Japan Today
Image: iStock/kuremo

38-year-old woman arrested after slashing mother's neck with razor


Police in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, have arrested a 38-year-old unemployed woman on suspicion of attempting to kill her mother by slashing her with a razor.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 1 p.m. on Friday. TBS reported that the woman slashed her mother, who is in her 70s, in the neck with a razor at their apartment. The woman lives with her mother and father, but at the time of the crime, the father was out at work.

The incident came to light when a welfare facility worker came to the apartment to check on the mother at around 5 p.m.

Police said the suspect has admitted to cutting her mother but denied intent to kill.

Her mother was taken to hospital by ambulance, but her wounds were not life-threatening, police said.

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I wonder how many of these cases of unemployed 30-40 something aged people are some of the many hikikomori people still living with their parents. They have real mental issues, and the parents have cared, protected, shielded them for so long but at some point they will break and the result is a lot of these attacks on family members. The problem is there seems to be little or no help for them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

the incident occurred around 13:00 but only came to light at around 17:00 when a welfare facility worker came to check on the mother

so the mother sat bleeding from a slash wound to the neck for FOUR hours while the daughter was deciding whether to finish her off...

i have no words for this!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The old cut throat razor, I seen the results of these injuries. The daughter has totally lost it. She could have easy grab a knife from the kitchen. No she goes looking for her old mans razor. Retrieves the old cut throat then heads straight back to her mother and cut loose giving her mother a nasty 20cm long 1 cm deep slash down her check onto her throat below her left ear I assume.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

EXACTLY! And yet you point that out and people get offended. At least in this case we're not talking about a corpse.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Every ruddy day another one if these heinous crimes. Urgent action is needed to protect the innocent.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

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