arrested and they are free to continue on. That is wrong and the girls clearly know what they are doing.

Get them free STD testing and counseling if need be but come on. 15? She clearly knew what she was doing was wrong - on soooo many levels. Also, get the parents involved.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

I'm not aware of any laws in Japan that can penalize the girl for selling sex. It's always the buyer of sex who gets arrested. It is definitely unfair.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Why in the world would you ever use your real name, address, or anything that could be traced back to you when trolling the internet for underage sex? This fool deserves to be in jail. And every girl that does this should be named. Not arrested, or prosecuted, just named publicly. That way girls will think twice about doing this kind of thing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"paid her 30,000 yen for unspecified sex acts"

I'll bet they were hentai.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

and paid her 30,000 yen for unspecified sex acts

What did they do, did she stroke his hair and told him that he was her destiny? That's not against the law. Or just stripped, full or bikini? Kissing, fondling, pawing? Where sex act begin? From which point is it against the law.

Is there an exact specification by the criminal law about from which point it counts a sexual act.

If there is and they passed the that point it might be against the law and can be taken as sexual act with a minor.

If she did it for money that is prostitution. Or not? Is there a law on that performing compensated sex, for money in that case, counts prostitution and from what age it counts prostitution. What about other compensation like luxurious dinners, presents, jewels, ect. is there any monetary limit ?

If there is the and prostitution is a crime than the girl is a prostitute and there should be a law for adult and child prostitutes.

The whole thing is plain stupid. She is a young prostitute, not the only one and the guy is a pedophile. What can we do with them? Nothing.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I'm not aware of any laws in Japan that can penalize the girl for selling sex. There is. Legally in Japan you can't "sell" sex for money - enjokosai got around this by giving the girls bags and the like, not cash. If this girl took money, she broke the law, just like the guy. Soaplands get around this because they say "no vaginal penetration" while anal is okay... Of course, the girls will say they took cash for other services and not vaginal penetration if there is a problem.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I would think that a 35 year old having sex with a 15 year old would be the issue and that paying for it would be a secondary issue.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

A sad tale-where I come from the saying is"fifteen" will get ya Twenty(years in jail!) A Sorry old Perv,indeed!!

2 ( +4 / -2 )


If it's illegal, how come they (girls) are not prosecuted? You always hear only about the guys getting arrested.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

That is wrong and the girls clearly know what they are doing. Get them free STD testing and counseling if need be but come on.

So she knew what she was doing BUT she needs counseling?? Can you not see how two faced that is Tmarie? People who know what they are doing don't need counseling.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I would think that a 35 year old having sex with a 15 year old would be the issue and that paying for it would be a secondary issue.

Why? If a 17 year old had sex with her would it not be an issue? But suddenly it is when he turns 18 or is older? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sex is sex. It does not become something fundamentally different after 18, and these two would be pretty freaking far from being the only people in history to have sex at these ages with no harm done.

I can't see why any of it is an issue at all. She put herself on the site and as Tmarie says, she knew what she was doing. She came out of it 30,000 yen richer, exactly as planned, no bruises, STDs or pregnancy mentioned. She is happy. He is happy. What good is served by arresting him and sending her on her merry way to do it again? Seriously, where is the benefit?

Looks to me like some people want a villain...so they invent one. Nobody has even mentioned the possibility that he did not even know her age!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

”『何人も、売春をし、又はその相手方となつてはならない。』]としている。しかし、売買春そのものに刑罰は設けられておらず” It is illegal to sell and buy sex, but there are no penalties for it. Therefore this girl cannot be penalized.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sorry Tin but don't agree. Plenty of girls know exactly what they are doing but are messed up when it comes to things like self esteem. Plenty of abusers (be it sex, drugs, drink) know what they are doing is wrong but need help. Same with DV. Know staying is wring but stay anyway. Counseling can help them. And perhaps you need to look up the meaning of "two faced'.

Why these girls aren't arrested is beyond me. Perhaps some think they are poor "victims"? Some probably are while others just see dollar signs and LV bags.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I've got to assume they knew the girl was underage while they were trolling the prostitution site. They should have paid a visit to her as well as the "John".

Oh, I think if people really cared half as much about this as they act, they would be demanding that police heads roll for simply not preventing this girl from ever meeting and having sex with the guy. I astutely note that they are not doing that. I conclude that the fuss is for dramatic effect.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

so the poor guy was caught n grilled while the cheecky corn-girl was left scot-free laughing all the way to the bank and scheming for the next victim! and mind you this is not forced sex...maybe the small girl has been spending days on computer trying to hook somebody for money and pleasure! interesting!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Strange headline. Would it have been OK if he had not paid her?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


" Why? If a 17 year old had sex with her would it not be an issue? But suddenly it is when he turns 18 or is older? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sex is sex. It does not become something fundamentally different after 18, "

Well, yes, but you agree that age is an issue if she had been, say 5 years instead of 15? So, the law has to set a deadlne somewhere. For better or worse, it is 18. It could be 17, that would not change much, but you can not expect the law to require a psychological evaluation of adulthood in every case. So, 18 it is.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


" The law is wack "

So you don´t want any law? Making child molesting legal? Or if you do want a law, where do you want to set the age limit?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Preying on the lonely and desperate and at the same time taking advantage of the naive and innocent.

NetNinja - Hilarious! Why is it this lonely, desperate, naive and innocent man couldn't have spent his money on a girl his own age? Ahhhhhh, cause he's a poor, lonely, naive and innocent pedophile!

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Police say Matsui has confessed to the charges.

Deny, deny, deny.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


It is a safe bet that the girl did not advertise on the deai website as 15. And 15-year olds can look pretty adult. It a long way from there to pedophilia. Words have meanings, don´t use them carelessly.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

John Constantine - I would think that a 35 year old having sex with a 15 year old would be the issue and that paying for it would be a secondary issue.

Why do you say that? Is it the age difference that bothers you? Or, the fact the girl is a minor. - My Mrs is nearly 20 years younger than me, but she is not a teenager either.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

As for age, a 27 year old may look 23 or vice versa, but a 15 years old even with body fairly developed don't. The first moment they open their mouth it is clear that they are schoolchildren. If not sure, or there's even the smallest uncertainty or doubt, a few routine smart questions and her age is clear even for the very young guys.

I think a guy of 35 must be experienced enough to filter out minors before having sex with them and smart enough to know the possible consequences, supposing he cares.

I think both of them knew very clearly what they did.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

From Wikipedia on Japan's Child Prostitution Laws; The Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and for Protecting Children, which prohibited an adult from paying a person under the age of 18 for obscene acts, was passed in 1999

She is only a 15 year old girl! What are you all saying she is responsible, she is being USED! I know some girls can look / act old for there age etc, but she is 15. I bet that is what he was wanting. A 15 year old. This is totally different to meeting a girl in a bar who tells you she is 21 and finding out later that she is really 15 and got into the club with fake ID etc...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What was fine 100 years ago is not fine today.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan should just legalize ALL forms of prostitution and collect TAXES!! This is an uphill battle kind of like America and drugs IMHO.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Elbuda - Are you kidding? If Japan did that, the government would be rolling in dough! Can't have that!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

but a 15 years old even with body fairly developed don't. The first moment they open their mouth it is clear that they are schoolchildren.

Try to keep in mind that a 15 year old is only 2 years and some months away from being 18.

Girls can and do mature faster than boys both physically and mentally. I have met 15 year old girls who talk like they are 20 and I have met 20 year old girls who talk like they are 15. Human beings are not created a factory you know! We are all different!

Not knowing the girl's age is and will forever remain a credible defense anywhere that has a sane judicial system that can see that the sky is not falling because a 15 year old did it with a 35 year old.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Son of Laertes write like a man, and his comment sounds very manly... yes, a girl complete her body development early than men, but the mind is not always as developed as we expect and this depends of every girl's life...

The point is, why to not put the underage women on jail? I know that the man that took the teenagers for sex is a pervert (when he can have the chance to flirt with older women to try his sexual advances), but if a teenager is receiving payment for any kind of sexual actions she must be also involved as a delincuent as long as she is consenting to have the sex act.

The japanese must try to input more values to the young people over that the lack of luxury things like iPads or Louis Vutton baggages is not the reason to being looked as losers in modern society. To be a slut to getting this things this could be a bigger reason.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well done again, japanese education. Theyll never get it, just keep turning that blind eye to all this stuff and if you get caught, chalk it off to ¨japanese culture¨. This country is in the sink.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Life's old profession, they do start young nowadays, as long as they are buyers, there will be sellers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

" Why? If a 17 year old had sex with her would it not be an issue? But suddenly it is when he turns 18 or is older? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Sex is sex. It does not become something fundamentally different after 18, "

If she was 18 taking money for sex, it would still be illegal. Thing is, she would be of age of consent so the cops would probably look the other way.

To be a slut to getting this things this could be a bigger reason. I tend to think it is the main reason. Enjokai and school girls selling themselves has been a huge problem in Japan for decades now. The sense of entitlement and want for material goods in this country is pathetic.

I have met 15 year old girls who talk like they are 20 and I have met 20 year old girls who talk like they are 15. I don't find much difference between the two age groups to be honest. Have taught/teach both groups and they sounds pretty much the same. The only difference is that the 20 year old might talk about their PT job. Mentally, I don't think there is much difference either. I don't see a change with j chicks until they start working their first real job. And heck, some of them still behave as spoiled kids when they live at home and sponge off mom and dad - or should that just say dad?.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I said

but a 15 years old even with body fairly developed don't. The first moment they open their mouth it is clear that they are schoolchildren.

You said

Try to keep in mind that a 15 year old is only 2 years and some months away from being 18. Girls can and do mature faster than boys both physically and mentally. I have met 15 year old girls who talk like they are 20 and I have met 20 year old girls who talk like they are 15.

Now. Look it is very simple. That is a 35 year old guy longing for a fresh brand new chicken and ready pay for that.

This is not a love relationship, that's a payed quick paid sex ramp with a young prostitute.

He can ask in a strait manner for his 30 000 yen, " are you clean, no STD, how old are you babe, show me your ID. No, ID? bye babe" isn't it simple?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Personally I don't have an issue with the profession as long as the prostitutes entered into that sort of job on their own and had the maturity to realize what was going to happen in the future. The problem is those who force the girls into the profession in order to pay off some bogus and inflated "debt", or get the girls hooked on an addiction and "pay" the girl with more of the addicting drug. 15 is the wrong age to be deciding this is what you want to do with your life, and once you travel down that path, it's next to impossible to recover respectability.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ok, so let me get this straight, they found his name on a web site, so they apprehend him, (on some pretext..? without any actual knowledge of any crime) then they grill him, probably for hours, "We know you did something!" until he confesses to something, probably because he had been handcuffed to the table in an interrogation room for 10 or 12 hours, but they conveniently leave out any details like that.... Yea, sounds like typical Japanese J-Cops....

I'm not saying the guy is innocent, he could be one of the biggest pedophiles walking the street's, but just knowing how the J-Cops operate, this guy be completely innocent too.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It is a safe bet that the girl did not advertise on the deai website as 15. And 15-year olds can look pretty adult. It a long way from there to pedophilia. Words have meanings, don´t use them carelessly.

WilliB - Hogwash. The only people who don't realize or even suspect a girl is 15 are the ones who don't want to admit it to themselves. A weak, false excuse.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

For all those who think that not giving your name out is protecting your identity, perhaps you should read up on what information is transmitted in EVERY TCP or UDP packet (the packets used for the internet). Spoof your IP address? Sure. Use an anonymous proxy server? Knock yourself out. In order for the traffic to get back to YOUR computer/phone, however, there HAS to be some way to identify your computer/phone in the packets destined for you. That's your MAC address. Each machine has a unique MAC address. Even if you use that "anonymous" proxy server and the server changes the MAC address in the packets, the server has to keep records of what your ACTUAL MAC address is in order to get the packets back to your computer. If the authorities want to, they WILL pressure the people running the "anonymous" proxy server into coughing up your MAC address. That's, of course, assuming it's not the authorities who are the ones running the "anonymous" proxy server. What's an easier way to monitor illegal activity than to "provide" a way for people to do things when they don't want to be identified?

I'm just sayin'.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Munya Times:

" This is not a love relationship, that's a payed quick paid sex ramp with a young prostitute.

He can ask in a strait manner for his 30 000 yen, " are you clean, no STD, how old are you babe, show me your ID. No, ID? bye babe" isn't it simple? "

In your American TV drama, yes. But the Japanese Enjo Kosai scene is not like that. You are not dealing with hardcore American street prostitutes. Your advice is firmly based on your cultural stereotypes, but has nothing to do with Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


That may be the case, but do you honestly think that the Jpolice are smart enough or go through the trouble for such a petty crime?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is a lesson to all the women and men that get gratification from children. She's a prostitute, but the John is the problem. Supply and demand 101. He could have spent that money with an adult snack babe and possibly gotten more bang for the buck. Now you know, Big Brother is watching and regardless of what you say about civil liberties (in Japan?) computers should not be used for your crimes or perverted behaviors. The alternative is to go to some third world country and be the louse that he is. This is the kind of punk that contributes to on-going child prostitution, consequently sex slave traffic. Children are children, no matter how cute, sleazy, naive, greedy, or dumb they are. I say, have her keep the money and use her as bait to catch other perverts.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I guess on bad problem for legalizing prostitution here in Japan, first the YAKUZA will be cut out, then the J POLICE that take bribes from the YAKUZA will stop getting their BRIBES, so I guess we should not hold our breaths on this issue right??

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

WilliBJan. 08, 2012 - 01:31PM JST

In your American TV drama, yes. But the Japanese Enjo Kosai scene is not like that. You are not dealing with hardcore American street prostitutes. Your advice is firmly based on your cultural stereotypes, but has nothing to do with Japan.

Not really, it only might be my gullibility as I never used these kind of services, but whatever it is my point is, which I tried to push through hard, that I firmly believe that if a guy (especially at the age of 35) wants to find out whether he can have sex with a very young girl or she is a minor, he can and if not sure might try women instead.

I also realized that I am not the only one in this thread saying that (maybe in different way), and it's like we are in two groups of two different opinions. Looks like our arguments start moving in circles.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


" She's a prostitute, but the John is the problem "

If this contact was made on a deai website as the article says, there is no "John". This is purely person-to-person.

Some of the commentators here seem to live in some kind of US TV drama world. Reality is different.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This are syndicates run by the Yaks that lured young girls for some money for unspecified sex acts. Could be a video sex session or whatever and sell the video to companies like Dreamroom Productions, Inc www.@dream-room.net. Another one is www.10musume.com, info@musume.com ; www.h4610.com This are some companies doing this type of good Yen earnings cuz there are soooo many japanese hentais. Who knows too that this videos they are producing and selling is the roots of japanese hentais. This podting may be irrelevant with the topic above but I just want to contribute the fact that IMO that girl may not be a prosti at her minor age. She was just lured for 3man ¥ a huge amount for a high school girl. This is a job for the JGov to eradicate unless there is a law in japan allowing this legally.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is not a love relationship, that's a payed quick paid sex ramp with a young prostitute. And she should be arrested for being one.

" She's a prostitute, but the John is the problem " So is she though. So is society that looks the other way when a 15 year old sells herself for money.

You are not dealing with hardcore American street prostitutes. Indeed. You're dealing with a bunch of materialistic females who care more about a bag than they do their health.

Did the guy know she was 15 or did she lie about her age? Either way arrest him, her and the website owner.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Did the guy know she was 15 or did she lie about her age? Either way arrest him, her and the website owner.

I assume you want them all jailed and not just arrested right? In other words, you want that 15 year old prostitute treated as an adult and jailed on one hand, saying she knew what she was doing, but you want the man jailed for treating her as an adult whether he was aware she was or not. Probably one of the ugliest double standards I have ever seen! Also extremely unfair to jail a website operator for not violating the privacy of their clients (which is illegal) just in order to prevent these two from hooking up, as if one of them is crying about it.

I would like to keep teen prostitution minimized. I don't like it. But I find your desire for a hard and psychologically brutal crackdown on this case to be completely over the top and unnecessary. What is the reason for your extreme reaction? Its not like someone died. Its not like someone was brutalized. Its not like the safety of Japanese society is hanging in the balance.

I see this like I see my son who keeps putting crayons in his mouth. I see it as an issue where patience and education is necessary, not an issue where I should take away his crayons and beat him with a belt. So I ask you again, why are you so extreme in your response?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

show me your ID. No, ID? bye babe" isn't it simple?

In a manner of speaking, yes, it is simple. VERY simple.

Any man asking females he just met for ID is lonely man. Either you are a lonely man, you have never done this yourself, or you like them old.

You see, an ID tends to have an important bit of information on it called a HOME ADDRESS. I have dated plenty of women who were happy enough to go to a love hotel with me yet did not want me to know where they lived just yet. I can totally imagine an alternate universe where the showing of ID in this way is common, and as the stalking cases pile up, there you are complaining about how stupid these girls are for showing these guys their IDs!

I agree with WilliB. There is this place called the real world and you have not been introduced.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Did anyone back in the cave man days ask how old someone was? Nope! "Me want you wooly mammoth stew. What you want to trade?" Simple.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


" This are syndicates run by the Yaks that lured young girls for some money for unspecified sex acts. Could be a video sex session or whatever and sell the video to companies like "

Some of you people really have a lurid imagination. There is nothing in the article that indicates anything that devious. Most likely, she simply put an ad on one the many deai sites and he responded. There are hundreds of these (just google for "papa wanted" in Japanese, and you´ll see plenty. Simply a way Japanese young women to make an extra buck for that desired gucchi bag. Yes, there are professionals too advertising on these sites, but you can spot those very quickly. There really nothing more to that. Face it, Japan is not a moralistic society --- love it or leave it, and stop complaining.

That 15-year olds should not be access such sites is a given, no need to harp on that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I assume you want them all jailed and not just arrested right? In other words, you want that 15 year old prostitute treated as an adult and jailed on one hand, saying she knew what she was doing, but you want the man jailed for treating her as an adult whether he was aware she was or not. Probably one of the ugliest double standards I have ever seen!

Who jail anything about jail for either of them? Perhaps you should read what is written and not what you hoped was written?

And have no idea what double standard you're even referring to. Her being treated as an adult? Him seeing her as an adult? What on earth are you trying to say?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I see this like I see my son who keeps putting crayons in his mouth. I see it as an issue where patience and education is necessary, not an issue where I should take away his crayons and beat him with a belt. So I ask you again, why are you so extreme in your response?

You view a girl selling her body for a couple of yen the same as you kid putting crayons in his mouth? What is extreme in thinking the girl also needs to be held accountable? No one died? Would you say the same thing if she had an STD and passed it around and someone did? You think these girls are taking safe sex precautions?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


" You think these girls are taking safe sex precautions? "

Yes. As a even a casual glance throught Japanese deai sites will show you. Generally, the girls mention that as a condition.

Why are so many people letting their imagination run wild?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Perhaps because the teenage STD rate her is pretty shocking - and if without, they can charge more. Doesn't matter what is advertised. I doubt the ad stated she was 15.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Man, good thing the girl wasn't ten and the perp 30. Though we wouldn't be having this discussion if the girl was 20 and the perp 40.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" Doesn't matter what is advertised. I doubt the ad stated she was 15. "

You can be sure she not do that. All deai sites are very clear on the rules for that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Will, which goes back to asking if the girl was also charged. She knows better.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The reasons for not arresting prostitutes are because it is generally considered more affective to arrest the johns when wanting to reduce prostitution. Prostitutes are very often victims of sex trafficking and arresting them acts as a deterrent for girls / women (and boys) who would otherwise seek police help in getting out of the situations they are in. Being a Japanese prostitute in Japan does not mean that the prostitute is not under the control of a pimp or a criminal organization. Not arresting someone as young as 15 may hep her to turn her life around.

Regardless of whether or not we think she knew what she was doing or why she was doing it, 15 is young enough for her to get out of that lifestyle and still make something of herself. If she is arrested and ends up with a record, her options in life are extremely limited, especially in a country such as Japan where second chances are often not given. Someone mentioned that 15 is just 3 years shy of 18. That's true. It's also true that 15 is just 3 years shy of 12.



-1 ( +0 / -1 )

She is only a 15 year old girl! What are you all saying she is responsible, she is being USED! I know some girls can look / act old for there age etc, but she is 15.

YES! She is a minor, a child, who was likely a victim here. The John is an adult who should know better!

0 ( +2 / -2 )


I been 15, as I guess you have been and we all know right from wrong and we did ... Skirting the laws and pushing the limits is the norm, some push too hard.

Granted he carries the legal responsibility here but that don't give here a free ticket for her actions either. You know the got Juvenile prisons for offenders like her.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Forgot to add.

We all knew which girls/guys dated teachers and who were considered mattresses, etc. No going around that, by that time teens know how to play the system.

Denying that is denying human nature.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


It's not imagination. It's a fact. Young girls especially high school teens, hunger for fashionable items since they cannot afford it with their minute allowance.. I am sure you know that since you reside in Japan unless you're a coach potatoe. Who would you think run this kind of business in Japan. Yaks. And that is not a product of my imagination cuz it's a fact. I posted some sites just for the JGov , even JT to see it and investigate if they are legit and have proper licences. Some of the postings here are for the good of society's moral values and just not complaints. Are you AGAINST or FOR this kind of acts by hentais or illegal and immoral companies. That's the point.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The police should arrest him - he paid too much. That's criminal!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


" It's not imagination. It's a fact. Young girls especially high school teens, hunger for fashionable items since they cannot afford it with their minute allowance.. I am sure you know that since you reside in Japan unless you're a coach potatoe. Who would you think run this kind of business in Japan. Yaks. And that is not a product of my imagination cuz it's a fact. "

No, it is your imagination. Yes, the Yakuza run all sorts of shady businesses. But there is nothing in this article to suggest that any particular business or yakuza is involved here. They found each other on a deai website. That is all there is to it... one who posts a message, another one who responds to the message.

No middlemen are needed for that, and it is pretty pointless to should "yakuza" everytime there is a crime somewhere.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

15 is young enough for her to get out of that lifestyle and still make something of herself.

But the question needs to be asked as to if she will get any of the help she needs? Arresting her - though nor charging her - could get her some help I think. Doing nothing and looking the other way certainly won't teach her anything.

People are going on about the yaks, sex trafficking... You're average 15 year old girl who is selling herself is doing so of her own free will because she wants the latest bag... To assume this girl was trafficked and control by yaks is stretching it a bit. Certainly those girls do sadly exist but we don't know the details. She could easily be one of the tea coloured hair, "garu" with her skirt hitched up more than happy to make a few bucks of a hard up guy. Hence, if she is, arrest her.

Johns wouldn't exist if girls weren't out there doing the work.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I agree that doing nothing and looking the other way won't teach her anything but I don't necessarily agree that arresting her will do anything either except limit her options in life and guarantee she continues with this type of lifestyle. Groups like Polaris are there to try and help people in her situation.

I certainly don't know why your average 15-year old girl is selling herself and seriously doubt you do either. I don't understand why it's okay for you to assume she sells herself in order to buy bags but you mock people who assume that organized crime may be involved in what she did. I know nothing about her and am assuming nothing. All I've done is give reasons why some places choose not to arrest prostitutes. I wasn't looking for a miogynistic rant against Japanese girls.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


" I don't understand why it's okay for you to assume she sells herself in order to buy bags but you mock people who assume that organized crime may be involved in what she did. "

According to the article, the "cyber patrol" found posts on a deai website. That gives a pretty clear idea of the situation. Your wild speculation about phantastic conspiracies including organized crime are just that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

WilliB: Please read my post more carefully before you make snide, incorrect comments regarding it. I never said organized crime was involved. All I said was that it was wrong to assume that we know why she engaged in prostitution and if one was going to mock others for assuming an organized crime element it was also wrong to assume she did what she did so that she could buy a fancy bag. Knowing that she met the man via a website gives us little to no understanding as to why she was engaged in prostitution. Is that clear enough for you?

That said, while I have no idea about the situation this particular girl was involved in, you're awfully naive if you think that the organized crime element doesn't have its hand in deai websites. The sex trade is the bread and butter of the yakuza and if they can find a way to get involved in it they will - be it clubs, street walkers or online sites. There's nothing wild or fantastically speculative about that. It's pretty common knowledge.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


" The sex trade is the bread and butter of the yakuza and if they can find a way to get involved in it they will - be it clubs, street walkers "

There is a huge sex industry in Japan, and of course the gangsters are involved. But "street walkers" hardly exist in Japan... do you even live here?

" or online sites. There's nothing wild or fantastically speculative about that. It's pretty common knowledge. "

Your speculation is not "common knowledge", I suggest you take a look at some deai websites (I am talking about the ones where people post messages, not about those advertising for businesses). It is just not that type of environment. And yes, I have some personal experience. And no, nothing involving underage girls or gangsters. By the way, there is a shadow of the same type of thing on Craiglist, The Japanese counterparts are vastly bigger and vastly nicer.

I really think that comments like yours are just projectiong of your stereotypes from abroad.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

hardcore American street prostitutes

I can't stop laughing. The best part is how right after you say this, you accuse the other guy of believing stereotypes.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" The sex trade is the bread and butter of the yakuza and if they can find a way to get involved in it they will - "

Firstly, neither of us knows for sure what "the bread and butter of the yakuza" is. Secondly, according to the article, they met on a deai site. That is basically a bulletin board. There is no need to to imagine anything more convoluted and sinister than there is. Some people here seem to want to imagine a yakuza behind every street corner...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I certainly don't know why your average 15-year old girl is selling herself and seriously doubt you do either. You new to Japan or something? Teenagers selling themselves here is nothing now. Why do they do it? Because of materialistic goods. Well documented here and lots of reading out there on it. Why do you think enjokosai became a problem? What do you think these girls got "paid" with? Bags and the like.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Why do you think enjokosai became a problem?

I don't see the problem. Just because some people claim it is a problem does not mean it is a problem. As far as I can tell the overwhelming majority of those girls suffer no negative effects here in Japan, just like this one didn't. Its just that some people don't like it, and to me, restricting freedom just because some people don't like it really IS A PROBLEM.

If it was a 17 year old who paid her 3 man yen no one would be calling for the law to get involved, even if he gave her the clap and got her pregnant too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You new to Japan or something?

Not even close.

Teenagers selling themselves here is nothing now. Why do they do it? Because of materialistic goods.

I wouldn't dispute that. The vast majority of prostitution is done for material gain of some sort, be it food, shelter, drugs or designer bags. The reason I said I don't know why your average 15-year old is selling herself, though one can certainly dispute whether or not your average 15-year old is indeed selling herself, is that I don't know what kind of home she grew up in, what her parents were like in terms of what morals they taught her, who the greatest influence on her life was, why she would think sleeping with a stranger is the best way to make money, why material goods are so important to one so young. You can go with her being "a slut" and say it's as simple as that. You can go SolarSails way and say it's not a problem. I'm going with there being a multitude of reasons, none of them dismissively simple and that at the end of the day, I still think a 15-year old can change her ways and should certainly be encouraged to do so.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

SolarSails: I can understand why people come out in support of prostitution. However, prostitution involving a 15-year old is, in my opinion, a problem. It's been shown that teenagers' brains are wired for risk. They don't take consequences into account as an adult would. What that means in terms of prostitution is that they'd be less likely to use birth control and more likely to end up with STDs, which, if left untreated, can cause sterility or cancer (HPV can cause cervical cancer). A prostitute of any age is at risk of violence from their john but a teenager is less likely to report it due to the shame and underage factor. Certainly if she is meeting johns via unregulated "dating sites" she has no one looking out for her. Then there is the whole aspect of sexualizing children. Yes, a 15-year old is still a child and if you take the word of people on this site into account, Japanese 15-year olds act the same as college students - meaning immaturely. Children shouldn't be sexualized. Can we agree on that? Children ought to be taught that there are other options in life, that an education is important, that there are consequences to your actions and some of those consequences will follow you for the rest of your life (as the Facebook generation is now learning). Girls ought to be taught that while fitting in is a lovely thing, it ought not to come at the expense of your physical well-being. 15-year olds ought not to be paid to be having sex. I dare say 15-year olds shouldn't be having sex at all. It can wait. There is plenty of time for it a little later and I'll just go out on a limb here and say that it ought to be with someone you know, who you at least like and who respects you. But that's just me.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Firstly, neither of us knows for sure what "the bread and butter of the yakuza" is.

It's been well documented so you might want to get your head out of the sand on that one.

Secondly, according to the article, they met on a deai site. That is basically a bulletin board. There is no need to to imagine anything more convoluted and sinister than there is.

Who has said that the yakuza was involved in this particular case? Again, read the post. I never said the yakuza was involved in this case.

Some people here seem to want to imagine a yakuza behind every street corner...

Some people here seem to want to imagine that others imagine a yakuza behind every street corner.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't see the problem. You don't see the problem with a 15 year old girl selling her body for money or "presents"? In that case, there is no point in even discussing any of this with you.

one can certainly dispute whether or not your average 15-year old is indeed selling herself No one is disputing that at all. No one has said that your average 15 year old j chick is selling herself. Where on earth did you get that from?

I don't know what kind of home she grew up in, what her parents were like in terms of what morals they taught her, who the greatest influence on her life was, why she would think sleeping with a stranger is the best way to make money, why material goods are so important to one so young. You can go with her being "a slut" and say it's as simple as that. I don't even know where to begin with this. Does it matter what kind of home she grew up in? Does it matter what kind of parents she has? Sex for money is illegal in Japan regardless of your background. So you're calling her a slut? I certainly haven't.

You can go SolarSails way and say it's not a problem. I'm going with there being a multitude of reasons, none of them dismissively simple and that at the end of the day, I still think a 15-year old can change her ways and should certainly be encouraged to do so. If you had bothered to read anything I wrote you would see that I too have suggested this - and suggested counseling so she can change and make a better life instead of selling herself for whatever it is she wants the money for. Letting her walk and only punishing the guy doesn't help her any nor is it a deterrent to her and others like her.

Yes, a 15-year old is still a child Have to disagree on this. They aren't "children" they are young adults who do know the difference between right and wrong. The fact that she was advertising on a sex site indicates she knew exactly what she was doing and what she was looking for.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

No one has said that your average 15 year old j chick is selling herself. Where on earth did you get that from?

tmarie JAN. 09, 2012 - 05:59PM JST You're average 15 year old girl who is selling herself is doing so of her own free will because she wants the latest bag.

Does it matter what kind of home she grew up in? Does it matter what kind of parents she has? Sex for money is illegal in Japan regardless of your background.

Does it matter what kind of home she grew up in? Did you mean that as a rhetorical question? How would that not matter in terms of why a 15-year old would engage in prostitution? It's got nothing to do with legality. I'm talking about the purpose for engaging in prostitution.

So you're calling her a slut? I certainly haven't.

I never called anyone a slut and you know that. I put the word in quotes to paraphrase what you suggested.

tmarieJAN. 09, 2012 - 05:59PM JST She could easily be one of the tea coloured hair, "garu" with her skirt hitched up more than happy to make a few bucks of a hard up guy.

Please don't insult us now by disingenuously suggesting you meant anything but "slut". I don't know where you come from but had you said that where I'm from it would have been loud and clear what you meant. You may not have called the girl in question a slut but you painted her with the same brush.

If you had bothered to read anything I wrote you would see that I too have suggested this.

So you take a comment that was directed at someone else and choose to get angry over the fact that you made a similar statement rather than being happy that we agree about something? That's odd and a little hostile.

Have to disagree on this. They aren't "children" they are young adults ...

The Japanese law would disagree with you as would Japanese culture but you always know best. Go on, then. Have the last word. I'm sure your dying to tell me how wrong I am about everything.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You're average 15 year old girl who is selling herself Issues with reading compression? This does not equal that your average 15 year old is selling herself.

It's got nothing to do with legality. It has everything to do with it. If you want to give all the home problem kids a free pass feel free but the law shouldn't. Everyone has a sob story.

I'm not angry - having a pretty good laugh to be honest as you seem to be the one worked up. And funny, you want to disregard the law when it comes to your thoughts about some sob story case (an assumption BTW) but then turn around and use it a few posts later. Like I said, laughable.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Oh and using "us"... "ware ware" never works well... More so when when I am not addressing a group of people, just one. Tend to find it used most often when someone is being emotional and irrational.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

No, it is your imagination. Yes, the Yakuza run all sorts of shady businesses. But there is nothing in this article to suggest that any particular business or yakuza is involved here

WilliB..... hahahaha you just said it....shady businessesssssssssss... it doesn't need to be mentoned by JT. What I expected you to reply was , if you are against this kind of business being run by the Yaks instead of being defensive and argumentative to some if not all postings here. Hehehehe ! I am beginning to suspect you are connected with the websites and the Yaks by your statements... Mmmmmmmm

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


" his kind of business being run by the Yaks "

I guess phantasizing about "the yaks" being everywhere has a certain fascination. But again: there is no indication that there is more to this story than 2 people posting and answering messages on a bulletin board. Too boring for some, perhaps.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

gaijinfoJAN. 07, 2012 - 11:57AM JST Why in the world would you ever use your real name, address, or anything that could be traced back to you when trolling the internet for underage sex? This fool deserves to be in jail. And every girl that does this should be named. Not arrested, or prosecuted, just named publicly. That way girls will think twice about doing this kind of thing.

The police usually can find out who you are by tracking your IP address. As I recall, last year the police tracked some threats of violence to a Nintendo DS used in an internet cafe. Without some precautions, you can be found if you use the internet.

Still, in this case, the police could have merely met the guy at the hotel and made the arrest. The fact that they didn't make an arrest at the hotel makes me believe the police pieced this all together after the fact and resorted to their "interrogations" to get a confession.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

As someone who has lived in Japan for all my life, to those people who are saying "This girl was fully aware of what she was doing". Japan Is much different from other countries, and the girls and boys here are VERY VERY unaware about sex.. LIKE VERY UNAWARE. they do not get education about it, they do not know about STD's, or what is right or wrong. I think the way to solve the problem is proper sex ed for these teenagers in school. And yes, i think the girls who are caught should get counseling and help. The man who PAID for her should defiantly be punished along with the men who coordinated the sight.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Disagree Savanah. While some don't "know", many others do. I highly doubt a girl selling tricks is unaware of it all.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


" Still, in this case, the police could have merely met the guy at the hotel and made the arrest. "

How?? As the article states, they found the messages after the event. Besides, a love hotel is hardly a place to "meet" someone. You can be sure the two met somewhere else and then went there.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

crime occur when two people agree to commit it

1 ( +1 / -0 )

if he paided a woman over 21 would he have been arrested ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Some of these girls have been exposed to sex or even abused from an early age so they have a 'better' understanding of what they are getting into. Maybe they even think they can handle it and ride the system for what they want in return.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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