A 70-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday for molesting a 17-year-old high school girl in his car in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture. Masahira Arai was arrested for allegedly touching the girl's breasts and kissing her in his car at around 2:20 p.m. on Monday.
According to police, Arai met the girl at a game center and offered to drive her to Kawagoe station. The girl told police that once they were in the car, he told her he would like to have dinner with her and started touching her. The victim got out of the car and reported the man to police later.
Arai has admitted to the allegations and was quoted by police as saying, “I couldn't resist touching her because she was cute.”
© Japan Today
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Wasn't he drunk?
Who goes riding with a septugenarian stranger anyway? And what was he doing in the game centre?
Bartholomew Harte
Lets give the old "A" for effort in this case! At her age she should know better than to get into ANY car with a stranger ,no matter how old!!Hey Girls.,He s OLD!! NOT DEAD!!!
Didn't pay her enough money?
Dance Dance Revolution?
Yet another...
Once they were in the car it was too late. Stupid is as stupid does.
Seems J-blokes are slaves to their animal passions. In the car, on the train - poor 17 year old girls.
If she was at a game centre during school hours, he probably thought she was up for some LV sponsorship.
hey maff:
Its just another day in [insert name here]
So I'm assuming that he is a retiree from the Ministry of Defense. Right?
I was just finish commenting on the other case in the subway just a hour ago, and now another one. They're out in full force in the new year.
I'll bet that 17-yr-old girl could kick that 70-yr-old man's butt!
Dumb and dumber. The girl should have known better than get into a car with a stranger (Uncle Fester the Child Molester). The old coot should also have known better than to act like such an absolute git.
PROTIP: He should have waited until after dinner.
Discrimination against the elderly! If she got into some ginger-mullet yanki's car I bet she wouldn't be laying charges.
90% of the men's mentality here. crackdown time, but wait.... that includes the govt.
He must have drank one too many Lipovitans? At his age he ought to be sitting at his kotatsu at home listening to the rakugo, rather than out trying to pick up high school girls at an arcade. Bizarre.
I dont find this news amusing at all. The 17-yr old probably didn't see any harm in that 70-year old ojii-chan when she accepted the ride...the old man is as old as her Grandpa maybe. The old man deserved the punishment because he's in the right age to understand what's wrong and what's right even in the legal sense...
Was looking like we might not get a Saitama pervert story in the news today. Luckily this old guy came along and saved our blushes.
Suspended sentence for him, methinks.
Elbuda Mexicano
Poor old man, just another victim of the Lolita complex? This girl 17? Too old to not know she should not be getting into a car, with these old stranger? WTH was she thinking?!
Jeez... Saitama, what, three days in a row now? Or do the two criminals yesterday only count as one day in Saitama?
guyz... stop bullying saitama! this is a case of perversion that can happen anywhere! JT is capitalizing on twisted bullies like u guyz who enjoy picking on saitama and its shortcomings! im pretty sure this sort of thing happens as often as in some other parts of japan.
Nope, this kind of thing happens mainly in Saitama. Saitama is also a favourite place for J-geezers to keep their mistresses in small, cheap(er) apartments.....
Saitama is becoming fearful area for girls
Epiphany!! I understand, when you have lived an evil life, God sends you back to Saitama as a 17 Y.O school girl.
I think that girl gould have just clocked that 70 yr old in the face.
A very good version for his age: “I couldn’t resist touching her because she was cute.” Girl shouldn't accept lift from anyone, she can blame herself. Didn't her parents teach her when she was a little girl: "Don't talk to strangers?" I wonder if accused can still raise his flag in his age.
This is simply pathetic. Click on the link for this site and get bombarded by stories concerning one sex crime after the other.
The daily dose of this kind of news that we get on JT shows how degenerate the country of Japan truly is.
pathat, possible, or, then again it may show what kind of news JT readers demand, since other sites do not carry so much news that is weighted this way.
Actually I am surprised that this ever got into the news. The guy must have done this many times before, ever since he was young.
The old man is a pervert. But, I hope that when I have children I will tell them not to take rides from strangers or get into a car with someone they just met. At 17, I would think that this young lady would know better. That still does not take away the blame from an old man who should have known better, but that young girl should have thought better than to get into a car with a 70 year old man. No matter how "gentle or sweet" he may seem.
Ban Viagra!
As if he is completely innocent...c'mon...she probably thought she could get some money and when he didn't pay up she went to the police...yes he's an old pervert more than likely,but why did she let it get to that ???
I live in Kawagoe, and there are no game centers that aren't within a 10 minute walk from Kawagoe station.
No comment.
"The daily dose of this kind of news that we get on JT shows how degenerate the country of Japan truly is."
I think you have it the other way around, pathat. Cross-check with a proper Japanese daily newspaper for balance.
Too bad he can't find a cute sixty year old.
Here the actual event and the title have quite a different meaning than if I had read this headline from another country.
Any whoos, good thing he was caught, hopefully she will learn how to avoid this kind of situation.
If she were my daughter I would take her dinner with the family and try to remind her the value of family and her own courage for speaking up.
What the heck was she doing in his CAR?! Right, wrong, or indifferent, you still don't touch a girl without her permission. Lots of twisted activity in this story.
this guy has a lot of "game" to get a seventeen year old in the car. I'd to know how he managed that, then maybe work a little more slowly once in the car, maybe pull the old out of gas routine. Or forget how to get to the station end up at the love hotel...
a truly inspiring story....
now this is just gross.
This is like the commercial you see when you send away for that Viagra or Cialis home DVD demo. Until the arrest of course.
Old Perv: I got a little piece of candy for you, but it's in my car. How would you like to go a have a piece? I'd sure like to tear one off. I'll even drive you... somewhere.
Young Stupid Girl: OK, but I should be in school right now. You won't tell anyone will you?
OP: Well now we're talking. I won't tell if you won't tell. te he.
It's probably more accurate to say that this shows how easily a news site can shape readers' opinions by tailoring content to elicit a specific response, e.g., "Japan's a cesspool of perverts," - Not unlike the path taken by the Daily Mainichi online English site before editors finally got wise.
Alongside the old newsman adage, "If it bleeds, it leads," is its close cousin, "Sex sells." That's all that's at work here.
The truth is that the vast majority of Japanese are no more degenerate than you or I. Perhaps even less so, I'd wager. ;-)
But the old guy in this story's definitely got me beat for sheer idiocy. The girl's not too bright for taking a ride from a stranger, but then again, how many of us would seriously expect a man old enough to be this girl's GREAT grandfather to feel us up in the front seat?
Can you read Japanese? They might not be in the Daily Yomi or J Times, but every story that comes up on Japan Today is in the 'real' Japanese press the same day or the next day.
Japan has a lot of women hating pervos walking and functioning on a daily basis. 70 years old, heck, I'm 48 and having problems getting it up. This ,like the numerous chikan episodes, are all about showing the beetches where the real power lies in this country
I can't imagine a 17 y/o being interested in a 70 y/o for any reason other than money. But I can't imagine a 70 y/o having enough testosterone to care.
Whole thing sounds strange....
Rough day to be 17 in Japan.
-17-year-old high school girl molested by 70 year old.
-17-year-old student arrested for stabbing his father.
-17-year-old girl molested by Ministry of Defense employee.
What interested us at 18, still interests us in later life.
-No need to over-analyze this. Occam's Razor.
70/17, child's act, childish play, no serious punishment in Japan.
With the titillation level on this story, it should move to the entertainment section.
Too bad this isn't the 1970s.
But why did she get in the car in the first place? Maybe she thought she would get some MUNNY! Anyway, "because she was cute" . . . Men, if we used that reason for touching girls our hands would be full.
Thought was probably, I need to go to station, old guy offers her a ride. She looks him over, sees hes very old thinks, he looks harmless, won't try anything with me...
There ya go. Most likely reason she got into his car, he looked old and seemed harmless.
I think the average 17 year old wouldn't imagine a 70 year old could even get it up. Maybe she thought he was a friendly grandfather type and she wanted a free ride home.
"When I was 17, it was a very good year..." -Sinatra