Police in Kyoto on Monday arrested a 36-year-old man after the bodies of his parents were found in his home on Sunday.
Police said Shinya Matsui, 66, a company employee, and his wife, 61, had been stabbed to death, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police found the bodies at around 7 p.m. on Sunday at the son's residence in Yamashina Ward.
Police said the couple’s youngest son, who lived with them, called 110 at around 6:20 p.m. on Sunday, saying that his parents had failed to return home after visiting his elder brother’s home.
At around 8 p.m. Sunday, the eldest son was arrested by police in Kameyama, Mie Prefecture, on suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Law after he drove through a red traffic light.
© Japan Today
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So I guess “his wife” didn’t have a name? Pretty poor reporting in this day and age.
Again, daily news where family member kills one another.
Is someone recording all the motives given for these family violence crimes?
Where are all these psychos coming from?
Internal organs begin to decompose, rigor mortis subsides and the body begins to emit pungent odors within 24-72 hours postmortem. Doesn’t appear they were deceased any longer than, possibly, the weekend they visited him.
Coincidentally, there are cleaning services specializing in these matters, highlighted elsewhere today:
Who knew that you could be arrested for running a red light !
Impressive police work though. Notified at 6:20 PM , find bodies at 7:00 PM, and arrest suspect at 8:00 PM about an hours drive from the scene of the crime.
Dead bodies smell especially if not taken care of.