Japan Today

73-year-old man calls 110 to report he killed his wife

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Police in Yao City, Osaka Prefecture, on Monday arrested a 73-year-old man on suspicion of killing his wife.

According to police, Hidejiro Shiraki called 110 at around 12:35 p.m. from his home and said he had strangled his 75-year-old wife Mizuko to death, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police rushed to the house and found Mizuko collapsed in the hallway on the first floor, with a hair dryer cord wrapped around her neck.

She was taken to hospital where she was confirmed dead on arrival.

Police said the couple lived with their adult son who was out at the time.

Shiraki has so far given no motive for killing his wife, police said.

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what a sad story. Prayers for all involved.

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