Chiba Prefectural Police have arrested a 51-year-old man for allegedly sexually assaulting an elementary school girl and violating the child prostitution and pornography law.
Police said Koichi Furue, a self-employed resident of Yotsukaido City, is accused of committing indecent acts against the girl at his home in Chiba Prefecture on December 27, 2022, Kyodo News reported. He was arrested on Monday.
Furthermore, Furue allegedly took video footage of the acts on his smartphone.
According to police, Furue and the girl became acquainted on an app. The incident came to light in February when the girl’s mother consulted with police.
Police said Furue has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying he was sexually attracted to girls that age.
© Japan Today
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What concerns? That law cannot guarantee the safety of our children? Law can only punish, after crime is commited. After the damage is done.
We as a society should learn from such acts. That there are plenty of horrible people out there. Children should be taken care of, not to be left to their own demise.
Laws do not automatically make people turn good. Precautions should be taken.
Easy for us to judge, call names and go on about our days. But there are plenty of pedos out there, many uncovered cases, traumatized children.
Tell_me_bout_itToday 02:30 pm
What you wrote here did not respond to any of the concerns that have been written about your posts.
Do you plan to respond to what others have actually said?
Quite correct. We are a civilized cociety where every single member of the society knows their responsibilities and everyone acts responsibly according to all social norms and laws. Yes, there is no exceptions. If there is, there is the law that always punishes the lawbreakers. They cant repair the done damage, what is done is done. But rest assured, lawbreakers always get punished.
We dont have to educate our children, we dont have to teach them what is right or what is wrong. We dont have to teach them risk and mitigations. Law and social norms always assure our children stay safe. And we can expect everyone behave civilized.
To those "people" (I use the term loosely) who are saying that some of the blame belongs to the victim or her parents:
The victim is an elementary-school-aged girl. Do you understand what that means? She is at maximum 12-years-old, quite possibly younger. A child.
It doesn't matter what app was used. It doesn't matter if she invited herself over to his apt. It doesn't matter if she suggested they have sex. It doesn't matter if she laid naked on his bed, and beckoned him, as someone else pointed out. She is 12-years-old or quite possibly younger, and he is 51.
*He, a 51-year-old man, had sex with a child still attending elementary school, and *video-recorded it.
To be absolutely clear in regard to this specific incident: The 51-year-old man is 100% to blame. The child is 0% to blame. If you think otherwise, there is something mentally wrong with you.
CuteUsagiSep. 6 04:54 pm JST
So if a man lures a woman to his house by pretending he just wanted to be her friend, and then he rapes her, it is her fault because she went there.
In other words, being naive is justification for rape.
Keepyer InternetpointsSep. 6 11:50 am JST
So a little girl has to be dragged off the street and kidnapped for it to be rape? Really.
There never is - the words "sexual assault" are used as it is the legal term for "forced, brutalized, threatened, held down, unwilling." You really don't expect a news out to use such language, do you? That language is used in op-eds, or investigative pieces, not short news blurbs in the Crime section.
She is underage, and he is over 50 and sexually assaulted her. That really is all we need to know to condemn the act.
Are you trying to set up a system whereby harm to the victim can be minimized by comparing the crime to another, more henious crime? Because that is what it looks like you are trying to do.
Her age, and the fact that it is sexual assault - you forgot that last part.
So ... the fact that she may have been past puberty makes it okay, and not sexual assault, or ... something?
It looks to me like you are saying that it is not a problem when a 50 year old man grooms a little girl, lures her into his home, and then sexually assaults her. It seems in your world, men over 50 can play around with little girls anytime they want?
First of all, what a pedo. And he admitted he likes girls this age. Gross.
And two, a very important point not mentioned in this article, how did he meet her? "On an app" is a very vague explanation.
Oh right, little girls just happen to invite themselves into the homes of innocent pedophiles all the time in your world, I’m sure.
Thou doth protest too much.
Keepyer Internetpoints
That is not in the article. So where do you get if from. Your imagination is where. This could well be another case of her inviting herself. Its happened several times before.
Curse your veiled accusation! I never said or implied it was okay to molest ANYBODY! I am just saying we don't know what happened, although YOU and several people here THINK you know because you have insufficient life experience and overactive imaginations.
You should grow up and apologize to me. Your pointed line of questioning is assanine and foul.
Couple of snips with hedge clippers will solve this problem.
How could a man in his 50’s, yes that’s right I said 50’s be attracted to a child?
Yes as these types of incidents happen a lot in Japan (as well as in other countries, i.e. Gary Glitter in Cambodia and Vietnam), this is the the crux of the matter and until that question is answered clearly these crimes will continue unabated.,, the following could be an important clue-
Furue allegedly took video footage of the acts on his smartphone.
Was he planning to upload the footage somewhere? Is there a large audience for such videos?
And another one.
Truly disturbing some are trying to shift part of the blame for child sexual abuse to a child victim. Just like the Johnny's story yesterday.
Maybe they are never published due to low incident rates.
I suppose you think collecting used sex dolls is common worldwide too.
Take off the blinkers my friend.
Quo Primum
Her decision? She's in elementary school. That means she's no older than 12. She could be as young as 6.
There are some things about which we don't play devil's advocate.
You said you have three kids. What if it was one of your kids who was the victim here?
She went to his house on her own.
Lock him up and throw away the key. There's video evidence; he basically incriminated himself. Should be an open and shut case.
Er yeah, age. Exactly. To the rest of us, hearing that a 51 year old is luring elementary school children - which is to say a kid no higher than 6th grade - to his home to sexually molest them is a pretty huge problem in and of itself.
I'm curious about what facts exactly you need to know about an Elemantary School student before you can form an opinion about whether its OK for 51 year olds to molest them?
We are talking about a 51 year old man sexually abusing an elementary school girl and filming the assault.
Once again, we must remind certain people that children of this age CANNOT CONSENT.
And you are trying to attribute some blame to this child? Unbelievable.
It has nothing to do with gender. This particular story is about a grown man sexually abusing a young girl. Any reasonable person will side with the girl, and not the man. In what situation is the man not the one entirely at fault here? Even if the girl did willingly go into his house, does that give him the right to sexually abuse her? In what fantasy land, do we start assigning any of the blame on the victims of rape and sexual assault? Oh let me guess, she was wearing short-shorts like most elementary school kids, so she was basically asking for it.
Sorry but its just nuts to be raising arguments like this in this context. To describe an elementary school student who was lured by a 51 year old sexual predator to his house for something like this as "her decision" is ridiculous (and repugnant too).
I mean, yeah obviously parents should supervise their kids and make them aware of the dangers, especially if they have cell phones, but this is just a horrible way of framing that point.
These types of stories always serve to agitate people who believe one gender can do no wrong and the other gender is always wrong.
Tell_me_bout_itToday 12:18 pm JST
The attacker is always at fault for the attack, no matter the gender of either person.
If you are talking about whether or not someone is guilty or innocent of an attack, then my position is that gender is not a factor in that either - only evidence is.
Sheikh Yerboaby
Off with this predator's's the only "cure"....these people cannot be reformed
Keepyer Internetpoints
Responsible? Who said anything about being responsible for anything? Why are people like you always trying to hold someone's feet to the fire?
I am not saying she is "responsible" for anything. I am saying that whether you like it or not, whether it violates your precious little comfort zone or not, there is a bell curve of puberty, and it affects the behavior, thoughts and actions of those in it.
There are strong odds that she will be doing this again. The genie is out of the bottle and its not going back in. And I suspect the genie was out of the bottle before these two got in contact.
I will also point out that I find it disgusting and reprehensible that so few of you will even consider the plight or dilemma of these young people who entered puberty early, or discovered sex earlier than you wanted, again in your rush to hold someone's feet to the fire. And it only goes to show that few of you actually give a single damn about the girl in question and your only care is pillory some guy without even a single word from her.....cause you don't care about her...not really. She is just an excuse for most of you it seems to me.
Used to be that at least someone would shed a crocodile tear for her future. I see this thread has dropped even that thin attempt at moral righteousness.
Not always.
Yet your comments are always in articles that are in Crime section and often realted to gender disputes. I am not the first person pointing this out.
Finally someone speaking wisdom.
People these days look at the title and their litte minds already shooting the "attacker".
Sam Watters
Perhaps I am not reading this post correctly but one person seems to be suggesting that a young girl who “goes astray” is responsible for a sexual encounter with a man in his fifties. I don’t care if the elementary school girl took off her clothes and laid down on a bed; a decent man would have walked away.
Japanese prisons operate under very strict rules and guidelines and free association with other prisoners is very limited. You are only allowed to speak during set hours.
Once upon a time, a prison sentence for such crimes would’ve been an open invitation for other prisoners to exact their own form of retributive justice. These days, given the likelihood that so many are in there for similar reasons, the slammer has become the equivalent of a post graduate school for deviants.
Keepyer Internetpoints
They say that about all apps.
Its almost like they are EVERYWHERE, isn't it?
Keepyer Internetpoints
Hold the phone here. You are speaking as if he ran outside and dragged her off the street. That isn't what happened.
There is not one word that the girl was forced, brutalized, threatened, held down, or even unwilling.
Whatever your opinion on the age of consent or the sentiments of a girl you never met in your life, (and are not even stated in the article) lets not go acting like this is remotely on par with the little Vietnamese girl that was kidnapped, apparently raped, and murdered a few years ago.
It seems to me there is one problem here and one problem only....her age. And that is it. Period.
And have to point out that her age tells us precious little about her. Oh, I know people like to blame the parents when a girl goes "astray" but the ages of puberty seem to be lowering in the modern world and its just plain stupid to think that's not going to severely affect their behavior in a way that "parental guidance" just can't compete with.
Tell_me_bout_itToday 10:53 am JST
The fault always lies with the attacker, not the victim. Gender has nothing to do with it.
Every sitution is different, right? This situation does not involve the "knife".
I am simple baffled how and why there is such app or platform where 50 year olds can get acquainted with children and why this child was not observed by her parents properly.
dont get me wrong Tovarish Paustovsky, oh I hate the pedo for the man he is. But he used the tools that society made available for such people. Society failed the child.
Disgusting, evil, unforgivable. Not even animals would commit such monstrosity.
I am also baffled how parents of the child seem to be lacking basic parenting responsibility. Elementary school girl is not checked frequently on her wherabouts, what apps she is using on her phone, who she is communicating with. Article mentions mother only and no word of a father. we dont know the details, but could be a single mother? There might have been some family issues? Such things could make a child vulnerable. We never know the details.
I hope the pedo receives absolute brutal punishment he deserves, and the child finds some peace and family love she deserves.
It is 100% the fault of the male adult. Are are you one of those 'she fell on the knife' types ?
Not in a civilized society. That sort of punishment is reserved for murder.
However, chemical castration, as mentioned by others, would prevent it from happening again, and is a pretty severe punishment, in and of itself, Especially when combined with prison time.
So they learn the hard way. Every action comes with consequesces.
Your idea is that fault always lies 100% on one side. Never 50-50, or 20-80. And that 100% is almost always the male.
TikTok is rife with pedos
Asking? No, I'm incredulous
girl in Tokyo
Exactly. These are the types of men that gave a bad name to all men including men like me who would never even come aider intruding on a woman’s personal space let alone the vile and degenerate things this man did.
lostrune2Today 09:48 am JST
Are you seriously asking where you can hire a teenage sex worker?
Mods, I wonder if comments like this should be here.
sir_bentley28Today 10:10 am JST
I agree, but do you have evidence that they did not do this? Children often ignore what their parents tell them.
Her parents should've taught her not to give her phone number out to adults or anyone online and explain to her why she shouldn't do that. Not placing blame on any one.
Where do ya find these enjo kosai apps?!
Ken Holcomb
Do you really think this kind of thing happens only in Japan?
Or maybe it's just because it makes the news here. Because there are disgusting freaks like this man everywhere, even in your home country. Maybe it's just so common there that news agencies no longer report it?
Sam Watters
Very well said. The girl would be 13 at the very most and in no way, shape or form mature enough to handle such a situation.
finally rich
Death penalty = X
5 years + chemical castration = ✓
51 years old and a little girl! This is an absolutely vile act of depravity. This kind of beast causes so much fear in her, her friends and family. It makes them fearful of all men, most men are decent and abhor this kind of demonic and immoral behaviour.
How could a man in his 50’s, yes that’s right I said 50’s be attracted to a child? He’s a total paedophile and no child will ever be safe from this monster. Lock him up for a long time and I know this is controversial but chemically castrate him to help nullify his sick perversions.
No way can anyone blame the little girl, children’s minds and thought patterns are not fully formed and are unable to consent to these acts, that’s why there is an age of consent.
Hopefully she is one of the few who is not traumatised for life.
Chico3Today 08:50 am JST
She should have known better than to what? To let herself get molested?
The fault is 100% on the adult. You do not blame a child when an adult makes an active decision to sexually groom and then attack them. Children are very easily manipulated by adults, and this is not her fault.
Give it a rest dude. The girl was 12 tops. The reason this happened is because some sick old man wanted to rape a child. The girl has 0 blame. Playing devils advocate to defend the actions of a pedophile or in some way diminish their responsibility in this situation isnt a good look.
Well, yet another day goes by in Japan with the similar story.
Older man trying some kind of sexual act with young girl.
I would like to know what people add to their ramen , so kind of viagra for kids sexual feelings.
There barely seems to be a day go by that doesn't involve something weird.
Only yesterday we were discussing a sex doll museum with used second hand dolls.
The day before the usual camera footage up some poor school girls skirt.
Probably tomorrow it will be a teacher or similar ranked position paying for school girl in love hotel.
The stories are endless.
Guys! I'm playing devil's advocate on this one. Yes, this guy should have known better and deserves to go to jail and get counseling for this. However, from the girl's standpoint, the fact that she had a cellphone also came with responsibilities on her part. Maybe she didn't know any better, but the fact that she went ahead with this was her decision.
There are many dangers with cell phones, and there should be some education seminar or course that should be required with parental approval before getting a phone. Again, I'm not defending the guy, nor do I approve this behavior. I'm just trying to bring awareness to this issue.
I am a parent of 3 girls (2 of whom are in elementary school) while the other is in junior high. Before our girls had access to a cell phone, they had to show us responsibility for about 6 months before even using one. Even at that point, we still monitor their usage.
Prison sentences and endless counseling can never rehabilitate this type of sexual predator. Permanent incarceration is the only way.
Lock him up before it's too late, at his age he can't be treated nor fixed and so the best solution is to put him in the slammer till he reaches 80 or so.
A bit overprotective perhaps. 13 yos need some indeoendence. Admittedly in this case it went terribly wrong, but you cant just lock your kids up until they are 18. Theyll end up as hikikomori parasites.
Marr Bourdein
Everyone is attacking this man and for all the right reasons but we should also be focusing on the upbringing of the child in question and the amount of freedom the child receives from her parents. I'm a father of a 13 year old and I know where my child is at all times. I have control of most issues in her life and we communicate about everything. Communication is key.
C'mon man...
In Japan there's an app for that?
Video evidence. Confession. All you need.
Death penalty, please. This child rapist has forfeited his right to live in society.