Police in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, said Wednesday they have arrested a 66-year-old man over the death of his 92-year-old mother at their home.
According to police, the suspect, identified as Motokazu Wada kicked his mother Someko and hit her with a cane at around 10 a.m. on Tuesday. TBS quoted police as saying Someko suffered injuries to her head and back.
Wada then called 119 to report that his mother wasn't feeling well. Someko was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
Wada was quoted by police as saying he got angry when his mother couldn't make it to the toilet in time.
© Japan Today
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I don't see how walking a mile in his shoes changes the matter at all. Plenty of people take care of the elderly parents and don't murder them. Being stressed out does not excuse him for his actions.
This guy had to be so stress but this is a sad tragic ending for his mom someone who cared for him when he couldn't care for himself.
Bows, says sorry I was stressed, gets off, killing your family isn't published in Japan.... very sad, very very sad.
Yes,Im with Ignatius and Khuli.What you had there was an old person taking care of another old person and the guy just snapped.Ive just come back to Japan after taking care of my 93 year old mum for a month in order to give my siblings a break.We get some help from the local welfare authorities and mum isnt incontinent but it can be hard at times.Im pretty sure it wasnt the first time she had had an accident.The guy just couldnt take it any more.
I can't imagine ever abusing my mother. But I also can't imagine how much effort it takes to take care of an elderly relative for 20+ years. It must be very tiring. I do imagine that the son is feeling extreme inner pain for causing the death of his mother.
I do agree with you (( Ignatius )) ...
Actually, I'd like to see the two of you care for an elderly relative and keep the same holier-than-thou attitude. Unless you've had to do it for yourself, you have no idea what it's like. I don't condone violence or murder, but perhaps you should walk a mile in a caregiver's shoes before you pass judgement.
I'd like to see how quick this guy is to get to the toilet when he is 92 years if he can manage to live that long. Absolute scum.
Your 92 year-old mother? Really??