Four 16-year-old boys have been arrested for manslaughter after they allegedly beat to death a 16-year-old acquaintance in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward on Monday morning.
The boy, who has been named as Yuji Nakahashi, was beaten up between 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. Monday near the entrance to a welfare center, TBS reported. According to emergency services, one of the boy's attackers telephoned for an ambulance, claiming to have found Nakahashi lying unconscious on the ground near a public facility.
During questioning, one of the boys was quoted by police as saying, "He was avoiding us, so we got angry and beat him up."
© Japan Today
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WTH is wrong with these kids? to be ignored is grounds for killing?
The youth gang beatings is an issue that should be sorted now. Treated as children and thrown right back on the streets. 4 lives will go on, they will dead kid and traumatized family. The circle jerk mentality.
Edogawa is a big center for Bozosoku. That could have been a factor.
Hell has no fury like a J-teen scorned.
Maurice Derrick Batie
Even though the kids killed another kid I think a big part of the blame lies on the parents. These parents out here don't teach their children anything. as long as they have clothes and eat they think their doing their job. No discipline at all. They either kill the kids if they don't do what their told or do nothing at all. Many people may believe there is no justification for crime, but the reasons these people over here commit crimes is just simply retarded.
Yep totally agree with you on that one. Discipline in Japan these day forget it. But it's all over in fact. Social rot of the new generation. This is what happens when there is too much freedom. Back old days, you see something wrong, someone doing something wrong, one good backhand or front hand will usually sort the culprits straight. These days all i see is all types of anti social and menacing behavior and no one really bothers. Oh how i wish sometimes we can go back to the old days where there was respect, ethics, principles
@southsakai: Social Rot indeed. @maurice: Parents to blame, 100% yes.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Social rot, indeed. Have to go to the root cause, which is lack of discipline not taught at home, and lack of respect for life in general. Parents have passed off responsibility for raising and teaching their kids onto the schools. The parents are the real problem. Then again, many of today's parents are equally unqualified to raise even their own children. The system itself exacerbates the problem. Discipline was once taught at home, and was merely supported at school. Now, discipline at home has largely disappeared. Some of my neighbors' kids are well-raised, but many are provided few if any boundaries, and those are the problematic tots. Why on Earth were these five kids out so late????
I'm just curious as to how the heck this is manslaughter?? They beat him to death early in the morning.. that's not an accident or anything near it... It's not like they tripped and mistakenly beat him up on the way down. This just bothers me.
Why are these kids so stupid, I hope they rot in jail, but they wont because they are minors.
Well, I guess it's no secret as to WHY he was trying to avoid them.
What are you all going off on?? Are you all imagining a half hour beat down?? It could have been one kick to the throat ( unintentionally of course!) They weren't out there to kill. To teach a lesson gangsta style. I'm sure that kid was also part of the bad kid crowd out at 1:00 am. Calm down people. Accidents happen all the time and people die. This was an accident. Bad fn luck for all involved. And I know many many teens that took the wrong route but turned their life alone completely as adults. For most its a phase. Nothing to do with raising your kids.
Elbuda Mexicano
4 SOBs?? I hope they burn in hell!! Poor so called acquaintance! RIP little buddy.
@ Maurice Derrick Batie ..thanks for keeping it real.... much props......
Alex Einz
Teaching a lesson was quite premeditated, it aint no manslaughter.. a beat down for ignoring means nothing meaningful will ever come out of em, hang em with no trial to spare more oxygen /water waste
Ahh, the uchi / soto, group mentality... Ive heard some kids drop out of school or kill themselves when theyve been shunned. This is even worse!
Franchesca Miyara Yang
Who cares? They murdered someone else's kid, and they will pay for it. In this life or the next! Period.
WTF happen with teenagers in Japan these days? Seriously. Just a couple days ago a little punk kid came to me and said he hate gaijin. (fyi; I'm a gaijin) lucky for him I was in the middle of Cherry blossom viewing so I was in a good mood. It seems life is getting complex for J-teenagers as of late. I wonder how the J-parents treat them on a daily basis.
@ Naruhodo1
In what way you call this an accident? They did that on purpose; 'He was avoiding us, so we got angry and beat him up.' If they have a slightly piece of brain they wouldn't do based on the simple fact like that. So stop avoiding the Japanese scum , cause what they did IS FCED UP! and they deserve nothing less than an a$$ kicking of a lifetime.
Sounds like this guy had it coming......
Monday morning? What are four 16 year olds doing out that late?? Arrest their parents. Like so many others have said, parents here do nothing with regards to discipline. They expect the school do to it - and when the school DOES, the monster parents rear their ugly heads and make teachers' lives a living hell.
Indeed, this generation raising these teenagers haven't a clue. They are bubble kids. They got whatever they wanted, mom was too busy shopping, dad was too busy working and drinking with coworkers. THEY didn't teach their kids to behave. Of course these parents have no idea because no one taught them. Until people get sick and tired and start to "fight" back, this trend of crappy parents and crappy youth will continue. Sadly, not just Japan suffering through this right now.
Elbuda Mexicano
Here in Japan as in any country, you have you good kids, then you have your little bastards who may have shitty or no parents at all and this is the product of messed up families, the kids need a good horse whipping in public and so do there stupid parents! RIP poor kid out there in shitty Edogawa, by the way my wife is from Edogawa and she was a good kid, good parents, just all the crap yakuza, whores etc..make it a bit shitty.
Its an accident because the 4 idiots didn't intend to kill their acquaintance, merely to teach him a lesson. To, beat him up as they said. Thats why its manslaughter and not murder. Their intent was not to kill. It doesn't change their actions, nor should it impact the consequences. Regardless of their intent, one child is dead because of these 4.
This is not an accident. These boys intentions was to casue bodily harm. Though there was no intent of murder, the promimate cause of this boys death was the actions of the other boys. I understand the manslaughter charge but there is no way this could be called and "accident". There are consequences to our choices and actions. These four boys made their choice to beat up the one and need to be held accountable.
no matter what you call it, a boy was killed because of other boys that were being reckless. People that do this kind of thing should be tried as an adult, no matter the age.
If they get a chance to be on the streets again, they will, more than likely, do it again.
Absolutely ludicrous and baseless generalization. If you have to generalize, parents "out here" are no different from parents "out there".
unbelievable, what a tragic death and cannot believe the reason they gave... they should be tried as adults and put in prison!!
So a GROUP of kids beat up and killed a SINGLE individual because he ignored them? Modern Japan at its best. What's key, in my opinion, is what it is that the guy ignored. I'm guessing they demanded something of him, be it his attention or otherwise, and he ignored it -- hence what happened. I'd hope they be charged as adults, but they won't.
Hey Maurice i didn't know you can be so eloquent.
nice, i'll show this to the guys!
1 hour beating? gosh thats odd, they torture him i guess.
that poor poor child...... What kind of scumbags would do such a thing.. when I get mad i don't go beat someone from my school to death just because they were trying to avoid me. Unfortunately the Japanese court system is very flawed when dealing with killers who are minors.
i have only seen one court case in which a minor recieved the death sentence it was when he murdered a woman and child and was convicted for several years until after he was an adult then the husband of the deceased woman reopened the case by appealing for a death sentence in which he was and the sentence was approved. this was one case in how many hundreds upon hundreds over the years?
I'm not saying they should dish out the death sentence for every murder, but gosh darn it there NEEDS to be discipline pushed back into Japan. the school's are not enough to teach these kids boundaries or limits.
it is not as if the school can say " oh you beat up that kid, no video games for you for a month" that is the PARENTS jobs not the school's to teach this stuff, However quite a few parents decided to kill their kids than deal with the responsibility. If your not going to act like a parent... DON'T HAVE CHILDREN
Morgan Williams
**these kids need an ass whooping big time:)