A 70-year-old assistant nurse was assaulted and robbed as she left a hospital in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, after finishing her night shift on Saturday morning.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 2 a.m., Fuji TV reported. The woman told police she had just left Kawasaki Municipal Hospital and was in the bicycle parking lot when a man came up behind her and beat her about the head. He then stole her bag which contained 6,000 yen.
Police said the woman sustained minor injuries. The assailant fled on a bicycle. Police said they are examining surveillance camera footage to try and identify the bike.
© Japan Today
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A man who hits a woman is not a man
Japan’s record on safety is rapidly being eroded due to the financial pain felt by the less fortunate...
Tom Young
Nah, the internet just makes it possible for us to read what's been happening all along. Japan is still the safest country I know of.
Alan Harrison
I can remember a time when such a thing like this would have been unthinkable in Japan. But for some years now, Japan has become the Land of the Rising Rot.
I hope they catch this vile human trash. He deserves 10 years in solitary, and endless misery until he (fingers crossed soon) expires.
I just hope the poor nurse recovers fully.
Alan Harrison
I hope they catch this vile human trash. He deserves 10 years in solitary, and endless misery until he (fingers crossed soon) expires.
I just hope the poor nurse recovers fully.
Retrospectively, he is probably an ex-prisioner, and time in solitary has made him the monster he is. Japans re-offending rate is close to 70%.
I also hope that the nurse recovers fully.
70 years old, trying to ‘make a honest wage’, still working the unwanted ‘graveyard shift’ at a hospital, having to take her bike home in the cold early morning hours, with probably only her last ¥6000 stolen? You’re right @kurisupisu More “financial pain felt by the less fortunate.” Japan needs another cash handout quick to help good people like her before they need another campaign to benefit only a few. How may days to heal her injuries? Who will cover her loss of income?
N. Knight
I think this is absolutely correct. This would not have even made the smallest section of the most local news reports in the middle class area of the USA I was living 3 years ago. It's a daily multiple occurrence there and would be publicly deemed the victims fault for not taking better care.
Alan Harrison
I think this is absolutely correct. This would not have even made the smallest section of the most local news reports in the middle class area of the USA I was living 3 years ago. It's a daily multiple occurrence there and would be publicly deemed the victims fault for not taking better care.
I think this is absolutely incorrect. When I was based in Atlanta, Gerogia (before the internet) a similar thing happened. It was well covered on local TV and in the local newspapers, and there was disgust from all sections of the community.
Sven Asai
Both things (having to work hard with 70, having to rob for 6,000yen) just only happened, because the rain of BOJ printed money doesn’t reach the society’s ground at all, where needed. I wonder where all those trillions go, if not to a senior night-shift nurse and a precarious desperate robber. There is a big systemic failure, if you have to work until death and someone else has to rob your money for a basic living.
Men hit women all the time -
cue chorus of "Not all men!" from those who don't understand that use of a plural doesn't automatically mean 100% -
and of course those violent men are men, just as the men who steal, rape, kill, and fight, are men.
The suggestion that "real men don't" commit sex crimes or other acts of violence is a dangerous one. It make people believe that their neighbour, their colleague, their brother, their boyfriend, or that regular-looking guy in a suit on the subway or in the bar isn't capable of harming you. But he is, he really is.
Pushing this idea leads to victims of crime being doubted because "he looks so nice, he can't have done that!"
There is no such thing as a real or not a real man. They're all men.
Didn't take it that way. Read like they were trying to say ‘abhorrent, unchivalrous, etc’ - if they we being ‘sarcastic’, then,...
Only you have introduced the word “real” into this thread. No one has doubted the victim here. Ma-Hu-san, please your cause is noble and worthy: nobody’s debating you. - Best wishes
Agreed(this time)@SvenAsai. As we said earlier, the victim was contributing to society; just trying to earn a living, well-past a reasonable retirement age. This story illustrates ‘symptoms’ of the widening disconnect between the goverment and the populace. People have been left to ‘fend for themselves’. Ideally, it’s supposed to be symbiotic. Government should be in place to protect & sustain society so, all People can contribute to ‘the common good’.
Then what is he?
That phrase elevates being a "man" to something special, beyond crime or violence. That is wrong.
Real men should not hit women, men, children nor animals. And the same for real women.
This guy is a real loser though.
Thank you @Kumagaijin & @Sandy for recognizing the “real” issue here and not being derailed by attempts to engage us in “intersectional politics”. People agree: Violence against other people is wrong.
Shame, and heartbreaking too, hope the lock him u very soon.
What is the police going to do arrest the bike ??? They should try to identify the man that assaulted the Nurse and arrest him....
That’s got my attention, too. Maybe the bike would be considered an accomplice, just kidding. However, there is a possibility that the victim observed something unusual and uncommon about the bike, such as a rare color, various attachments, strings hanging from the handlebars, pictures of Ichiro, whatever would not normally be seen on a bicycle. This would allow the police to look for that bicycle in particular during their normal rounds.
Bicycle sin Japan have license plates.
I thought the same thing...