Japan Today

53-year-old man arrested for killing 82-year-old mother


Police in Seto, Aichi Prefecture, said Tuesday they have arrested a 53-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 82-year-old bed-ridden mother who suffered from dementia.

According to police, Shigeru Ichibakase strangled his mother Shizue with an electric appliance cord as she lay in bed at around 9:30 a.m. Monday, TV Asahi reported. He then called police to report that he had killed his mother.

Ichibakase, who is unemployed, was quoted by police as saying he was exhausted from looking after his mother with whom he lived. The woman's oldest son, aged 59, also lived with them, but he had gone to work when the crime was committed, police said.

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Acts of desperation like this are going to become more and more common as the population here ages...I don't doubt that the man was "exhausted" from taking care of his bed-ridden mother, but this?! I wouldn't be surprised if someone suggested an 'elderly hatch' for situations like this...

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omg, i remeber seeing a japanese tv show with an episode that had the same plot.

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