Japan Today

37-year-old woman arrested for attempting to kill 3-year-old daughter


Police in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, have arrested an unemployed 37-year-old woman on suspicion of attempting to kill her 3-year-old daughter in a public toilet at a leisure facility.

According to police, the suspect, Mika Hashimoto, tried to strangle her daughter Yuna to death at around 2 p.m. Sunday in a toilet at Romantic-mura, which is a theme park containing a huge onsen, and a FlowerDome with tropical plants, hydroponically grown herbs and a variety of orchids.

Hashimoto took her daughter to the toilet but when she came out alone, her husband went to see where Yuna was and found her unconscious in the toilet and called 110, Fuji TV reported. Yuna was taken to hospital where she remained in a coma on Monday, police said.

Hashimoto was quoted by police as saying she wasn't confident she could raise her daughter and wanted to kill her. Her husband told police his wife had often expressed anxiety to him about raising their daughter but that she had never before tried to hurt the girl.

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Mental illness is Real! Let's listen carefully when people cry for help. Godspeed little girl!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Mental illness is not an excuse for trying to kill a child

Actually it is the only excuse. They are literally not in their right minds, and cannot differentiate between good and bad, and therefore cannot be held responsible for their actions - ie they are excused from them.

That said we don't know if this woman was mentally ill or not.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

If she "often" expressed herself this way, he should've reassured her. Family first.

What makes you think he didn't?

when repeated ('often') expressions of ineptitude at being a mother are laid out bare, there's no excuse for not getting out of there. Period.

You make it sound so cut and dry. How how far do you think he would get before being arrested? And if she didn't say she was doing to kill the girl, then how would he be expected to know she was going to do so? And without that knowledge, you are talking about taking a child away from the mother simply because of expressed feelings of inadequacy - and taking a child away from the mother is never a light decision.

Why is it so common in Japan?

This is actually quite common in the world, it's not just a Japanese thing.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Ugghhh. Poor little girl. Given that her mother tried to strangle her and that the little girl is in a coma, one obviously has to wonder about permanent damage to the brain due to lack of oxygen which could either ultimately result in her death or potentially a life with permanent brain damage. I can only fervently hope that she beats the odds and makes a full recovery without any permanent damage to her physical health.

As for the discussion around the mother, her mental state and what the husband/father should or should not have done, none of us know all of the facts. Each of one of these situations is unique.

There are a few things I would say, though. First, consider the fact that this appears to have been a family outing. To a place called Romantic-mura, for goodness sakes. And the mother/wife decides to strangle her daughter in a toilet at this place when her husband is right there. And on a day that should be, relatively, a "fun" day. Something is not right there. I wonder what was going on that day that may have triggered this. I am sure a shrink would read something into this.

Second, issues with raising children, including postpartum depression and overwhelming anxiety, are very real for many many many mothers. It is not an excuse per se for their committing horrendous acts like this, but it equally cannot be easily dismissed. Older generations and particularly older women sometimes have very little sympathy for young mothers these days and will tell them to "gaman shinasai" or "shikkari shinasai" or some such. And while that sentiment is understandable and there is a time and place for it, it does not solve the problem. It is very clear that many of these mothers have very little in the way of support and, in fact, may need that support. Whether others think they do or not.

Third, in terms of the husband/father, again, we don't know the specific circumstances here, but if the mother had never physically hurt the child before, one can imagine that he did not fully appreciate the seriousness of the situation and what his wife might do. Seriously, it is not hard to believe that he would never imagine that his wife would actually try to kill their child. I mean, who actually thinks that about their spouse. Particularly if one has not been educated on the warning signs to look for. Undoubtedly he may now be second guessing everything he did or did not do, as his family has now effectively been destroyed.

These are just heart breaking stories, particularly when one can imagine that different circumstances could have prevented this tragedy.

At this point, I just hope beyond hope that the little girl will make a full recovery in terms of her physical health.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Mental illness is not an excuse for trying to kill a child or anyone else for that matter.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Need for the government to put more funding into domestic issues such as mental health and care for the elderly rather than buying weapons for destruction.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The husband should have sort help for her if she was 'often' complaining about raising her daughter. Contrary to popular belief, not all women are fit for motherhood. There is a large percentage who cannot handle it. Obviously, she is one them. I hope the little girl recovers and the mother gets the psychiatric help she needs.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Actually it is the only excuse. They are literally not in their right minds, and cannot differentiate between good and bad, and therefore cannot be held responsible for their actions - ie they are excused from them.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Anyone with knowledge in medicine and physiology would know that a 3 year old in a coma will likely die or have permanent brain damage for the rest of her life. This is because the brain is at its peak developmental stage in this early stage of life.

The mother should be jailed for this for attempted murder or murder.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Sadly, infanticide happens in all societies, not just here. So does mental illness - and I suspect mental illness is the primary reason that people commit such terrible acts. Driven beyond the edge of reason by depression or schizophrenia.

Lots of people are too quick to blame the father here, when no-one knows the exact circumstances.

In any case it's a tragedy, and I hope that the little girl makes a full recovery.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Her husband told police his wife had often expressed anxiety to him about raising their daughter but that she had never before tried to hurt the girl.

Well, it is time for the husband to make a decision and hopefully it is for the daughter's well-being. No way I'd ever leave my child alone with her again.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Again and again we see these stories of attempted infanticide and yet people still think this just happens anywhere else and Japan doesn't have a problem. Wrong! There is a problem and like many problems in Japan it is not being faced up to. Save the J-kids from mentally ill parents. Come on Japan get on the streets - demand change, demand help for stressed parents!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Mental illness combined with the desire to kill equals evil.

Really? So anyone mentally ill who kills is evil? Did you ever stop to think that perhaps her mental illness affected her mind?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So sad. Put the mother away in a mental hospital and never let her meet her daughter again.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

NO, Wc626, her husband should have taken the little girl and got the hell out of there! I won't say he's as much to blame as his wife, but when repeated ('often') expressions of ineptitude at being a mother are laid out bare, there's no excuse for not getting out of there. Period.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Actually it is the only excuse"

I regularly report your comments to the authorities. Just letting you know...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This kind of thing seems to happen way too often in Japan, or at least according to the reports I see every day on this new site. Why is it so common in Japan?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Wc626JAN. 12, 2016 - 09:55AM JST Why is it so common in Japan? Because women aren't treated fairly anywhere here. On top of raising children, they also must do all the cooking, laundry, cleaning and assume all the monthly finances. And if they have part-time jobs or even careers they are treated unfairly there and often with little chance of advancement up the corporate ladder. That's a lot of "anxiety."

Wow, cry me a river. As if doing regular housework and paying a few bills are so "taxing" that it drove her to trying to kill her daughter. Nonsense. She is unhinged and should never see the light of the day again.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

"Hashimoto... wasn’t confident she could raise her daughter and WANTED to kill her"

Premeditated murder. Case closed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

"Mika Hashimoto tried to STRANGLE her daughter TO DEATH... in a toilet... Yuna... unconscious... taken to hospital... remained in a coma"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

ANOTHER EFFIN EXCUSE TO HURT AN INNOCENT CHILD! SO TIRED, RESTLESS, NO SUPPORT FROM HUSBAND blah, blah, blah...don't get pregnant! don't get married! live a SINGLE life for all you want it's a matter of choice.Life is not always shopping and dressing up and putting on your high heels.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Why is it so common in Japan [Today]?"

Because there are TWO ADVERTISEMENTS on this page...

And JT are using a tragic story as CLICKBAIT for gullible gaijins to make money from heartless advertisers.

Shame on all of you!!


Moderator:Please stop posting pointless messages. You are doing it on too many threads.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What makes you think they story has not been reported? It was in the vernacular press two days ago.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Since I am -2 I guess most people on this site think mental illness is an excuse for killing somebody. Sorry folks its not.

Yes, it is. It is the only excuse. The person is literally not able to differentiate between right and wrong, and therefore does not know that their actions are wrong. This is what excuses them from being culpable of murder, and why the legal systems of civilized nations make this distinction.

"Hashimoto... wasn’t confident she could raise her daughter and WANTED to kill her"

Premeditated murder. Case closed.

Premeditated maybe. But potentially excusable by reason of mental insanity.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Since I am -2 I guess most people on this site think mental illness is an excuse for killing somebody. Sorry folks its not. Mental illness combined with the desire to kill equals evil. Study your history and wake up. And again more excuse for a J mother killing her child.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Her husband told police his wife had often expressed anxiety to him about raising their daughter

If she "often" expressed herself this way, he should've reassured her. Family first.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Why is it so common in Japan?

Because women aren't treated fairly anywhere here. On top of raising children, they also must do all the cooking, laundry, cleaning and assume all the monthly finances.

And if they have part-time jobs or even careers they are treated unfairly there and often with little chance of advancement up the corporate ladder.

That's a lot of "anxiety."

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

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