A 69-year-old man was arrested on Monday accused of attempted homicide after he allegedly stabbed a man who lived in the apartment above him in Nagoya City. Shinichi Matsumura, 69, is accused of stabbing the 65-year-old man in the stomach and shoulder while he was out on the street near the apartment block at about 2 p.m. on Sunday. The man’s injuries were not life threatening, police said.
Matsumura admitted to the allegation and told police the pair had argued in the past over noise, and had argued again before the incident on Sunday.
© News reports
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Well, now the moans and groans of a man in recovery will be worse.
I'm just amazed the man lived to tell the tale. Usually Japanese don't say a thing to the neighbour... just allow the anger and frustration to get pent up until they go on a murderous rampage.
Anyway, Japan really needs to do more about small domestic and local matters like these. For example, in most countries if a neighbour is being excessively noisy and won't listen to any pleas, requests, demands for he/she/they to quiet down, you can call the police who will come and check it out. If the neighbours still don't heed a warning and the police come again, they'll get a fine, etc. Don't tell me it would tax the officers/people too much because all too often I see old guys on rickety police motor bikes ignoring things like traffic violations all the time; it wouldn't put them too far out to visit a house and register a complaint. Sure, it would give them a whole lot more paperwork, but that could eat up some of the time they spend watching TV at the Koban.
Of course, if your neighbour gets a visit from the police because of you making a complaint, you better get eyes in the back of your head -- YOU'LL be the one getting the knife; it's still Japan, after all.
He was only trying to get is pound of flesh.
Man, this country is coming apart at the seams.
If Japan, a country with the second largest economy in the world, would start building proper apartment buildings instead of tissue paper and tinketoy boxes, people wouldn't have to put up with their neighbor's noise as much as they do.
Patricia Yarrow
My apartment building is solid and thankfully I don't hear the neighbors. And, no one has one of those insane yappy dogs nearby. Praying it continues...
Yeah, I'm with Mark in Japan! Let's usher in the age of insulation; comfort! energy efficiency! and...wait for it, Sound proofing!
I fondly remember my first noise compalint in 2005 - Lightly strumming an acoustic five minutes prior to a protesting knock at the front door, oh well.
JTTM, my son got kicked out of his apartment for strumming a guitar two times in different incidences and then "talking to himself loudly". It scared the neighbor. He went over to apologize and talk to the neighbor and they wouldn't answer the door. That was the last straw. He was trying to harass them.
Bunch of neurotics.
Instruments are banned in my apartment block. Fortunately I can't play anything worth a damn.
Soundproofing would be lovely. My neighbor gets constant complaints from the girl beneath her, and all she does is walk around. The local officials have been called and they pretty much agree the downstairs neighbor is just batty.
While living in Germany one of my neighbors enjoyed playing his music loud. The polizei were called by someone in the building, they came and gave one warning, the next visit they knocked, came into the apartment and non-chalantly threw the stereo out the window. Problem solved.
Same with mine. Luckily it's a concrete building where the sound doesn't travel, so I can get away with fooling around on my acoustic. I also helps to say hi to your neighbors. Noise from someone you know is always less noisy. Two apartments ago there were always these cooing and cawing sounds. I asked a neighbor where the birds were. She said it wasn't birds, it was the guy upstairs. Sure, I thought, the guy upstairs. Until the ambulance came to cart him away.
Was that East Germany?
I need complete peace and quiet to get to sleep. A bump in the night will wake me up. When I was in Tokyo, I could hair my neighbors on either side. It was really annoying. In Osaka I live in complete peace. Happy here.
The problem here is the entire social and material structure of Japan. The houses cost a fortune, and are made of paper. Of course, you will hear every noise coming from next door - I can hear the ojiisan next door breaking wind through the paper walls that separate us, every time he does it. Annoying - but its amazing what you get used to in this country! What a tragic case this is, though. Years ago when I first came to Japan there was a similar case in my neighbourhood where a young guy playing his piano was stabbed in the back, to death, by a mad neighbour. Scary place, this.
Dennis Bauer
My the neigbour is hardhearing at 65years of age?
Stabbed in Nagoya, bet that hurt. What part of the body is that again?
Similar story was published not long ago. These two elderly have certainly lost the plot. Is there any work around to keep them occupied? Perhaps they should be 'boxing' trainers. What punishment can you give to such man in his age? Is there any room in mental hospital for cleaning job? I would say that this attack was planned.
I played my stereo too loud for 2 minutes (a few weeks after I arrived in Japan) and was greeted by a raving cigarette-toting lunatic who burst inside my apartment and wouldn't leave for at least 5 minutes. His eyes were bloodshot and looked drug or alcohol affected. He came again a few days later to complain about the noise made by washing the dishes.
Reading this concerns me because I have an acoustic that I am serious about becoming accomplished at. :0 !!
A lesson for everyone here to keep your door locked at all times
they are super sensative to noise, funny thing is all the sirens, cars, yelling, street noise etc... extreme place, and then Japanese are famous for snapping and stabbing.
Patricia Yarrow
My sanity has been saved by an excellent set of earphone that I can plug into my bass guitar or movie devices. I can listen at higher volumes without bugging anyone.
My neighbour upstairs complained to my landlord that I was playing my acoustic guitar too much and said stop it. I told him that when people start complaining about the young couple next door who fight, drink, have parties and make tons of noise all night Ill consider practicing somewhere else. I havent been bothered since. My door is always locked.